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3 Theories of motivation

A comparative outlook

By Ayman A Refaat
Avionics Dpt. Mgr.
Motivation is what causes us to act

 There are three main approaches to

 Need-based approach
 Process-based approach
 Learning/reinforcement-based approach
Need-based approach

 People’s efforts go toward fulfilling their needs

 Needs drive behavior
 Three main theories:
 Maslow’s needs-hierarchy theory
 Theory X and theory Y
 McClelland's human motivation theory
Maslow’s Needs-Hierarchy Theory

 We must satisfy each need in turn starting

with the first
 Only when the lower order needs are
satisfied, we are concerned with the higher
 If our lower order needs are not satisfied,
we are no longer concerned about the
Theory X and Y

 Two fundamental approaches to managing

 Theory X (authoritarian management style)
people must be forced with the threat of
punishment to work
 Theory Y (participative management style)
people will apply self control and self
direction to achieve goals without external
McClelland’s human motivation theory

 “Need for achievement” person seeks

challenging goals
 “Need for affiliation” person seeks to be
liked and wants to belong to group
 “Need for power” person seeks to
control and influence others

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