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● Onsite JSS of the Healing Sites ●Discussion with the Spiritual

● Observation Leaders and Healers
● Interview with the Spiritual ●Review of documents and data
Leaders ●On job Support on M&E Tools
● Interview with Spiritual Healers
● Interview with Healing Site
Youth Facilitators

o Collaboration and Creating Enabling
Environment o Referral and Linkage with
o Awareness Raising on HIV testing, Health Facilities
treatment, Retention and Adherence, o Monitoring/Achievements
Reduction of stigma & discrimination
o Conclusion and
and cross cutting issues ( COVID-19
prevention, Youth)

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 To review USAID/PEPFAR funded FBOs ART Retention and Adherence
Initiative Project implementation progress at Addis Ababa Healing Sites.
 To Identify the strength and areas of improvement at Selected spiritual
healing Sites
 To document lesson learned and draw ways forward on the areas of
improvement identified
 To provide hands on coaching to healing site leaders, healers & youth .

Expected Outcomes
● Establishing Collaboration
● Assessment of adequate M
● Ensuring enabling and
& E registry use
conducive environment
● Observing the healing sites
● Assessment of
● Re-orientation of the tool
● implementation status
● Measuring performance and
● Support on compatibility of
use of tool
ART and healing therapy
● Solving practical adverse

● Collaboration between the IRCE structures and Addis Ababa Health
Bureau, MENA and its sub-LIPs, Project Hope-Ethiopia, Nearby
Health offices and Healing Sites was assessed.
● As a result, the collaboration with LIPs and HFs was weak.
● Roles of actors were cleared and confusions were further resolved.
● Uniformity was inadequate within and among the healing sites.
● More Intersectoral Collaboration with LIPs & HFs was pressed.

● Very good Willingness and openness of most of the spiritual fathers,
Spiritual Healers and youth was grasped
● The main goal of the project was re-emphasized and discussed
● Conducive environment was seen
● The Spiritual leader, Spiritual father and the facilitators were
● Training was given to six religious fathers and youths
● Clients coming from out of Addis Ababa i.e. Shenkora were observed

Katila Mariam…
● Spiritual Head have better awareness on the compatibility of Spiritual
Therapy with ART in the area
● ACSM was given for a total of 17,500 number of peoples
● There is barrier among Spiritual Healers and the congregations
● Those not trained were also taking part in the site
● Context based approach of the healers was reported
● Served all religious regardless of the background of comers
● Strong regional SS was seen
● Began reporting to AA regional office
● Used M & E tools/Registry
Areas of Improvement

● Further strengthening independent healing site training

● Practicality is major issue- to be addressed
● Weak Working together and collaboration with LIPs was observed
● Clarification of roles
● Inviting HCPs and IRCE focal office to the healing sites was
● There are referrals (3) but not documented

● Collaboration was established
● There is conducive environment
● The Religious leader/Administrator/ was highly engaged
● Frequent Regional SS was testified and proved good
● Common understanding with minimal unattendance of Spiritual
Healers and youth were seen

Entoto St Mariam Church ….

● Training given to six religious fathers and youths including the

religious leader
● ACSM was given to estimated number of 9,000 peoples in
various occasions
● Reported to the AA focal officer
● Declaration of test negative was banned by the leader
● No referral and linkage and use of M & E tools
Areas of Improvement
● Independent training of the healing site
● Weak Working together and collaboration with LIPs
● Inviting HCPs and IRCE focal office to the healing sites
was recommended
● Adequate use of M & E tools/Registry
● Referral and linkage by taking the area hot spot

● Strong Collaboration was established
● There is conducive environment
● Active facilitator and healing father
● Religious Fathers have better understanding
● Training for six religious fathers and spiritual healers and
youth facilitators /two of them twice
● Frequent Regional SS

St Lideta Church ….
● ACSM was given to about 13,500 individuals
● Pre marriage HIV education was given
● Fifteen (15) were Referred and linked
● Has college
● Used M & E tools/Registry
● Reported to the AA focal officer

Areas of Improvement
● Weak collaboration with LIPs
● Independent training of the healing site was requested
● Relative use of M & E tools/Registry
● More action on registration and Referral and linkage by taking
the area hot spot

● Three Healing Sites were jointly supervised
● Eighteen (18) religious actors were trained
● An average of 40,000 ACSM was given to people in the three healing
● Mixed methods were used to deliver ACSM
● Numbers linked and referred =18
● Further Strengthening on ACSM should be given
● Actors as per their agreement should better perform the linkage and
● Role of the partners clarification will be further ensured
● Documentation / Use of M& E tools/ should be given more emphasis

● Training given Number=18
● Commenced the Project=3
● Assigned Youth Facilitators=3
● ACSM was begun and given for=40,000
● Linkage and referral was done=18

Lessons Learned on the Project, IRCE, RHBs & LIPs
 Spiritual leaders giving attention and
Direction to the Spiritual fathers and ● PLWHIV had been given
healers Priority in the healing sites E.g.
 Willingness of the religious leaders, D/Tsion Katila Mariam
Spiritual healers and Youths for the ● Observation of the Sites
project ● Further Clearance of aim of the
 Effective Communication and project should be needed
Facilitations ● Began use of registry
 Relatively Active Healing Site ● Action points given to the
delegates healing sites

● Inadequate Integration
i,.e. LIPs, WHO/HFs ● Inadequate Understanding
● Economic and food
● M & E tool Use Platforms problem of PLWHI
● Inadequate Linkage and ● Measurability issues ● Incentive
Referral ● Documentation problem● Belief
● Not posting schedule of
● Inadequate collaboration
with PLHIV associations

● Independent Intensive Training for Larger Healing sites
● Further Orientation on the aim and tool use
● Recruiting additional Spiritual Healers and Youths
● SBCC Materials development and distribution
● Strengthening Intersectoral Collaboration between the IRCE
structure, MOH structure and the LIPS and PLWHI
● More SS/JSS /RSS/engagement until the project reality was ensured
at the ground level
● Ensuring high re-engagement

● Addis Ababa Region
Health Bureau
● Project Hope-Ethiopia
● MENA and Its LIP

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