Mehebub Alam PT-101

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Pharmaceutical Analysis – Method of expressing

concentration, Standards and standardization of
various solutions
Roll number: 04
Registration number:
Subject name: Pharmaceutical Analysis - I
Subject code: PT- 101
Semester: 1st
Year: 1st
Academic year: 2023-2024
Course name: B. Pharm
Submitted to : Assistant prof. Maruf Hossain


1. Introduction 3-4

2. Methods of expressing concentration 5-8

3. Primary and secondary standard solution 9

4. Standardization of various solutions 10-12

5. Conclusion 13

6. References 14

Pharmaceutical Analysis :

 Pharmaceutical analysis is a branch of practical chemistry that involves a series of process for
identification, determination, quantification and purification of a substance, separation of the components
of a solution or mixture or determination of structure of chemical compounds.
 Ex: The substance may be simple, single compound, mixture of compounds and may be in of the dosage
 The substance used as pharmaceuticals are animal, plants, micro-organisms, minerals and various synthetic
 The sample to be analyzed is called “Analyte” and on the basis of size of the sample, they can be classified
 Macro  0.1 gm
 Semi micro0.01-0.1 gm
 Micro 0.001-0.01 gm
 Sub micro0.0001-0.001 gm
 Ultra-micro100-10000ppm

Types of Analysis

1 2
Qualitative Quantitative
Analysis Analysis
(Identification) (estimation)

What substance are present

in the given sample.
Various qualitative tests – To determine the quantity
1. Detection of evolved gas of each component in the
given sample
2. Formation of
3. Limit test
4. Colour change reaction
5. Melting point and
boiling point test.


Different ways of expressing concentration

4.Formal concentration
5.Percent solution
6.Parts Per Million (ppm)


 The normality of a solution gives the number of gram equivalents of the solute present in one liter of
the solution.
 Normality is indicated by N.

 Equivalent weight =

 If one gram equivalent of a solute is present in one liter of the solution, the concentration of solutions
is said to be 1 normal.
 1N = Normal = One gram equivalent of the solute per liter of solution = Normality is 1
 N/2 = Seminormal = 0.5 g equivalent of the solute per liter of solution = Normality is 0.5
 N/10 = Decinormal = 0.1 g equivalent of the solute per liter of solution = Normality is 0.1
 N/100 = Centinormal = 0.01 g equivalent of the solute per liter of solution = Normality is 0.01
 N/1000 = Millinormal = 0.001 g equivalent of the solute per liter of solution =Normality is 0.001


 The molarity of a solution gives the number of gram molecules of the solute present in one liter of the solution.
Molarity is indicated by M.

 Molarity(M) =
 For example, 1 mol solution of KCl means that 1 mol of KCl is dissolved in 1 L of water.
 Unit of molarity : mol .
 Example: 1M NaOH Molecular weight = 23+16+1 = 40 gm
1M=40 gm  1 lit of solution
0.1M=4 gm 1 lit of solution
 HCl = 1+35.5=36.5 gm of HCl in 1 lit of solution.


 Molality of a solution is the gram molecular weight of the substance in 1 kg of solution. Denoted by m.
 Molality =
 If one gram molecule of a solute is present in 1 kg of the solvent, the concentration of solutions is said to be one
 The unit of molarity is mol .
 Example: NaOH=23+16+1=40 gm of NaOH in 1000 gm of water.
 Molality is the most convenient method to express the concentration of solutions because it involves the mass of liquids
rather than their volumes. It is also independent of the variation in temperature.

Formal concentration
Some substances do not exist in molecular form, they remain in ionic form in solid state as well as in solution. In such cases grams of
molecular weight ; formula weight is used in preparation of solution and its concentration is expressed in terms of formality.

F = *Formula weight

Percent solution

Sometimes concentration is expressed in percent (parts per hundred) composition of a solution can expressed as
1. percent W/W = *100
Percent W/W frequently employed to express the concentration of commercial aqueous reagent.
2. percent V/V = *100
Percent V/V used to specify the concentration of a solution prepared by diluting a pure liquid with another liquid .
3. percent W/V= *100
percent W/V employed to indicate the composition of dilute aqueous solution of solid reagents.

