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Aim of the project

• Gather knowledge on effluent

treatment methods.
• Sort out the advantages of each
• Study the chemistry of each method.
• Study the cost of treatment method.
• Study the space consumption of each
Effluent in the man-made sense is generally
considered to be pollution, such as the outflow from a
sewage treatment facility or the wastewater discharge from
industrial facilities.
From the very beginning of human civilization
nature serves human being a lot. As a mother nature
care human. Nature recovers a lot of pollution from the
very beginning of earth. As the energy transfer from
one stage to another by means of different action,
results no wastage of energy, similarly there was no
word as wastage to environment. Actually when
wastages can not be controlled by the environment
then that wastages are termed as pollutants. When a
zone’s pollutants concentration begins to get high then
we call that zone as polluted.
Characteristics of wastewater to
be discharged into the

(stipulated by the Dept. of

Environment, Government Of
PH 6-9
BOD < 50 PPM or mg/L
COD < 200 PPM or mg/L
TSS <100 PPM or mg/L
TDS < 2,500 PPM or mg/L
OIL & GREASE < 10 PPM or mg/L
In the case of Bangladesh near about 550 wet
processing industries are present and 80% of
these are cotton dyeing industry, on the other hand
according to world bank report more than 700 wet
processing units are needed to feed the fabric in
the garments industries as a result it may raised
about to 90 percentage will be cotton based wet
processing industry, so a large amount of effluent
will be produced from cotton dyeing industry. For
these reasons effluent treatment planning is a
burning question for a wet processing unit.
Biochemical Oxygen demand

Biochemical oxygen demand is the

oxygen demand by the micro
It can be measured in two ways.
4. Dilution method
5. Manometric method
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

The amount of oxygen present in a

certain amount of water is dissolved
state is known as Dissolved Oxygen
Chemical Oxygen Demand

Chemical oxygen demand is the

oxygen demand by the chemicals
present in the waste water.
The basis for the COD test is that nearly all
organic compounds can be fully oxidized
to carbon dioxide with a strong oxidizing
agent under acidic conditions.
Potassium dichromate is a strong oxidizing
agent under acidic conditions. (Acidity is
usually achieved by the addition of sulfuric
acid.) The reaction of potassium dichromate
with organic compounds is given by:

Where d = 2n/3 + a/6 - b/3 - c/2. Most commonly, a

0.25 N solution of potassium dichromate is used for
COD determination, although for samples with COD
below 50 mg/L, a lower concentration of potassium
dichromate is preferred.
Total suspended Solids (TSS):

Total amount of suspended solids

present in raw effluent
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Total amount of dissolved solids
present in raw effluent as a
homogenous mixture.
Dyes :
Dyes are complex organic compounds
which are refractory in aerobic
treatment systems. And again these are
not harmful to the environment.
Temperature of water is a very important factor for
aquatic life. It controls the rate of metabolic and
reproductive activities, and determines which aquatic
species can survive. Different aquatic species require
different quantity of DO to survive in the water.
Temperature inversely affects the rate of transfer of
gaseous oxygen into dissolved oxygen. On the other
hand at higher temperature the metabolic rate of aquatic
plants and animals increases producing an increase in
oxygen demand
Oils and Grease
The term oil and grease, as commonly
used, includes the fat, oils, waxes, and
other related constituents found in
wastewater. If the wastewater contains
oils and fat, it forms a layer at the top
surface of the wastewater.
Types of effluent treatment
• The physico-chemical method.
• The biological method.
• The combine method.
Comfit Composite Knit Ltd.

Biological method
Basic characteristics of raw effluent
1. pH 8.2
2. Suspended solids mg/L 200-400
3. Biological Oxygen mg/L 180
Demand (BOD)
4. Chemical Oxygen mg/L 417
Demand (COD)
5. Color Brown to
6. Odour Not distinct
7. Temperature 48






