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Nasser S Al-Hajri Corporation

Saudi Aramco Onshore Maintain Potential Program

Contract # 6600051272
Excavation:- any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in the Earth's surface
formed by earth removal.

The possible Hazards could arise during excavation:

• Possible damage to Underground Utilities

• The collapse of the sides of the excavation
• Materials falling onto people
• Falls, either people or vehicles
• Nearby structures collapsing into the excavation
• Electrocution, Fire & explosion, H2S gas leak.
• water ingress and flooding,
• mobile equipment accidents,
• confined spaces, and extreme temperature, Etc.

Protective Systems shall be used to protect workers from cave-ins by:

• Sloping and benching the sides of the excavation;

• Supporting the sides of the excavation; or
• Placing a shield between the side of the excavation and the work area.


Nasser S Al-Hajri Corporation
Saudi Aramco Onshore Maintain Potential Program
Contract # 6600051272
Mitigation for Excavation work:

• Obtain proper work permit as per GI 2.100 and implement the conditions adequately.
• Prior excavation Metal and Cable detection must be done and metal/cable locator.
• Highlight the existing utility in the plot plan attached with the permit.
• All utilities and lines shall be properly identified and appropriate parties notified
before beginning any digging or clean up
• Supervisor must discuss with the operator about the excavating area and the
underground utilities.
• SAUDI ARAMCO Certified operator should allow operating the excavator.
• Awareness to employees to stop excavation and inform Supervisor if any unidentified
UG utilities are encountered.
• Excavation and trenches shall be inspected by the responsible Competent Person daily.
• Hard barricade (Red and White) must have a 2 -meter distance from the excavation
edge and Safety Signboard to be posted.
• Safe Access/Egress shall be provided to excavations and trenches on every 7.5 meters
(25 feet) distance.
• Should not be Store of excavated soil, material, tools near edge of the excavation.
• Keep spoil soil minimum 60cms (2 ft.) away from the edge of excavation.
• If Excavation is 1.2 meter deep or more SA Confined Space Safety Procedure shall be

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