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Warm up


History of the UN
 The term ‘’United Nations’’ was coined in 1945 by Winston
Churchill, Joseph Stalin and Franklin D. Roosevelt, in San
Francisco, America
 Organisation came into being on 24th Oct. 1945
 In the beginning 50 states were its member
The UN Flag
 The white UN emblem is superimposed on light blue
 The emblem consists of global map projected from the North
Pole and embraced in twin olive branches (symbol of peace).
Purpose of the UN
• To maintain international peace and security.
• To promote economic and social cooperation
• Provision of justice
• Resolving human problems
UN Headquarter
 The permanent headquarter of the UN since
1952 is in New York, USA.
 Principle offices are in Geneva, Vienna and
Organization of the UN
 Principal organs of UN:
1) The General Assembly
2) The Security Council
3) The Secretariat
4) The International Court of Justice
5) The Economic and Social Council
6) The Trusteeship Council
The General Assembly
 Headquarter: New York, USA.
 Its session is held every year in September
 It has 193 permanent members and two observer states.
 Palestine and Vatican City are observer states.
 Each member country has only one vote, regardless of its
Responsibilities of General Assembly
 Electing non permanent members of the Security
 Giving membership to new states
 Terminating the membership of some states
 Approving budget of UN
 Establishing world peace
The General Assembly Session
The Security Council
 Headquarter: New York, USA.
 It is the most powerful body, a kind of cabinet
for the UN.
 It has 15 members (5 are permanent and 10 are
non permanent).
 The President of the Council is elected every
The Security Council (contd.)
 Permanent members are China, Russia, France, USA and
UK, as these countries are most powerful and were
actively involved in World War 2.
 Permanent members have veto power
 10 non permanent members are elected for a period of two
years by the General Assembly.
 It tries to get a balance among rich, poor, large and small
Duties of Security Council
 Establishing peace
 Resolving international disputes
 Membership of new countries and recommendation of its
 Electing the judges of the International Court of Justice
 Sending recommendations to the General Assembly for the
eletion of the General Secretary
Security Council Session
International Court of Justice
 Headquarter: The Hague, Netherlands.
 It consists of 15 international judges, elected by the
Security Council and the General Assembly for the period
of 9 years
 Each judge is elected from a different country for a period
of nine years.
Duties of ICJ
 Resolving disputes
 Hearing the cases on ll topics
 Interpreting and explaining international laws
 Giving legal advice to the different organs od UN
Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherlands
The Secretariat
 Headquarter: New York, USA.
 Head of the Secretariat is called Secretary General.
 It has an administrative function.
 General Assembly and Security Council elect the
Secretary General for five year
 The secretariat helps to plan the decisions in detail to be
taken by the General Assembly and the Security Council.
The UN Secretariat Building
The Economic and Social Council
 The ECOSOC assists the General Assembly in promoting
international economic and social cooperation and
 It has 54 members, all of which are elected by the General
Assembly for a three year term.
 1/3 of member retire each year and new are elected in
their place
 The president is elected for a year term and chosen among
the small or middle powers represented on ECOSOC.
The ECOSOC duties
 Raising the standard of living of man
 Trying for economic and social development
 Collaboration in the educational, scientific and cultural
 Taking measures to eradicate unemployment, poverty, and
disease etc.
The ECOSOC Chamber
The Trusteeship Council
 Headquarter: New York, USA.
 It made arrangements to improve the condition of the
ruined nations after Second World War
 This organ acted for the fulfilment of cultural,
educational, economic and social needs of these regions as
a supervisor
The Trusteeship Council
 History of the UN
Any questions
Home Assignment
 When was UN founded?
 Name the main organs of UN.
 ECOSOC stands for?
 What are the main Purposes of the UN?
 Write the responsibilities of UNs General

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