Screen is the synonyms of filtration. Here action is nothing but the
filtration or separation of suspended solid from the liquor or raw
effluent. Separately three screening chamber is used to filter
suspended solid. Drain from two different units has a net of iron
having 1 sq. inches of each hole. It separates the different foreign
materials like bulk of trees, leaves, polyethylene bag etc. picture will
describe better. To treat 100 cubic meter per hour, here three
screening chamber are used. Suspended solid which can pass
through the first filter are finally filtered here. The screen has around
250-300 slits per sq inches. This screening system has automatic
wiping action with four wipers or brush. Cotton fibers, yarns with the
liquor are deposited on the screen and raw effluent passes through
the slits. This is a simple filtering method. The screen is curved
around 90 degree angle (ie, quarter part of circle). Curved screen
provide a strong control of wiping by rotating wiper.
Storage tank:
Raw effluent is stored after screening in the storage tank. There are
two storage tanks. Delivery of raw effluent from storage tank is
carried out by means of submergible pump. It has an automatic
lifting plan to deliver raw effluent into the next section of ETP. This
automation is programmed according to the effluent load in the
storage tank which ensures an uniform flow of effluent for every
section. The pump gets off automatically after lifting a certain
volume of effluent which is varied according to effluent load. In each
turn this lifting pump arrangement is allowed to discharge 50 cubic
meter of stored effluent. In between two storage tanks there is a bi-
pass channel. Through which stored effluent can pass from one
store to another. Bi-pass is used when any of the lifting pumps is off
for maintenance.
Equalization chamber:
The effluents from different stages like scouring, dyeing,
soaping etc. are mixed homogeneously here. That’s why
it is also termed as Homogenizing chamber.
Here temperature of effluent is decreased
In this ETP two vertical agitator and flow jet are used
homogenize to mix the effluent
The volume of effluent treated is 2000 cubic meter.
Here no cooling mechanism is added as this chamber
possess 200 sq meter of open area which is directly in
contact with air. Again the effluent is treated here for 20
hours which is another reason for the effluent being
Neutralization Chamber:
In cotton dyeing industry effluent is always alkaline then water in
nature. So it is required to reduce the pH value. For reducing, acid
dozing is essential according to the pH and effluent character.
Here in this ETP no acid dozing is required for neutralizing. As the
effluent possesses a standard value of pH i.e., 8.2 where as the
standard value of pH is 6-9 (Recommended by DOE) for treated
effluent. But there is a pipe line for acid dozing. If the pH value rises
than the limit 8.9 then automated acid dozing will be started. This
automation is controlled at panel board. In panel board there is an
alarm to inform operator. However from the beginning of ETP they
did not need to apply acid for neutralization. This due to their high
liquor ratio at every stage of wet processing and washing water,
rinsing water, dyeing water etc. are directly discharged to ETP. It
should be informed that they use a lot of water for rinsing purpose.
In neutralization tank effluent is kept for 6 minutes and volume of
effluent is 10 cubic meter.
Sludge return tank:
Effluent flows from neutralization tank to sludge return
tank by means of two pumps. This addition of sludge
return is a beneficial step for environment. And quality of
treatment results best by means of bacteria. If the sludge
does not return then a significant amount of bacteria may
die .
It should be noted that manufacturer demanded that
sludge is a poor food for bacteria then the polymeric
compounds found in effluent. As knit dyeing process
possesses less BOD, that’s why sludge returning is
essential. But bacterial treatment can not degrade dyes
Aeration tank:
In aeration tank basically aeration is occurred by
means atmospheric air. Air from atmosphere is
firstly filtered then blower sucks them and flows
air to the aeration tank through 860 diffusers.
There are three blowers are used to perform
their function. Every blower is running for 16
hours in the set of two. And every blower pauses
blowing for 8 hours every day. Usually two
blowers are running all the time to blow 1500
cubic meter of fresh air per hour. 860 diffusers
are uniformly distributed around the 470 sq
meter area.
This aeration does nothing but increase
the quantity of dissolve oxygen. 4700cubic
meter effluent is treated here for 47 hours,
it’s a huge time. During this time oxidative
chemicals are liked to fill up their oxygen
demand from the water. It also fills up the
demand of oxygen by the bacteria.
The bacterial action:


COHNS + O2 + Bacteria CO2 + NH3 + Energy
+ Other end Products
COHNS + O2 + Bacteria C5H7NO2 (new bacteria)

C5H7NO2 + 5O2 CO2 + NH3 + 2H2O

Oil separation
Sludge tank:
Treated effluent directly goes to the ozonization
chamber and the sludge goes to sludge return
tank through pump and pipe arrangement. Here
sludge is recycled. If the sludge concentration
rises at 70% then the sludge is deposited at
sludge tank. The concentration of sludge is
measured regularly from the liquid of aeration
tank delivery.
Lamella clarifier

