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Unit 01 : Exploring the Past

Ancient Civilizations
Look at the Pictures below and try to guess
where every monument is situated
The Arc of Trajan - Batna
Taj Mahal - India
The Pyramids of Giza - Egypt
The Great Wall of China
The Coliseum – Rome Italy
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - Irak
Indus Valley Civilization - India
The Acropolis – Greece
The Great Ziggurat of Ur - Irak
Terracotta Warriors - China
?What do these monuments symbolize
They refer to :
Ancient Civilizations
:The Begining of History
Writing appeared in Mesopotamia over 5000 years
ago invention was so important because it marked
the end of Prehistory, and the start of History.

As villages grew into towns,

towns writing was a way of
storing information about trade,
trade taxes and population.
:Four Early River/valley Civilizations
1- Sumerian Civilization (Mesopotamia) : Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

2- Egyptian Civilization (Egypt) : Nile River.

3- Indian Civilization (India) : Indus River.

4- Chinese Civilization (China) : Yellow River.
?What is the oldest Civilization

The Sumerian Civilization

?What’s a Civilization
an advanced state of human society,
in which a high level of culture, science,
industry, and government has
.been reached
Thank You

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