Morality Development programm-MDP

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I’m Mohammad Sifat Ullah

Transitioning from person led to
process driven
Not being rigid in decision making
(1) Those in authority should not impose their will on their
subordinates. Leaders should not be rigid in their decision
making and should be prepared to listen and take into account the
views and emotions of those under their authority.. If the leader
does not listen to his followers and does not take into account
their concerns then there is every likelihood that especially those
who are lacking in total commitment to him will either do things
halfheartedly or defect altogether. listening to the opinions of
others does not mean to change your decision but simply to give
them a patient and respectful hearing so that they are reassured
that their concerns, fears and aspirations have been taken into
account by the leader before he came to his conclusion
Not being rigid in decision making
(2) Once a decision is made, as far as possible it
should be carried out and everyone including those
who were not in favor of the decision should help
to see it followed through till the end. This is the
essence of teamwork. Once team members have
expressed their opinions then it is essential that
they stand firmly behind the leader in his decision
even if the final decision is not to their entire
Not being rigid in decision making
(3) Make every person you come into contact with
feel important. One of the essential qualities of a
leader is to keep those who follow him and are
under his authority satisfied that he or she is not
being neglected and feels left out by the leader.
Amongst the remarkable attributes of Rasoolullah
was that he interacted with the Sahaba in such a
manner that every Sahabi felt that he was closest to
Central Authority
The second requirement for a global movement is a
central authority that can create the necessary
conditions to propagate the ideology and for people
to practice it. This would consist of three distinct
A Law which prescribes permitted and prohibited
actions with concomitant rewards and punishments.
The Law must necessarily cover all aspects of life
and must have within it enough flexibility to cater
to emerging situations that may not have existed at
the time of the inception of the ideology
Those who interpret the Law and deal with any
infringements, questions and clarifications. The
Judiciary must at once be well versed in the Law as
well as be well aware of modern issues and how
they affect the lives of people. Only then will they
be able to interpret the Law in a way that it
continues to be applicable as one century succeeds
another and times, lives and people change.
The Civil Administration which ensures that the Law is
followed, those adhering to it are facilitated and those
who break it are punished. The Executive is the arm
of the Central Authority and ensures that individual
intransience does not jeopardize the fabric of the Core
Ideology. The Executive must possess great integrity,
wisdom, diplomacy and firmness in order to ensure
that it treads the narrow middle path between anarchy
and 249 dictatorship. Both are detrimental to the long
term viability of the Core Ideology.
The Covenant
Rasoolullah drew up an agreement between the Migrants
(Muhajiroon) and the resident population of Madina.
This included the Muslims and the Jews who also lived
in Madina. The agreement was binding on both parties
and it was its violation by the Jewish tribes later that led
to their eventually being expelled from Madina. This
agreement can be said to be the Constitution of the
Islamic State that Rasoolullah founded and as such
would perhaps be the first document of its kind in the
history of the world which gave equal rights to all
people irrespective of their religious belief.

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