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CT Calculation

Where For 2000 amps

Vk = Knee point voltage of CT 3700 Volts
RB = Resistance of relay 7SA522 = 0.05 ohms
Rr = Relay resistance
RCT = CT secondary winding resistance = 3.1 ohms
RL = Lead resistance of cable.
For 6 copper cable, RL= 3.08 ohm/kmeter at 20ºC.
α at 20ºC = 0.004, RL at 75ºC = RL(1+α20(T2-T1)) RL = 1.88 ohms
Consider length of cable = 500 meters. 2RL= 3.76 ohms
I P = Nominal ( rated) CT primary Current = 2000 amps
I S = Nominal ( rated) CT secondary Current = 1 amps
ISCC max = Maximum short circuit current-Three phase = 63000 amps
VK CT knee point voltage specified = 3700 volts
X/R = System ratio = 17
I f = Maximum value of through fault current for
stability ( multiple of Is) = I SCC max / IP = 31.50
( I f )x( X/R) = 535.5
Tp = Primary time constant, (L/R)

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