Sludge Distribution Tank

Sludge Tank

Picture: Marooned line shows the path of sludge returning to a

temporary sludge tank from where sludge is delivering to sludge
returning tank or to sludge tank. The passage for sludge is under
grounded. Magenta arrow shows the pipe to sludge retuning tank.
Green arrow shows the under grounded drain to the ozonization
It is a new technique for discoloration. Ozone gas is
prepared at first then it is passes through the effluent
without sludge
The chemistry of this principle is very simple. We know
that pie bond is responsible for hue in dyes. By means
of ozone gas this pie bond is broken down. Following
chemical reaction may describe better.
R-C=C-R + O3
Results of Effluent Treatment (biological)
PH 7.9
BOD 16
COD 42
TSS <100 PPM or mg/L
TDS < 2,500 PPM or mg/L
OIL & GREASE < 10 PPM or mg/L
COLOUR colorless
Advantages of biological
• It possesses a low maintenance cost.
• It can process colorless water.
• It is highly modernized with the latest
• Its mechanism is simple enough.
• Theoretically it is simple as well as practically.
• It is best for the effluent treatment plan for any
kinds of textile industries.
Disadvantages of biological
• It has a very high fixed cost around 50000000
tk rather than the physico chemical method
• Treatment through this method possesses a
huge area.
• Non-biodegradable chemicals can not treat
• Its maintenance needs skilled professionals.
• Dyer needs to select chemicals with respect to
its effluent treatment.
ACS TEXTILES (Bangladesh) Ltd.

Basic characteristics of raw effluent

1. pH 11.8
2. Suspended solids mg/L 178.8
3. Biological Oxygen mg/L 416
4. Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) mg/L 850
5. Color Brown to black
6. Odour Not distinct
7. Temperature 65 degree
Collection tank

Reaction tank
FeSO 4 & CaO

tank Primary



of the

Blower room and clarifier
control room.
• The effluent from the dyeing
and finishing is first drained
into the screening chamber.
This chamber performs few
physical filtrations. There is a
series of netted filters
positioned serially. For
removing solid particles
including suspended solids,
yarn, fibers flocks, thickeners,
etc, this process is important.
After passing through these
filters the effluent is free from
solid bodies
Picture: X-section of three filters from side and below shows X-section from
front side
This chamber has a capability to keep the flowing effluent for two minutes as
it has a volume of 2 cubic meters. The very first netted filter is made of
M.S.Bar rod which is then followed by the second filter made of the same
material having a hole of 4 square centimeter and the last is a filter made of
stainless still having five holes per square centimeter.
Oil separation
• We know oil is lighter than the
water. Here 25.6 cubic meter
of raw effluent without
suspended solid is flowed for
20.5 minute. It is almost a
huge time to layer up oil on
surface of effluent around area
16 sq meters. Effluent passes
to collection tank under the 1
feet of liquid surface. As a
result only liquid water and its
colloidal solution can pass to
collection tank but not the oil.
Special feature of this oil
separation chamber is its time
of staying in this chamber,
which is allowed oil to float on
the surface
Collection tank
• The proper mixing of effluents
of different types. It’s a
cylindrical tank of 20 m
diameter and 2.5 meter
surface water depth. So the
volume effluent carrying is
800.75 cubic meter
• Effluent is treated here for 10
hour 40 minutes
• Air at 1260 m3 per hour. 585
diffusers are used to supply air
• dissolved oxygen’s quantity is
increasing to meet the
Chemical oxygen demand
Reaction tank
• In chemical mixing
tanks 1.66 ppm of
ferrous sulphate
solution, 0.5 ppm of
lime solution and
0.0016 ppm (1.6 µgm /
L) of poly electrolyte
solutions are prepared
to react with effluent
• BOD is removing &
discoloration is occurred.
• Here lime reacts as

