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One Voice: Telling the

NetApp Portfolio Story

Manager review
Getting started
Insights and transcript
Submission Length indicates how closely a learner meets the target length range set for this pitch. This
section displays the submission length and the target time and states if the length is too short, short,
appropriate, long, or too long.
Speech Pace shows how a learner's delivery of words compares with the average speaking rate of 120-160
words per minute. The Speech Pace insight helps you understand if the pace at which a learner delivered their
submission is slow, appropriate, or fast. It displays the average number of words per minute that the learner
spoke. It also displays the average speaking rate for comparison.
Filler Words highlights how often the learner used commonly used filler words in their submission. For
example, if a learner repeatedly used the word “basically” in their submission, the Filler Words insight lists
“basically” as a filler word along with the number of times it was repeated.
Insight Criteria

Less than 25% of the minimum

Too short

Between 25% and 80% of the

minimum length

Submission Length Between 90% of the minimum

Indicates how closely a learner meets the target length Appropriate length and 110% of the maximum
range set for this pitch. This section displays the length
submission length and the target time and states if the
length is too short, short, appropriate, long, or too long.
Between 110% and 150% of the
maximum length

More than 150% of the maximum

Too long
Insight Criteria

If the pace of the pitch is less than

Too slow
100 words per minute

If the pace of the pitch is between

100 and 120 words per minute

Speech Pace
If the pace of the pitch is between
Shows how a learner's delivery of words compares with the Appropriate
120 and 160 words per minute
average speaking rate of 120-160 words per minute.
The Speech Pace insight helps you understand if the pace
at which a learner delivered their submission is slow, If the pace of the pitch is between
appropriate, or fast. It displays the average number of Fast
160 and 200 words per minute
words per minute that the learner spoke. It also displays
the average speaking rate for comparison
If the pace of the pitch is more than
Too fast
200 words per minute
Insight Criteria

More than 10 filler words per

Too many filler words used

Filler Words
Highlights how often the learner used commonly used filler Between 5 and 10 filler words per
words in their submission. For example, if a learner Many filler words used
repeatedly used the word “basically” in their submission,
the Filler Words insight lists “basically” as a filler word
along with the number of times it was repeated.

Fewer filler words used Less than 5 filler words per minute
Review and in-video
You can also add In-Video Comments
in the learner’s submission.
• When you go through the submission,
position your cursor over the video seek
• The Add Comments text box appears.
• Click the Add Comments text box to
enter your feedback, comments,
observations, or even emojis.
• When you have entered your comment,
click the blue check mark to add it.

NOTE: The current character limit for

comments is 1000 characters.
All your comments appear on the right on
the In-Video Comments tab. You can also
locate your comments on the video seek
bar by positioning your cursor over the
Position the cursor over any comment and
click the pencil icon to edit the comment or
click the trash icon to delete it.
When you have completed your review,
click the blue Submit Review button.
The learner is notified by email and
given access to your feedback.

If you are not satisfied with the

learner's attempt, you can instead click
the red Submission not up to the
mark or not relevant? button. Select
the best reason from the options that
appear and click the Ask to
Re-attempt button.
Evaluating One Voice:
Telling the NetApp Story
LearnUp mission

Pitch Messaging (including the four Ss and solutions)

The pitch successfully included each S (simplicity, security, savings, and sustainability)
with solutions tied back to each.

Use of the four Ss was mostly successful, but some coaching or guidance is needed to tailor
solutions to one or two of the Ss.

The pitch included the four Ss, but a connection was not made to solutions for each.
Coaching and guidance are needed for success.

The pitch did not include the four Ss or did not accurately reference each in their message.
Coaching and direction are needed for success.

1 The pitch message was completely off track, so considerable coaching and redirection are needed.

Pitch Delivery: Quality in tone, conciseness, delivery, pace,

and body language
The pitch was delivered well and included conciseness, tone, body language, and pace. The pitch
5 included a hook or initial attention grab such as “Your journey to cloud is over.” The pitch was within the
time frame (2 minutes or under).
The pitch was mostly well delivered but had minor delivery issues such as filler words, use of
4 acronyms, speech tone, or pace. The pitch might or might not have included a hook or attention grab
such as “Your journey to cloud is over.” The pitch was within the time frame (2 minutes or under).

Pitch delivery had some flaws, including significant use of filler words, mumbled words, poor body
3 language or too many acronyms. The pitch did not have a hook or attention grab such as “Your
journey to cloud is over.”

The pitch contained more than two major delivery flaws such as mumbling, too many acronyms, no
hook, significant use of filler words, and so on.

1 The pitch was poorly delivered and not friendly; it contained a hostile tone or poor body language.

Pitch Quality

5 The pitch quality was excellent and should be posted on the company website.

4 The pitch was accurate, tailored, and on message, but delivery could use some improvement.

3 The pitch delivery was well done but was not tailored, or it deviated from key message (four Ss).

2 The pitch contained some falsehoods or was not well delivered.

1 The pitch contained major inaccuracies or was poorly delivered.

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