Parts Per Million and Parts Per Billion (ppm and ppb)

 Parts per million is frequently employed to express the concentration of very dilute solution and is expressed
as PPM .
 Concentration in PPM = * 10⁶ ppm
 Ppm and ppb are used to express the concentration of impurities in pharmaceuticals.


Standard solution:
In pharmaceutical analysis, the word standard means a material containing a substance with known concentration.
Functions of standard solution:
1. To provide a reference for determining the concentration of unknown concentration
2. Standardization of volumetric solution
3. To calibrate an instrument
4. Preparation of secondary standard
Primary standard:
It is a reagent which is very pure generally representative of the number of moles of the substance containing and easily
weighed. It should satisfy the following requirements -
5. Easy to obtain, to purify, to dry, and to preserve in a pure state
6. The substance must be unaltered in air during weighing (i.e. non-hygroscopic non-oxidized)
7. The total amount of impurities should not exceed 0.01-0.02%
8. It should have a high equivalent so that the weighing errors may be negligible
9. The primary standard should be readily soluble under the condition in which it is employed
10. The titration error should be negligible or easy to demonstrate accurately by experiment The substances commonly
employed as primary standards examples of acid-base titration, oxidation-reduction titration.
Secondary standard:
It is a chemical which is standardized against a primary standard for use in a specific analysis. It follows that a secondary
standard solution is a solution in which the concentration of dissolved solute has not been determined from the weight of the
compound dissolved but by reaction of a volume of the solution against a measured volume of primary standard solution.
Example: most of the alkali hydroxides NaOH, KOH.


Standardization is the process of determining the exact concentration (molarity) of a solution. Titration is one type of analytical
procedure often used in standardization. In a titration, an exact volume of one substance is reacted with a known amount of
another substance.

Significance of Standardization:
1. Accuracy in Quantitative Analyses: Standardization ensures that the solutions used in analytical procedures have known and
precise concentrations, minimizing errors in quantitative analyses.
2. Calibration of Instruments: Standardized solutions are crucial for calibrating analytical instruments such as spectrophotometers
and pH meters, ensuring accurate measurements.
3. Comparability of Results: Standardized solutions provide a common reference point, allowing results obtained in different
laboratories or by different analysts to be compared and validated.

Standardization Of 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide Solution:

 NaOH, Mol wt. 40 g/mol , Acidity1

 Preparation of 0.1M sodium hydroxide:
• Weigh accurately 4.0 gm of sodium hydroxide and transfer it to 100ml distilled water in a beaker with continuous stirring.
• Make up the volume to 1000ml with distilled water. Keep the solution for at least an hour and them carry out
 Standardization of 0.1M NaOH:
• Weigh accurately 0.5 gm of KHP and transfer into a conical flask.
• Add total volume of 50-75 ml of water. Dissolve the sample properly.
• Add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator to the flask and titrate it against 0.1M NaOH until it gives pale pink color as
end point.
• Each 1ml of 0.1M NaOH = = 0.0204 gm of KHP

Standardization Of 0.1 N Sodium Thiosulfate :
 Na2S2O3.5H2O Mol Wt. 248.18
 Preparation of 0.1N Potassium dichromate:
Weigh accurately about 1.227 gm of Potassium dichromate in 250ml Volumetric flask and makeup to volume with distilled
 Preparation of 0.1N Sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3.5H2O):
• Dissolved accurately about 25g of Sodium thiosulphate in 1000ml of freshly boiled distilled water.
• Improve its stability by adding 0.1g of Sodium carbonate, stored the solution overnight and filter.
 Standardization of 0.1N Sodium thiosulphate with potassium dichromate:
• 10ml of 0.1N Potassium dichromate solution is taken in iodine flask.
• To this solution add 5ml of potassium iodide solution (10%) and add 5ml of 1M H2SO4 Cover the iodine flask
with stopper. keep the solution in dark for 10minutes.
• The liberated iodine is titrated with 0.1N Sodium thiosulphate until the solution becomes pale yellow.
• Introduce 5drops of starch indicator and titrate with constant stirring till the appearance of blue color.

