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It’s time to share our
Check the scenario in
each post-it and
speculate on them.
Monitor modals in your
• Use different modal verbs
to speculate about past
problems and decisions
B1.5 (Speaking / Grammar)

Day 10 • Describe a bad decision

you made and what you
learned from it
(Unit 5 Task)
Check the list of problems above.
LET’S What’s another problem you had when you were a
LISTEN… teenager?
Listen to the track and complete exercise 3, page 54.
Write a short anecdote on any of these
LET’S scenarios and paste it on the wall.

REMEMBER… Add a final line describing how you feel

about it.
Back when I was in college, we had the chance to
study several different languages, but I had a job,
plus I was more into having fun, too.

I went over all of the English and Portuguese levels.

However, I now consider I must have taken more
German or French classes. I could have diversified
my business!
Check these two situations:
What do the red boxes have in common?
What do the blue boxes have in common?
If Alejandra had told him
Alejandra must have told her about her feelings, she might
school crush she liked him. have gotten married to him
last year!

Jhon can’t have been thinking He could have gotten better

well when he decided to skip Icfes results if he had paid
his English classes at school. attention to his classes.
Use these structures to speculate about things in the past.
Check the how the verb forms go:

When you’re certain about the When you are not sure about
info: the info:
I might have focused on my
My mom must have felt very studies more if I hadn’t been so
disappointed when I failed 10th much into soccer at that time.
However, I could have learned
It can’t have been a good way to less about life if I hadn’t failed
honor her efforts that year. that grade.
Complete the suggested activities below.
Visit the last link in case you need extra grammar

Grammar Practice 1 Grammar Practice 2 Grammar Definition

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