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Feasibility of Utilizing Plastics (Polyethylene)

as a Fossil Fuel Alternative to Alleviate Price


Lance Ronald A. Reyes

Athea Marie C. Lumbre
Jemima Francin I. Navarro

STE 10 - Nobel
Price hikes are causing a shift towards sustainable
energy alternatives, such as plastics made from fossil
fuels. Pyrolysis, a process that converts plastic waste into
liquid hydrocarbons, reduces the need for fossil fuels and
bridges the gap between conventional and sustainable
energy sources. This approach benefits both businesses
and consumers by providing pricing stability and
reducing transportation costs.
Background and Problem

• Government Agencies
• Future Researchers
• Society
• Transport Cooperatives
• Manufacturing Companies
Proposed Solution to the Problem

Figure 1. Flow chart cancelation

Methods/Details of the Proposed Solution

Figure 2. Pyrolysis

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