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Listening: short conversation

1. Budget report
2. Review (v)
3. Expenditures list
4. Office supply
5. Itemize (v)
6. Stage (n)
7. Background lighting
8. Visible (adj) - invisible
9. Rehearse (v) = practise
I saw a doctor. The doctor .....
She will beautiful
1. B 17. A/C
2. C 18. B
3. B 19. A
4. C 20. D
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. D
The Earth
Reading page 147

1. explore (v)
2. astronomer (n)
3. position (n)
4. breathe (v)
Reading Toeic

1. fire (v)
2. place (v)
3. attach (v)
4. recommendation (n)
Questions and Response Test 2

1. seminar (n)
2. concert (n)
3. storage closet
4. lock (v) - unlock
5. to give speech
make arrangement = arrange
page 23 71-73
Listening page

1. brush (n)
2. canvas (n)
3. contest (n)
4. submission (n)
5. paint (n)
10. D
11. C
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. D
Listening Page 23

1. brush (n)
2. canvas (n)
3. contest (n) = competition
4. submission (n) - submit (v)
5. paint (n)
6. inclement weather
7. alternative (adj)
8. boarding pass
9. boarding zone number
10. retrieve (v)
11. counter (n)
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. D
15. B
16. A
17. D
18. D
Reading page 147
1. explore (v)
2. orbit (v)
3. measure (v)
4. rock (n)
5. grow plants
6. breathe (v)
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. f
6. e
Listening Page 19

1. to be in charge of = responsible
2. employee orientation
3. aspect (n)
4. focus (v) = concentrate
5. reserve (v)
6. identification (n)
7. reminder (n)
Question - Response Listening Test 2

9. option (n) = choice

10. convention center
11. laboratory (n)
12. sign up = register
page 80
hire (n)
fold (v)
coat (n)
is being pushed at the work site
metal barrier
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. C
18. C

Reading page 80

1. intern (n)
2. managerial skill
3. relocate (v)
4. enclose (v)
5. position (n)
6. letter of reference
attach (v)
Listening page 15
1. drawer (n)
2. stack (v)
3. folder (n)
4. face (v)
5. garment (n) = clothes
6. occupy (v)
7. stairway (n)
8. sweep (v)
9. dock (n)
10. wheelbarrow (n)
11. brick (n)
12. board (v)
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. e
5. b
look for
talk to each other
yatch guests
Listening page 19
1. to be in charge of = to be responsible for
2. employee orientation
3. aspect (n)
4. accountant (n)
5. focus (v) = concentrate
6. reserve (v)
7. identification (n) - ID
8. maintenance (n)
in advance = before
Reading page 92

1. retirement (n)
2. clarify (v)
3. calculate (v) - calculator
4. spouse (n)
5. insurance (n)
6. dependent (adj) (n)
7. years of service
8. health coverage (n)
Questions Response Test 2
1. seminar (n)
2. concert (n)
3. row (n) - column
4. lock (v) (n)
5. speech (n)
6. storage closet
7. dentist appoinment (n)
8. Toronto
Listening page 23

1. convention center
2. sign up = register, create an account
3. brand (n)
4. attract (v) - attractive (adj)
5. trend (n)
6. feature (v)
7. vendor (n)
8. go over
9. anticipated cost
10. profit estimate

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