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IoT, short for Internet of Things, refers to the network of

interconnected physical devices, vehicles, appliances, and

other objects embedded with sensors, software, and
network connectivity that enable them to collect and
exchange data. The basic concept behind IoT is to connect
these devices and enable them to communicate and
interact with each other over the internet, creating a vast
ecosystem of interconnected smart devices.
How IoT works?
Devices and Sensors: IoT devices are typically embedded with
sensors or actuators that allow them to monitor and collect data from the
physical world. These sensors can measure various parameters such as
temperature, humidity, light, motion, pressure, etc.
Connectivity: IoT devices require some form of connectivity
to exchange data with other devices or cloud-based services.
This can be achieved through technologies like Wi-Fi, cellular
networks (3G, 4G, 5G), Bluetooth, Zigbee, or even wired
connections like Ethernet
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) refers to a wireless
system comprised of two components: tags and readers. The reader
is a device that has one or more antennas that emit radio waves and
receive signals back from the RFID tag. Tags, which use radio waves
to communicate their identity and other information to nearby
readers, can be passive or active.
Zigbee is a wireless protocol that is used to allow Smart
Devices such as light bulbs, sockets, plugs, smart locks,
motion sensors and door sensors to communicate with each
other over a "PAN" (Personal Area Network).
Data Analytics: IoT generates massive amounts of data, and analyzing
this data can provide valuable insights. Data analytics techniques, such as
machine learning and artificial intelligence, are used to extract meaningful
information, detect patterns, and make predictions based on the collected
User Interface
• The information needs to be available to the end-user in
some way which can be achieved by triggering alarms on
their phones or sending them notification through email or
text message.
o The user sometimes might need an interface which actively
checks their IoT system.
• For example, the user has a camera installed in his home.
He wants to access video recording and all the feeds with
the help of a web server.
Applications of IoT
Smart Home: IoT enables homeowners to control and automate various
aspects of their homes, including lighting, temperature, security systems,
appliances, and entertainment devices. This enhances convenience, energy
efficiency, and security
Healthcare: IoT devices are used to monitor patients' health
remotely, track medical assets, improve medication management,
and enable telemedicine. Wearable devices, such as fitness
trackers and smartwatches, are examples of IoT applications in
Smart Cities: IoT technology is used to make cities more
efficient, sustainable, and livable. Applications include smart
traffic management, waste management, parking systems, public
safety monitoring, and environmental monitoring.
Agriculture: IoT devices are used in precision farming to
monitor soil moisture, temperature, and nutrient levels. This
helps optimize irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, leading
to higher crop yields and reduced resource consumption.
Energy Management: IoT enables the monitoring and control of
energy consumption in buildings and industries. Smart meters,
energy monitoring systems, and smart grid technologies help
optimize energy usage, reduce costs, and improve sustainability.
Retail: IoT applications in retail include inventory management, shelf
monitoring, customer tracking, and personalized marketing. Retailers use IoT
devices to gain insights into consumer behavior, improve customer
experience, and streamline operations
Environmental Monitoring: IoT sensors are deployed to monitor air
quality, water quality, weather conditions, and natural habitats. This data
helps in early detection of environmental hazards, wildlife conservation,
and sustainable resource management.

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