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The past progressive tense (Continued)

I. Vocabulary: (Revision)
II. Grammar: The past progressive tense
1. Form:
(+) S + was / were + V-ing (P1) + ……
(-) S + wasn’t / weren’t + V-ing (P1) + …..
(?) Was / Were + S + V-ing (P1) + ….. ?
(+) Yes, S + was / were.
(-) No, S + wasn’t / weren’t.
2. Use:
a. Diễn đạt hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác
định cụ thể trong quá khứ.
Eg: Nam was taking a shower at 9 pm yesterday.
They were playing badminton at 4 pm last Sunday.
b. Diễn đạt một hành động đang xẩy ra (quá khứ tiếp diễn) thì một hành
động khác xen vào (quá khứ đơn)
Eg: - I was learning English when the phone rang.
- They were playing football when it rained.
* Ex1: Use these words to make full sentences
1. Lien / have dinner // the mailman / come.
2. Son / do / homework // his mother / arrive home.
3. Nga / write a letter // the phone / ring
4. Lan / talk to her grandmother // it / rain.
c. Diễn đạt hai hoặc nhiều hành động cùng xẩy ra song song trong quá khứ
Eg: My mother was watching TV while my father was listening to music.
While they were playing tennis, Lan was reading a newspaper.

My sister I We Tuan

Nam and Ba Son and Hai Nga and Tan Miss Ha and Van
Exercise 3: Use the correct form of Verbs.

1. I (go) for a walk with my dog at 9 pm yesterday.

2. They (not play) football at school at 2 pm last Sunday.
3. Marry (cook) dinner when he (come).
4. You (play) table tennis while I (do) homework.
5. What you (do) at 3 am last Wednesday ?
6. While the children (play) in the garden, it (rain).
7. Nam (water) the flowers while his sister (read) a book.
8. What you (think) when the phone (ring) ?
9. She (take) a shower at 8 o’clock last night?
10. When we (arrive) at school, the school drum (sound).
IV. Homework

1. Learn the forms and the uses by heart.

2. Make two sentences for each form.
3. Prepare vocabulary of Unit 13 section 1, 2.

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