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Consumer Buying

Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior Is Crucial For Businesses To
Effectively Market Their Products And Services. In This Presentation, We Will
Explore The Factors, Types, And Stages Of Consumer Buying Behavior, As Well
As Its Importance.

Definition of Consumer Buying
1 Psychological Factors 2 Social Factors
Examine the impact of perception, Analyze the effects of family, culture,
motivation, learning, and attitudes on reference groups, and social class on
consumer behavior. consumer decision-making.

3 Personal Factors
Explore the influence of age, occupation, lifestyle, personality, and self-concept on consumer
Types of Consumer Buying Behavior

Variety-Seeking Habitual Buying Dissonance-Reducing

Behavior Behavior Behavior

Consumers actively seek new Consumers develop strong brand Consumers engage in extensive
products and constantly switch loyalty and stick to purchasing information search and evaluation
brands to experience variety. the same products consistently. to reduce post-purchase dissonance.
Factors that Influence Consumer Buying
Marketing Influences Product Influences
Examine how advertising, branding, pricing, Analyze the impact of product quality, features,
and promotions shape consumer choices. packaging, and availability on consumer

Social-Media Influences Situational Influences

Explore how social media, online reviews, and Discuss how time, place, and circumstances
influencers shape consumer perceptions and impact consumer behavior and decision-
choices. making.
Stages of Consumer Buying Behavior

1 Awareness Stage
Consumers recognize a need or want and start
searching for information about potential
Evaluation Stage 2 solutions.
Consumers compare different options available in the
market based on their specific criteria and preferences.
3 Purchase Stage
Consumers make the final decision and buy the
chosen product or service.
Post-Purchase Stage 4
Consumers assess their satisfaction level and may
engage in post-purchase behaviors such as feedback
and repeat purchase.
Importance of Consumer Buying Behaviour

1 Targeted Marketing
Understanding consumer behavior helps businesses tailor marketing strategies to specific consumer needs and preferences.

2 Product Development
Insights into consumer behavior guide the development and improvement of products to meet customer expectations.

3 Brand Loyalty
Effective understanding of consumer behavior can help build strong brand loyalty and long-term customer relationships.

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