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Indonesia consists of islands and is bounded by the

sea, hence trade will use ships.

Why use a ship is needed because it can transport
large amounts of cargo and the rates are relatively
Sea transportation is divided into national trade using
intersuler shipping and international trade in the
form of export / import using ocean shipping.
Shipping of the war forces
Postal service shipping
Fishing service shipping
Coastal care shipping
Hydrography shipping
Sea freight shipping
The business of transporting goods, especially
merchandise transported by sea, whether carried out
between ports within one island is called local
shipping, or between islands is called interconsular
shipping, or between countries is called ocean
One aspect of the shipping economy that describes
the entire business of a shipping company, includes:

Preparation of goods / cargo

What have to do with government administrations
The purpose of shipping economics is how to manage a good
transport ship.
Shipping economics will discuss starting from:
Ship procurement
Procurement of crew
Procurement of food on board
Repair of ship engines
Procurement of ship spare parts
Insurance of ships and their cargo
Insurance of the captain and crew and includes operating
the ship efficiently and effectively
Shipping economics talks more about costs and
sources of revenue.
Shipping companies will run well if cost control can
be managed properly, especially the costs needed by
National trade procedures are much simpler with
international trade using international regulations, as
well as international shipping using international
With the realization of free trade (globalization),
each country competes to increase the number of
exports, of course, it will increase the need for sea
transportation. With the era of globalization,
conventional ships are displaced with a
containerization system, which will save
transportation costs and speed up loading / unloading
so that relative costs will be lower
According to the Shipping Law No. 17 of 2008, ships
are water vehicles of certain shapes and types that are
driven by wind power, mechanical power, other
energy, towed or delayed, including vehicles with
dynamic carrying power, vehicles below the surface of
the water, as well as floating devices and floating
buildings that do not move
1. Merchant ship
- A merchant ship is a ship used to transport merchandise
moving from one port to another.Kapal niaga :
Freighter :
- General cargo, loading general goods

Lighter carrier, ship transporting loaded barges

Ships (bulk carrier, ships with one deck transporting
unpacked/poured payloads)
- Chemical vessels
LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) Vessels
Full container
Semi container ship
Ro-Ro ship, a ship loading vehicles and cargo in
2. Passenger ships
- Regular passenger ships
3. Non Merchan Ships
- Warship
Research vessel
Fishing vessel
Missionary ship
Tug boat
Non-regular passenger ship (tourist)
Privately owned passenger ships
Commercial ships are used for trading purposes so that to
calculate ship revenue, measurements such as tons and
cubication or a mixture of tons / cubication multiplied by
the rental / transportation rate of goods on board
1 ton Metric =1.000 kg
1 LT (Long Ton) = 1016 kg = 2240 Lbs (UK)
1 ST ( Short Ton) = 907kg = 2000 Lbs (US)
1 RT ( Registered Ton) = 100 cft = 2,83 m3
1 GRT ( Gross Registered Ton) = 100 cft = 2,83 m3
For example:
1. GRT ( Gross Registered Ton) is a measure of the gross contents of the ship's
room or the total room in cubic feet divided by 100
 NRT is GRT minus =

Space for bunker and water

Engine room and shaft tunnel
Skipper and Crew Room (ABK)
Anchor space
Ballast water chamber
Supply room
So NRT is the space available for goods and passengers
2. NRT (Net Registered Ton) is a net measure of ship space for
cargo in the form of goods and passengers
3. DT (Displacement Tonnage) is a lot of water that the
ship moves (Architecture Formula) when the ship is
fully loaded
Displacement is divided into two, namely:
1. Loaded Displacement is the weight of the ship and its
cargo at the maximum draft allowed by regulations
Light Displacement is the weight of the ship in an
empty state
4. DWT (Deadweight Tonnage) is the difference
between Displacement Tonnage Loaded and
Displacement Light, namely the maximum load
weight up to the highest load (Full and Down Cargo).
The components included in DWT, are:
- Ship hull used during the voyage
Fresh water that ships need
Ship equipment and inventory
5. Cargo capacity is the carrying capacity of ships
carrying cargo (DWT) minus bunkers, water, supplies
and spare parts. Cargo capacity is also called
Deadweight Cargo.
The shipping area for ships is limited according to the
size of the ship and sailing permits are granted by the
authorities (Related Agencies)
1. Local shipping is a shipping business that moves
within certain regional boundaries within one
province or two provinces such as South Sumatra
with West Java and according to regulations no more
than a radius of 200 miles the chartered ships are
small enough with a load capacity of up to 200 DWT
2. Coastal Cruise or inter-island cruise or interconsular
voyage called Pelayaran Nusantara The area of
operation of this voyage is only in the territory of
Indonesia. Shipping companies must have at least 2
ships with a tonnage of 3000 m3 or 1200 GRT
3. People's Shipping can be local and can be classified
between islands, as a traditional community business
and is part of the transportation business in waters
that have an important role and their own
People's shipping sea freight fleets can be operated
domestically and across borders, both with fixed and
regular routes and irregular and irregular routes
4. Ocean Voyages are voyages that operate between
countries or internationally, so the ships used by
these voyages must follow International Regulations
A. Fixed Cruise (Liner Service) is a cruise that has a
fixed and regular route so that departure and arrival
schedules can be known and transportation rates
can be made standard and have the terms of a
transportation agreement that remains generally
Tramping (capricious) sailing or can be said to be free
sailing and not bound by fixed norms. The fare game
is highly competitive and tramping efforts can be run
at low costs

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