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Grade 12 ABM

Research In Daily Life 2

Ms. Banjo
Subject Teacher
Agenda For Today

(1) The characteristics, (2) The importance of

strengths, weaknesses, and quantitative research across
kinds of quantitative fields.

(3) The nature of variables.

What do you do when you want to buy a new phone?

What do you do when you want to build your own business?

Inquiry vs Investigation vs Research
It is an act of It is a systematic It is a systematic and
refined technique of
asking examination of a
thinking, employing
questions. certain event or specialized tools,
It is a process phenomenon. instruments, and
that has the procedures in order to
obtain a more
aim of
adequate solution to a
augmenting problem.
resolving Combining the idea of
doubt or “investigation” and
solving “immersion”, the
problem. concept of “research”
comes in.
two main categories of research
(1) Qualitative Research - is a scientific method of observation to
gather non-numerical data.
It refers to the meanings, concepts, characteristics, metaphors,
symbols and description of phenomena, and not to their counts or

Qualitative research is making “kuwento” without “kuwenta”

(Computation) of an event or phenomenon.
two main categories of research
(2) Quantitative Research – this involves using numbers to
measure data. Researchers can use statistical analysis to find
connections and meaning in the data.

Quantitative research is making “kuwento” with “kuwenta”

(Computation) of an event or phenomenon.
Characteristics of
Quantitative Research
The aim of a quantitative research is to understand events, count them, and
construct statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed.

1.) The data are gathered using structured research methods.

2.) The results are based on larger sample sizes that are randomly
chosen as representatives of the population.
Characteristics of
Quantitative Research
3.) The research can usually be replicated or repeated, given its high

4.) The researcher has a clearly defined research question to which

objective answers are sought.

5.) All aspects of the study are carefully designed before data are
Characteristics of
Quantitative Research
6.) Data are in the form of numbers and statistics.

7.) . Data are presented through tables, graphs, figures or other non-
textual forms and followed by textual analysis and interpretation.

8.) Project can be used to generalize concepts more widely, predict

future results, or investigate causal relationships.
Characteristics of
Quantitative Research
9.) The researcher uses tools, such as questionnaires or computer
software, to collect numerical data.

10.) . Findings are reusable.

Strengths of
Quantitative Research
What makes quantitative research more credible, appealing and
scientific compared to qualitative research is talking about the strengths
of quantitative research.

1.) Quantitative research can test and validate the already constructed
theories about how and why phenomena occur.

2.) Quantitative research tests hypotheses that are constructed before

the data are collected.
Strengths of
Quantitative Research
3.) Quantitative research can generalize research findings and it can be
replicated on many different populations and sub-populations

4.) Quantitative research is useful for obtaining data that allow

quantitative predictions about significant events.

5.) Quantitative research provides precise, quantitative, numerical

Strengths of Quantitative Research
6.) Quantitative research may have higher credibility with many people
in power (administrators, politicians, people who fund the research

7.) Quantitative research is useful for obtaining data that allow

quantitative predictions about significant events.

8.) Quantitative research involves data analysis which is relatively less

time consuming since it can use statistical software such as Microsoft
excel and Social Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
Strengths of
Quantitative Research

9.) Quantitative research involves data collection using some

quantitative methods which are relatively quick.

Weaknesses of
Quantitative Research
1.) Quantitative research involves difficulty in data gathering.

2.) Quantitative research requires extra resources to analyze the


3.) Quantitative research is expensive and it requires a lot of time to

perform the statistical treatment and analysis.
Weaknesses of
Quantitative Research
4.) Quantitative research has limited outcomes since it involves
structured questionnaire with close-ended questions.

5.) Quantitative research involves a lot of resources for data collection.

6.) Quantitative research data are prone to manipulation.

Any questions?

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