• Then ferrous sulphate

• Principle is so simple coagulation and flocculation then to
sediment. CaO leads to form calcium hydroxide at first
• It is then followed to react with ferrous sulphate to form
ferric hydroxide.
• Ferric hydroxide is working as coagulants. The function
of coagulant is to adsorb polymers to form an insoluble
salt. As a result all the dyes pigments, chemicals are
going to be coagulated. After coagulation these insoluble
salts are liked to be precipitated on the ground at a slow
• To accelerate their precipitation polyelectrolyte is
employed here. Polyelectrolyte does nothing but the
flock formation of coagulants
• There is some specific affinity of polymer
segments for the particles surface, so that
adsorption and coagulation can occur. Some
interactions are:
• Hydrophobic bond: responsible for the
adsorption of non-polar segments on to
hydrophobic surface.
• Hydrogen bond: polymeric molecules have
suitable H-bond sites.
• Dipole crystal field effects: polar segments of
the polymer chain may interact with the
electrostatic field at a crystal surface.
Primary clarifier
• Primary clarifier is used to
sediment sludge and discharge
clear water without color.
• As we discussed above that
coagulation and flocculation
removed all organic compounds
used to sediment sludge and
discharge clear water without
• This chambers bottom is sloped
down around 45 degree to
sediment sludge easily.
• Later a significant amount of
sludge is pumped out to the
sludge tank.
• . Here the delivery effluent is
alkaline and a fewer hot than the
atmospheric temperature
Aeration chamber and secondary
• In aeration chamber acid is given
to neutralize the solution with
• The inlet pH of the effluent is 11.8.
to neutralize its alkalinity around 7
liters of 33% concentrated
hydrochloric acid per cubic meter
is used. After neutralization its pH
comes down to 7.16 . Aeration
tank has an open area around
490.625 sq. meter and its volume
for effluent capacity is 2060.625
cubic meter. Effluent is treated
here for 23 hour which is a huge
time. So temperature is naturally
fall down easily.
• If any sludge remains in the effluent
they are allowed to sediment again in
the secondary clarifier. From aeration
tank neutralized effluent is entered to
the secondary clarifier
• Volume of effluent is 212 cubic meters
which is kept here for 2 hour 52
minutes. Its time is sufficient enough to
sediment sludge. The ground of
secondary sludge is sloped down
around 15 degree.
• Here treated effluent is also passing by
means of over flowing.
• From here treated effluent is directly
discharged to the cannel. Sludge from
here is also passes to sludge tank by
means of pumping arrangement.
Sludge tank
• In sludge tank there is a
sand filtration system in
which 2 feet of sand layer
is kept and above that
sand sludge is deposited
• At the ground of tank
there is a pipe
arrangement with filtration
which allows effluent
without sludge passing to
the collection tank which
is treated again
Results of Effluent Treatment
• Chemical cost per day = 21,600 tk
• Power cost per day= 156 tk
• Man power cost per day= 1500 tk.
• Total = 23256 tk per day.
• They processed 1800 cubic meter per day
so cost per cubic meter= 12.92 tk
Advantages of physico-chemical
• This process posses a very low fixed cost which is around
80,00,000 tk.
• Discharge effluent is colorless.
• Effluent is 100% pollutant free.
• Non-biodegradable chemicals can treat here.
• Its maintenance does not demand highly skill professionals.
• It is applicable from all kinds of textile industries.
• It is very simple in technology.
• Dyer does not need to select chemicals with respect to its effluent
• It occupies minimal spaces around 15 kathas.
• It possesses less treatment duration rather than biological
treatment method which is around 50hours.
Disadvantages of physico-
chemical method
• Treatment cost is very high around 12.92 tk
per cubic meter. Cost will be equivalent with its
fixed cost within 396 days (14 months) from its
installation. Economically it brings loss.
• This method is not that much modernized.
• It is chemical based for this reason treatment
efficiency is highly depended on its chemicals
Comparisons in between raw effluent character
of knit & woven wet processing unit
• pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the activity of H+ ions:
pH = -log [H+]
• So according to pH definition it is totally depending on the liquor. As knit wet
processing involves relatively high liquor ratio due to the exhaust dyeing method, it
must possesses low pH rather than the woven wet processing
• BOD from woven wet process is much higher than the knit wet process. Because the
woven grey fabric is need to desize and the sizes are strongly responsible for
biological oxygen demand by the bacteria in hydrosphere. However knit wet process
possesses a significant value of BOD due to the biodegradable chemicals
• COD is the chemical oxygen demands by the chemicals present in effluent. In woven
wet process it is also higher in value than the knit wet process. Same philosophy of
liquor is applicable for the difference between COD value of this two wet processes.
• Temperature of two different wet process units are differing here because in woven
wet process a few rinse water is discharged to ETP maximum are like to drain
directly. But in knit wet process that we visited for project is like to mix all kinds of
rinse water with the dye drop liquor and souring drop liquor. This temperature faults
are not the processing faults this is individual treatment plant’s technical fault
• Cost comparison: Physico-
chemical method possesses
a high maintenance cost of
chemicals, which is too high
and not economically viable.
This method can not inspire
investor to run this plan. If it
is possible then in future we
must work for recycle of this
water to wet processing
unit. This solution may
inspire this method from the
economical point of view for
a long run
• Space comparison
