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Terminology of drug action (Part 1)

02 UNIT 5
Terminology of drug action (Part 2)
Terminology of drug action (Part 1 )
Drug use:
- Drug use consists in using any substance for its intended purpose, for example it would include taking an
antibiotic or sleeping pill as prescribed.

Antibiotic (cN) /ˌæn.ti.baɪˈɒt.ɪk/:

a medicine or chemical thatcan destroy harmful bacteria in the
body or limit their growth  Kháng sinh

Pill (cN) /pɪl/: a small solid piece of medicine that a person

swallows without chewing (= crushing with the teeth)  Viên nén
Drug misuse:
- Drug misuse is when people take medicines in a way not recommended by their doctor or by the manufacturer.
- For example they take drugs in very large quantities that are dangerous to their health or they take them at more
frequent intervals than prescribed.

Misuse (v) /ˌmɪsˈjuːz/: to use something in

an unsuitable way or in a way that was not
intended  dùng sai cách

Interval (cN) /ˈɪn.tə.vəl/: a period between

two events or times  Khoảng cách thời

Prescribed (adj) /prɪˈskraɪbd/: set by a rule

or order  Kê đơn
- Drug tolerance occurs when a subject’s reaction to a psychoactive drug ( such as a painkiller, alcohol)
decreases so that larger doses are requited to achieve the same effect.
- As an example, if you are an occasional drinker, you maybe become intoxicated after the drinking three
- The rate at which an individual developes tolerance to a drug depends on the individual’s genetic, the dose
of the drug, the size of the person, and the frequency of drug administration

Tolerance (n) /ˈtɒl.ər.əns/: willingness to accept

behaviour and beliefs that are different from
your own, although you might not agree with
or approve of them  Sự dung nạp

Psychoactive (adj) /ˌsaɪ.kəʊˈæk.tɪv/: A

psychoactive drug affects your mind  Kích
thích thần kinh
- Drug tolerance occurs when a subject’s reaction to a psychoactive drug ( such as a painkiller,
alcohol) decreases so that larger doses are requited to achieve the same effect.
- As an example, if you are an occasional drinker, you maybe become intoxicated after the
drinking three beers.
- The rate at which an individual developes tolerance to a drug depends on the individual’s
genetic, the dose of the drug, the size of the person, and the frequency of drug administration

Dose (cN) /dəʊs/: a measured amount of something such as medicine  Liều lượng
Intoxicated (adj) /ɪnˈtɒk.sɪ.keɪ.tɪd/: having lost some control of your actions or
behaviour under the influence of alcohol or another drug  Say xỉn

Genetics (n) /dʒəˈnet.ɪks/: the study of how, in all living things, the characteristics
and qualities of parents are given to their children by their genes  Gen
- It is defined as a chronic pathological condition characterized by compulsive drug- seeking
and abuse and by long-lasting chemical changes in the brain.
- This generally occurs with depressant drugs, which include alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers,
and opiates.
- The individual has an overpowering need for the substance, object, or activity that produces a
psychological and/or physiological dependence.

- Chronic (adj) (/ˈkrɒn.ɪk/): (especially of a disease or something bad)

continuing for a long time  mãn tính  chronic pathological: bệnh lý
mãn tính
- Abuse (v) (/əˈbjuːz/):to use something for the wrong purpose in a way
that is harmful or morally wrong  lạm dụng
- Tranquilizer (n) (/ˈtræŋ.kwə.laɪ.zɚ/): a drug used to makea person or
animal calmer  thuốc an thần
- Opiate (n) (/ˈəʊ.pi.ət/): a drug that contains opium, especially one that
causes sleep  thuốc phiện
- Overpowering (adj) (/ˌəʊ.vəˈpaʊə.rɪŋ/): Too strong to be able to
continue or resist  áp đảo
Withdrawal Symptoms:
- Psychological withdrawal symptoms, include restlessness, irritability, inability to sleep, depression,
and sleep disturbances anh sometimes convulsions that may lead to death.

