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 Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an
orange seed is squeezed many embryos of different shapes
and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened.
 Ans: Some nucellar cells / diploid cells / integument cells
surrounding the embryo sac start dividing and protrude into
the embryo sac and develop into embryos. (In such species
each ovule contains many embryos-polyembryony).
Differentiate between albuminous and non-albuminous seeds,
giving one example of each.
Ans. Albuminous -(with residual) endosperm is not completely used
up during embryonic development eg,wheat /maize / castor /
Non albuminous - (without residual) endosperm is completely
consumed during embryonic development eg. pea / groundnut.
 Draw a diagram of a male gametophyte of an
angiosperm. Label any four parts. Why is
sporopollenin considered the most resistant organic
material ?
 Sporopollenin can withstand high temperature / strong
acids / strong alkali.
(a) Draw a labeled diagram of the human female
reproductive system.
(b) Enumerate the events in the ovary of a human female
during : (i) Follicular phase (ii) Luteal phase of menstrual
Ans: b) (i) Follicular phase-primary follicles grow and mature,
secretion of estrogen, first meiotic division.
(ii) Luteal phase - development of corpus luteum, secretion
of progesterone
(a) Write the specific location and the functions of the
following cells in human males :
(i) Leydig cells
(ii) Sertoli cells
(iii) Primary spermatocyte
Ans. (a) (i) Leydig cells - found in interstitial spaces between
somniferous tubules ,secrete androgens / testosterone.
(ii) Sertoli cells -found in between spermatocyte inside
somniferous tubules, nourish developing spermatozoa / sperms /
germ cells.
(iii) Primary spermatocyte -found in the inner lining of
somniferous tubules,they undergo meiosis and form sperms
(b) Explain the role of any two accessory glands in human
male reproductive system.
The accessory glands are seminal vesicle, protstate gland,
bulbourethral gland Secretions of these glands constitute
seminal plasma which is rich in fructose, Calcium and certain
enzymes provide nourishment to sperms / Secretions of
bulbourethral glands also help in lubrication of penis.
 Write the characteristic features of anther, pollen and
stigma of wind pollinated flower.
Ans: Pollen – light/ large number/ non-sticky.
 How do flowers rewards their insect pollinators?
Ans: Provide nectar/ food for the larvae/ pollen grains/ safe
place to lay eggs.
 Give a schematic representation showing the events of
spermatogenesis in human male.
 Describe the structure of a human sperm.

 Describe the sequence the events that lead to the
development of a 3 celled pollen grain from microspore
mother cell in angiosperms.
Ans: Microspore mother cell, meiosis, 4 haploid microspores,
tetrad, each microspore is a pollen grains, with two layered
wall- outer exine and inner intine, pollen grains contains one
larger vegetative cell, and a smaller generative cell, which
divides mitotically, into two male gametes.
(a) Name the organic material exine of the pollen grain is
made up of. How is this material advantageous to pollen
grain ?
Ans: Sporopollenin.
Most resistant to high temperature / strong acids / alkali / no
enzymes can degrade it
(b) Still it is observed that it does not form a continuous layer
around the pollen grain. Give reason.
Ans: (Germs pores) to allow pollen tube to emerge out / pollen
© How are ‘pollen banks’ useful ?
Ans: Helps in storing pollen grains for years / for crop breeding
(a) Explain the menstrual phase in a human female. State the levels of
ovarian and pituitary hormones during this phase.
Ans: Menstrual phase occurs when released ovum not fertilized , break down
of endometrial lining (of the uterus) and its blood vessel form the liquid that
comes out through the vagina , lasts for 3 to 5 days .
Level of ovarian and pituitary hormones fall.
b) Why is follicular phase in the menstrual cycle also referred as
proliferative phase ? Explain.
Ans: Primary follicle grows into graafian follicle under the influence of LH
& FSH , regeneration of endometrium (under the influence of estrogen)
c) Explain the events that occur in a graafian follicle at the time of
ovulation and there after.
Ans: Graafian follicle ruptures to release the ovum (secondary oocyte) ,
remaining parts of the Graafian follicle transform into corpus luteum
d) Draw a graafian follicle and label antrum and secondary oocyte.
a) As a senior biology student you have been asked to
demonstrate to the students of secondary level in your
school, the procedure(s) that shall ensure cross-pollination in
a hermaphrodite flower. List the different steps that you
would suggest and provide reasons for each one of them.
 Ans: Emasculation , removal of anthers from the flower bud
before the anther dehisce to avoid self pollination.
 Bagging , to prevent contamination of its stigma with unwanted
pollen grains.
 Rebagging , the stigma of the mature ovary are dusted with
desired pollen grains and rebagged to allow the fruit to develop
 Draw a diagram of a section of a megasporangium of an
angiosperm and label funiculus, micropyle, embryo sac and
a) A pollen grain in angiosperm at the time of dehiscence
from an anther could be 2-celled or 3-celled. Explain. How
are the cells placed within the pollen grain when shed at a
2-celled stage ?
Ans: In 2-celled stage the mature pollen grain contains a
generative and vegetative cell, whereas in 3-celled stage one
vegetative cell and two male gametes are present . The
generative cell floats in the cytoplasm of vegetative cell
(a) Can a plant flowering in Mumbai be pollinated by pollen
grains of the same species growing in New Delhi ? Provide
explanations to your answer.
Ans: Yes, By artificial means.

b) Draw the diagram of a pistil where pollination has

successfully occurred. Label the parts involved in reaching
the male gametes to its desired destination.
a) Explain the following phases in the menstrual cycle of” a
human female: (i) Menstrual phase (ii) Follicular phase (iii)
Luteal phase.
(i) Menstrual phase - first 3-5 days of the cycle where menstrual
flow occurs due to break down of endometrial lining of uterus,
if the released ovum is not fertilized.
(ii) Follicular phase - from 5th to 14th day of the cycle where the
primary follicles grow to become a fully mature Graafian
follicle , endometrium of uterus regenerates , Graafian follicle
ruptures to release ova (ovulation on 14th day)
(iii) Luteal Phase - During 15th to 28th day remaining parts of
graafian follicle transform into corpus luteum , secretion of
progesterone (essential for maintenance of endometrium)
b) A proper understanding of menstrual cycle can help
immensely in family planning. Do you agree with the
statement ? Provide reasons for your answer.
Ans: Yes , can take appropriate precautions between 10th to 17th
day of the menstrual cycle when the chances of fertilization are

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