Space in between two methods biological treatment method possesses higher space consumption
than the physico-chemical method. How ever space consumption is depending on the plant
designer it can vary from person to person.
• Minimization of raw effluent:
As the treatment costs increases with the increase of volume of effluent, so it is better to minimize
the effluent loads.
• a) Reducing pollution
• Compounds that contribute to the aquatic toxicity of textile effluent include salt, metals,
surfactants, toxic organic chemicals, biocides and toxic anions. Some methods of reducing the
use of these compounds are to:
• Reduce metal content through careful pre-screening of chemicals and dyes for metal content and
using alternatives where possible.
• Eliminate galvanized plumbing as reactions with brass fittings can take place in the presence of
acids, alkalis or salt and lead to the release of zinc.
• Reduce the amount of salt in the effluent by optimizing recipes, using low-salt dyes, reusing dye
baths and optimizing dyeing temperatures.
• Use biodegradable surfactants such as linear alcohol ethoxylates.
• Replace chlorinated solvents with unchlorinated alternatives.
• Replace the use of biocides with ultraviolet light as a disinfectant for cooling towers.
b) Sizing: As far as environmental pollution is concerned synthetic sizes are better than starch-based
sizes. The advantages of this are a reduced pollution load as synthetic sizes have lower BOD levels,
and they can be recycled for reuse. Ensure that only the minimum required size is added onto the
yarn. This reduces chemical consumption as well as the pollution load to drain during
c) Desizing: Chlorinated desizing must be avoid.
d) Scouring: Incoming raw material should be screened for toxic chemicals, as these will be removed
during the scouring process. Detergents must be easily biodegradable
e) Bleaching: Replace the use of chlorites and hypochlorites with hydrogen peroxide. Ensure that
bleaching is carried out efficiently. Recycle bleach wash water for scouring. It must be noted that
recycling the liquor of scoring-bleaching may possible.
f) Mercerizing: NaOH solution can be stored to reuse with sufficient amount caustic and water again.
g) Batch dyeing: Careful selection of dyes is important. Dyes should have high fixation/exhaustion, low
toxicity, absence of metals, and be appropriate for the end use. Correct and efficient application
procedures must be used and right-first-time production should be achieved. The main areas for
waste minimization in batch dyeing include:
• Using low liquor ratios.
• Using automated dye and chemical dosing systems. Reusing dye baths, rinse water and softening
• Optimizing pH and salt for each recipe.
• Avoiding the use of auxiliaries that reduce or retard exhaustion.
• Using bi-reactive dyes.
• Using the newer low-salt reactive dyes.
• Avoiding the addition of more chemicals to offset the effects of other chemicals.
• Replacing the acetic acid in neutralizing after dyeing with formic acid or dilute hydrochloric acid
(acetic acid adds to the COD of effluent).
h) Continuous dyeing: The main waste minimization strategies in continuous dyeing are to:
• Maximize dye fixation.
• Minimize wash - off.
• Minimize the number of times a dye bath has to be dropped and cleaned due to a color change
by careful scheduling.
• Use automated color kitchens to minimize the working losses and discards.
• Improve washing efficiency through the installation of flow restrictors to control water volumes.
Use counter current washing procedures.
• Optimize dosing of chemicals through monitoring of relevant parameters such as pH,
absorbance, turbidity etc.
• Machine: Now a day’s so many low liquor dyeing machines are available. These can dye fabric
even at 1:1 THENCE JET FLOW DYEING machine is an example (from HK). Recently THIES is
widely use for exhaust dyeing it consumes M:L is around 1:5
• j) Printing: Pollutants associated with printing include suspended solids, solvents, foam, color
and metals, and in general, large volumes of water are consumed during the washing-off stages.
The main areas of waste minimization in printing include raw material conservation, product
substitution, process and equipment modifications, material handling, and scheduling and waste
recovery. Other options include:
• Waste minimization in the design stages can eliminate the need for dyes containing metals.
• Careful selection of surfactants.
• Reducing air emissions by replacing solvents with water-based alternatives.
• Routine and careful maintenance of printing equipment.
• Training employees in the practices of good housekeeping.
• Reusing water from washing the print blanket.
• Reusing left over print paste if possible.
• Removing excess paste from drums, screens and pipes by dry
techniques (wiping with a squeegee etc.) before washing with water.
This reduces the color load discharged to drain.
• Careful scheduling to prevent expiration of print pastes before use.
• Investigating alternatives to urea as this increases the nitrogen in
the effluent Ethylene glycol may use here.
j) Finishing:
• Design fabrics such that the need for chemical finishes is minimized.
Use mechanical alternatives to chemical finishes.
• Use low add-on methods.
• Minimize volatile chemical use.
• Install automated chemical dispensing systems. Train employees in
good housekeeping practices.
• Use formaldehyde-free cross-linking agents.
• Investigate the use of spray application of finishes as these have a
low add-on and require no residual dumping at the end of a run
At present wet processing industry in
Bangladesh are under pressure to install
ETP. For financial and space constraints,
it is difficult to meet the deadline of
installation. From our findings, we like to
state that it may not be necessary to use
all methods to meet the permissible limit of
the parameters set by the Department of
Environment. One suitable method may
be good enough to fulfill the requirements

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