- Symptoms (n) (/ˈsɪmp.təm/): any feeling of illness or physical or

mental change that is caused by a particular disease  triệu chứng

- Restlessness (adj) (/ˈrest.ləs.nəs/): the quality of being unwilling

or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are
worried or bored  bồn chồn

- Irritability (n) (/ˌɪr.ɪ.təˈbɪl.ə.ti/): the quality of becoming annoyed

very easily  khó chịu

- Disturbance (n) (/dɪˈstɜː.bəns/): something that interrupts someone

or makes someone feel worried  biến loạn
- Stimulants ( in slang “upper” ) are a group of drugs that tend to stimulate the central nervous system.
- Stimulants are used therapeuticallyto increaseor maintain alertness, to counteract fatigue in
situations where sleep is not partical.
- The euphoria produced by some stimulants leads to their recreational use , although this is illegal in
the majority of jurisdictions .

- Stimulant(n) /ˈstɪmjələnt/: a drug or substance that makes you feel

more active and gives you more energy.  chất kích thích
- Alertness(n) /əˈlɜːtnəs/: the ability to think quickly and to notice
things.  sự tỉnh táo
- Fatigue(adj) /fəˈtiːɡ/: a feeling of being extremely tired, usually
because of hard work or exercise.  quá mệt mỏi.
- Jurisdiction(n) /dʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃn/: the authority that an official
organization has to make legal decisions about somebody/something.
 thẩm quyền, quyền hạn
- A depressants drug, referred to in slang as a “downer”, is a chemical agent that diminishes the
function or activity of a specific part of the body.
- Depressant drugs produce slowed brain function and a growsy or calm feeling, and are generally
prescribed to relieve symptoms of anxiety and insomnia.
- The most common depressants used in medicine are generally divided into two classes, namely
barbiturates and benzodiazepines.

- Depressant(n) /dɪˈpresnt/: a drug that slows the rate of the body’s functions. 
antidepressant: thuốc trị bệnh trầm cảm

- Drowsy (=sleepy) (adj) /ˈdraʊzi/: tired and wanting to sleep  buồn ngủ

- Insomnia (adj) /ɪnˈsɒmniə/: the condition of being unable to sleep  chứng mất ngủ

- Barbiturate(n) /bɑːˈbɪtʃərət/: a powerful drug that makes you feel calm and relaxed or
puts you to sleep. There are several types of barbiturate.  thuốc an thần
- Antibiotic (cN) Kháng sinh - Opiate (n) thuốc phiện
- Pill (cN) Viên nén - Overpowering (adj) áp đảo
- Misuse (v) dùng sai cách - Restlessness ( adj) bồn chồn
- Interval (cN) Khoảng cách thời gian - Irritability (n) khó chịu
- Prescribed (adj) Kê đơn - Disturbance (n) biến loạn
- Tolerance (n) Sự dung nạp - Stimulant ( n) chất kích thích
- Psychoactive (adj) Kích thích thần kinh - Alertness (n) sự tỉnh táo
- Dose (cN) Liều lượng - Fatigue (adj) quá mệt mỏi.
- Intoxicated (adj) Say xỉn - Jurisdiction (n) thẩm quyền, quyền hạn
- Genetics (n) Gen - Depressant (n) à antidepressant:
- Chronic (adj) mãn tính thuốc trị bệnh trầm
- Abuse (v) lạm dụng cảm
- Tranquilizer (n) thuốc an thần - Drowsy ( adj) buồn ngủ
- Insomnia (adj) chứng mất ngủ
- Barbiturate (n)thuốc an thần
Complete the sentences with the following prepositions

Of By For To x2 As x2 Into On After In x3

1.Drug misuse is when you take medicines in

….. away not prescribed by
….. your doctor
at which an individual develops tolerance …..
2.The rate ….. to a drug depends …..
on that individual’s
3.The term depressant is used ….
in particular with regard ….
to the cenral nervous system.
4.The most common depressants used in into two classes
…. medicine are generally divided .....
at occasional intervals you may become intoxicated after
5. If you drink ….. ….. drinking three beers
6. In the caseof for the substance
….. addition, the individual has an overpowering need …..

