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Vendor Master Data
 Master records must be created for every vendor
 Vendor Master Data is pulled from the database (SAP)
when creating Purchase Orders

Vendor Master Data Terms

Accounting Purchasing
Master Master
Records Records
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Vendor Master Data
 General Data:
 Client-level data: Applies to all company codes and

purchasing organizations
 Name, address, phone numbers, language

 Company code data

 Accounting data: Currency used, payment terms.

 Purchasing data
 Data important for purchasing (contact persons,

delivery terms)

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Partner Roles
 In the procurement process, there may be different
business partners for different roles in the transaction.
These partner roles are defined in vendor master data
Ordering Invoice
Address Presented


Goods Payment
Supplier Received
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Material Master Data

 An advantage of the SAP system is that it maintains one set of

data in real time. Material data is used by many functional areas
such as finance, marketing, sales, production and human
resources. In the SAP system, there is one set of related data for
each material. With non-integrated systems, each system may
contain material data, and this data is not always consistent. In
the SAP system, the data is consistently correct or incorrect.
 Material Master data is organized by Views. Depending on the
type of material, only certain views need to be used. As the
system is configured, additional views can be added as

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Material Master Views

Basic NRG-A Bars

Data Base unit: CS
Gross wt: 72 lb.
Non-plant specific
Plant specific

Plant 1000 Plant 2000

Lead Time: 2 days Views Lead Time: 3 days
Std. Price: 216.80 Std. Price: 223.20

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Purchasing Info Record

 Provides continuously updated information about the

relationship of a specific material with a specific vendor
 Provides default information for purchase orders

Material Vendor
Info Record
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Purchasing Info Record

 Contains:
 Current price and delivery costs for purchasing

organization or plant
 Number of last purchase order

 Purchase order price history

 Tolerance limits for over/under deliveries

 Planned delivery time for material

 Vendor evaluation data

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Purchasing Info Record
 Purchasing info records can be created directly, as we
will do in this class, or can be created automatically
when a purchasing document (e.g. purchase order) is
created or changed.
 Conditions is SAP’s term for pricing, which can
include discounts, freight costs, surcharges, etc.

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Purchasing Process

 Create Purchase Requisition

 Where analysis/vendor selection occurs

 Create Purchase Order from Requisition

 Requisition items can be used to generate multiple

purchase orders
 Create Goods Receipt
 Create Invoice Receipt
 Post Outgoing Payment

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Procurement Process

Internal Purchase Purchase

Demand Requisition Order



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