Standardization Of 0.1M Sulphuric Acid Solution :

 H₂SO₄ Mol wt. 98g , Basicity 2
 Preparation of 0.1M sulphuric acid:
• Add 6ml of concentrated sulphuric acid to about 800 ml distilled water.
• Make up to volume 1000 ml with distilled water and cool the solution to 25°C.
 Standardization of 0.1M sulphuric acid :
• Weigh accurately 0.2gm of anhydrous sodium carbonate previously heated at 270°C for 1hr
• Dissolve it in 100 ml of water and add 0.1 ml of methyl red solution.
• Add acid slowly from burette with continuous stirring, until the solution becomes faint pink.
• Heat the solution to boiling, cool and continue the titration.
• Heat again to boiling and titrate further as necessary until faint pink color is no longer affected by boiling.
• 1 ml of 0.1M sulphuric acid = 0.0106 gm of Sodium carbonate.

Standardization Of 0.1N Potassium Permanganate :
 KMnO₄ Mol wt. 158g
 Preparation of 0.1N Potassium permanganate:
• Weigh accurately 3.2gm of Potassium permanganate transferred to 250ml beaker containing cold water and stir
• Decant and makeup the volume to 1000ml.
 Standardization of 0.1N Potassium permanganate:
• Weigh accurately 6.3gm of Oxalic acid and transfer it a 1000ml graduated flask and makeup the volume with water.
• Pipette out 20ml of this solution and add 10ml of diluted sulphuric acid and warm to about 70°c.
• Add KMnO₄ solution from burette until pink color appears.
• Wait until the color disappears and continue until it persists faint pink colour for about 30 sec.
• Each 1ml of 0.1N KMnO4 = 0.00063 gm of Oxalic acid
• M=

Standardization Of 0.1 M Ceric Ammonium Sulphate :

 Preparation of ceric ammonium sulphate:
• 66gm ceric ammonium sulphate was dissolved with gentle heat.
• Mix 30ml of sulphuric acid and 500ml of water.
• Cool and filter the solution if turbid and dilute to 100ml with water.
 Standardization of 0.1M ceric ammonium sulphate:
• Weigh accurately 0.2gm of arsenic trioxide previously dried at 105°C for 1hr and transferred to a 500ml conical flask.
• Wash down the flask with 25ml of 8% w/v solution of sodium hydroxide, swirl to dissolve, add 100ml of water and mix.
• Add 30ml of dilute sulphuric acid, 0.1ml of ferroin sulphate solution.
• Titrate with ceric ammonium sulphate until pale blue colour appears from pink colour.
• Each 1ml of 0.1M Ceric ammonium sulphate = 49.46 gm of As ₂O.


1. The choice of concentration method depends on the nature of the solution and the specific information needed.
Molarity, mass percent, volume percent, and parts per million offer versatile tools for expressing concentration,
catering to the diverse requirements of chemical analysis and experimentation. Understanding these methods is
fundamental for accurate measurements and successful chemical processes.

2. In analytical chemistry, the accurate determination of concentrations is paramount, and primary and secondary
standard solutions play pivotal roles in achieving this goal. Primary standards serve as the gold standard of
purity and concentration, while secondary standards, derived from primary standards, offer practical and
reliable references for everyday laboratory analyses. Understanding the principles and applications of these
solutions is essential for maintaining the precision and accuracy of analytical measurements.

3. The standardization of various solutions is a critical step in analytical chemistry, underpinning the accuracy and
reliability of analytical measurements. By employing well-established methods and reliable primary standards,
laboratories can ensure the consistency and comparability of results, contributing to the advancement of
scientific research and quality control processes.


1. “Introduction to Pharmaceutical analysis – I” -

2. “Method of expressing concentration” -

3. “Primary and secondary standards” -

4. “Standardization of various solutions” -


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