Legal drugs Illegal drugs Medicine drug


Dizzy Convultions

Antibiotic Amphetamine
Dialogue 1 (trang 45)
diluted (a): bị pha loãng​
- triathlon (n): thể thao ba môn phối hợp​
- swelling (n): sự sưng tấy​ Ch_02_08_Post_Asses
- inflammation (n): chứng sưng, chứng sment_Dialogue_1.mp3
- stinging (a): nhức nhối

Dialogue 2
cataract: đục thủy tinh thể sment_Dialogue_2.mp3
Dialogue 1
4. _____ The patient probably got the ear infection:​
1. _____ The patient has a prescription for: A. swimming in a pool​
A. a topical antibiotic ​ B. swimming in Cooper River​
B. an antibiotic​ C. swimming in a pool and in Cooper River
C. an antihistamine “So I spend a lot of time in a pool in Cooper River training”
“The doctor gave me a prescription for an antibiotic.”​ 5. _____ The patient tells the pharmacist he has:​
A. never had swimmer’s ear before​
2. _____ The patient tells the pharmacist he: B. had swimmer’s ear a couple of times​
A. is a fast swimmer​ C. had swimmer’s ear only one time before
B. has swimmer’s ear​ “Yeah. Couple of times”
C. can only swim above his ears 6. _____ The patient tells the pharmacist that he:​
“I have swimmer’s ear” A. usually puts diluted vinegar in his ear and takes Tylenol for
3. _____ The pharmacist tells the patient the prescription is for:​ pain when he has swimmer’s ear​
A. cortisol​ B. never puts diluted vinegar in his ear when he has swimmer’s
B. cortisone​ ear​
C. cortisporin C. has only taken Tylenol when he has swimmer’s ear
“Sure. It’s for Cortisporin Otic Solution.” “Yeah. Couple of times, usually I just put diluted vinegar in my
ears, take Tylenol for the pain”
7. _____ The pharmacist tells the patient that the 10. _____ The side effects of the antibiotic could include:​
antibiotic will:​ A. a plugged ear​
A. stop the growth of bacteria only​ B. a ruptured ear​
B. reduce the swelling and inflammation only​ C. hearing loss
C. stop and reduce the growth of bacteria and reduce “And call the doctor if you feel your ear experiencing some
the swelling and inflammation hearing loss.”
“It will help to stop the growth of bacteria in your 11. _____ The patient told the pharmacist he will:​
ears. And it will reduce the swelling and A. read the directions and instructions in the package
inflammation that is causing the pain.” and run a marathon in 1 week​
8. _____ The doctor prescribed the patient to put ​B. read the directions and instructions in the package and run
drops in his ear:​ a triathlon in 1 month​
A. three to four times a week​ ​C. read the directions and instructions in the package and run
B. thirty-four times a day​ a biathlon in about 1 month
C. three to four times a day “I know. And I have a triathlon coming up in a month.”
“Your doctor has prescribed 3-4 times a day.” “Ok. I read the directions and instructions in the package.
9. _____ The pharmacist told the patient he should 12. _____ The patient’s name is:​
start feeling better in:​ A. Michael E. Frank and his birth date is February 2, 1960​
A. 35 days​ B. Michael P. Frances and his birth date is February 2, 1960​
B. 3 to 5 days​ C. Michael P. Francis and his birth date is February 2, 1960
C. 3 to 5 weeks
“You should start feeling better in 3-5 days.”
Dialogue 2
6. _____ The patient’s birth date is:​
A. December 14, 1928​
B. December 4, 1938​
1. _____ The patient has just had:​
C. December 4, 1948
A. hip surgery​
“My birthday is on December 4th,1938.”
B. cataract surgery​
7. _____ The patient is allergic to:​
C. foot surgery
A. penicillin and is taking other medications​
B. ampicillin and is taking other medications​
2. _____ The pharmacist on duty is:​
C. penicillin and is not taking other medications
A. Miss Newman​
“Mrs. Burns, are you allergic to any medication?”​
B. Dr. Newmark​
“Yes, penicilin.”​
C. Mr. Newmark
“Are you taking any other medication?”​
3. _____ The patient’s prescription is for:​
“No, not right now.”
A. conjunctivitis​
8. _____ Upon putting the eyedrops in the eye, the patient may
B. inflammation​
C. a laceration
A. dry eye​
4. _____ The name of the drug is:​
B. burning and stinging​
A. Levitra​
C. crusty eye
B. Lotemax​
9. _____ The patient should call the doctor immediately if she:​
C. Lamisil
A. goes for her 2-mile walk​
B. experiences dizziness, a rash, itching, and difficulty breathing​
5. _____ The patient’s name is:​
C. gets itchy while she walks
A. Edeline Burn​
10. _____ The pharmacist is glad the patient has:​
B. Ethel Burns​
A. a good sense of humor​
C. Ethel Byrnes
B. no sense of humor​
C. a bad sense of humor
Terminology of drug action (Part 2 )
Cross Tolerance and Cross Dependence:
- As an example , people who are dependent upon alcohol show an increased tolerance barbiturates
, synthetic and natural opiate narcotics , and anesthetics .

-Barbiturate /bɑːˈbɪtʃərət/(n): a powerful drug that

makes you feel calm and relaxed or puts you to sleep.
There are several types of barbiturate. → thuốc an

-Anaesthetic /ˌænəsˈθetɪk/(n): a drug that makes a

person or an animal unable to feel anything,
especially pain → thuốc gây mê
- As an example , Phenergan ( R ) , an antihistamine , whe given with a painkilling narcotic such
as Demerol ( R ) intensifies its effect , therefore the amount of the narcotic needed can be cut
down .

-Antihistamine /ˌæntiˈhɪstəmiːn/(n): a drug

used to treat allergies, especially hay fever
→ thuốc dị ứng

-Narcotic /nɑːˈkɒtɪk/(n): a powerful illegal

drug that affects the mind in a harmful way.
→ thuốc ngủ, thuốc mê, ma tuý
- One of the biggest problems with many drugs , especially antibiotics , is an allergic or hypersensitive
reaction .

- An allergic reaction can range from hives , itching , and nausea to a shock in which the person can die .

- This sometimes occurs to individuals handling drugs , such as nurses , pharmacists , and veterinarians .

-Hypersensitivity /ˌhaɪpəˌsensəˈtɪvəti/ (n): a medical condition that causes the body to have
extreme physical reactions to particular substances, medicines, light, etc. → quá mẫn cảm

-Allergic /əˈlɜːdʒɪk/(adj) having an allergy to something → dị ứng

-Veterinarian /ˌvetərɪˈneəriən/(n): a person who has been trained in the science of animal
medicine, whose job is to treat animals who are sick or injured → bác sĩ thú y
Side Effects:
- Some side effects can cause serious problems , such as abnormal production of red blood cells called
a plastic anemia , or stomach bleeding from the consumption of too much aspirin

Anaemia /əˈniːmiə/(n): a medical

condition in which somebody has too
few red cells → thiếu máu
Hypersensitivity (n) quá mẫn
Allergic (adj) dị ứng
Veterinarian (n) bác sĩ thú y

Barbiturate (n) thuốc an thần

Anaesthetic(n): thuốc gây mê
Anaemia (n) thiếu máu
Antihistamine (n) thuốc dị ứng
Narcotic (n) thuốc ngủ, thuốc
mê, ma tuý
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

has developed ( develop ) a tolerance to a drug in a certain____________(

1. If a person ________ classification classify ),
that person is more likely to develop tolerance with another drug in that classification.
withdrawal (withdraw) symptoms from one drug in a
2. In the case of cross dependence, the ________
be relieved ( relieve ) by another drug.
classification can ________
__________ (Potentiate) occurs when two drugs are taken together and one of them potentiates
intensifies ( intensify ) the action of the other.
or ________
reaction (react) can range from hives, itching, and nausea to a shock that may also
4. An allergic _______
cause _______(die)
sleepiness (sleep) due to antihistamines is used by OTC manufacturers to
5. The main effect of ______
promote sleep.

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