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Industrial Training Experience during

MATRIC NO : QTS/201/076
DATE : 12TH,December,2023
• SIWES (Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme): A Nigerian
government initiative bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and
practical application, exposing students to real-world work environments.
Objective of Industrial Training
• Gain practical insights into the construction industry, applying classroom
knowledge, and deepening understanding of industry practices.
Duration of the Attachment
• I commenced my 6-month industrial training on February 13th,
concluding on August 12th. During this period, I actively participated in
various construction industry activities.
Company Overview - Structdev Nigeria Limited
Name and Logo
• Name: Structdev Nigeria Limited
• Logo: [Include the company's logo]
Core Business and Industry
• Business Focus: Construction (Building and Civil Engineering)
• Reputation: 20 years of excellence
• Presence: Strong in OAU, Nigeria
Company Overview- continued
• Specialization: Construction works (Residential, Commercial, Infrastructure, Renovations)
• Founded: 2003
• 2007: First major residential project
• 2010: Expanded to civil engineering
• 2015: Secured government contract for a vital bridge
• 2020: Celebrated 17th anniversary
• Impact: Significant contributions to Nigeria's development
• OAU Projects: Notable projects on OAU campus, including Old Senate Building extension and OAU
Teaching Hospital initiatives
• Economic Impact: Job creation, skill development, and positive economic contribution
Department/Division Placement
• Contractor's QS Department - Sitework Activities
Role and Responsibilities
• Overview: Assigned to daily site activities and overall project
• Responsibilities:
• Site Activities: Involved in coordinating and overseeing daily site operations.
• Project Management: Contributed to planning and managing the entirety of the
• Quantity Surveying (QS): Engaged in activities related to quantity surveying for
construction projects.
Learning Objectives
1. Gain Practical Experience
1. Participate in daily site activities.
2. Contribute to project planning and execution.
2. Develop QS Skills
1. Master cost estimation using industry-standard software.
2. Enhance precise quantity measurement skills.
3. Understand Project Lifecycle
1. Explore project phases from planning to completion.
2. Recognize the role of QS throughout the project.
4. Improve Communication Skills
1. Enhance verbal and written communication with stakeholders.
2. Participate in meetings and presentations.
5. Familiarize with Industry Practices
1. Stay updated on industry standards and regulations.
2. Network with professionals for insights into industry trends.
Daily Tasks and Responsibilities
Daily Tasks
1.Stock Keeping:
1. Maintained material records on-site.
2.Measurement Preparation:
1. Prepared measurements for:
1. Concrete casting.
2. Floor area for tiles.
3. Blocks production.
4. Laborers' work surface area.
Specific Projects/Assignments
• Contributed to:
• Casting of Slab Concrete.
• Steel Roof Construction.
• Operation of Leveling Instrument.
• POP Casting.
Daily Tasks and Responsibilities continued
Challenges and Solutions
• Challenge 1: Measurement Metrics.
• Solution: Trained in imperial measurements, converting between feet and meters.
• Challenge 2: Concrete Works Measurement.
• Solution: Collaborated with seniors and attended training for precise measurements.
• Additional Challenges and Solutions:
• Terminology:
• Solution: Sought guidance, created a glossary for quick reference.
• Documentation:
• Solution: Attended workshops, sought mentorship for effective documentation.
• Collaboration:
• Solution: Engaged actively, fostering open communication.
Skills Acquired
• Skills Acquired
1. Technical Skills:
1. Construction Estimation: Proficient in preparing Bills of Quantities (BOQ) using Excel.
2. Project Management: Utilized Microsoft Project to monitor and manage the program of works.
2. Administrative Skills:
1. Site Meetings: Organized and facilitated site meetings, fostering effective communication.
2. Material Procurement: Developed skills in coordinating and managing material procurement
3. Soft Skills:
1. Communication: Enhanced communication skills through regular interactions with diverse teams.
2. Adaptability: Adapted to imperial measurements and learned new measurement techniques.
3. Organization: Improved organizational skills in maintaining material records and managing
Technologies/Tools Used
• Technologies/Tools Used
1.Microsoft Excel:
1. Utilization: Extensively used Microsoft Excel for preparing Bills of
Quantities (BOQ) and quantitative analyses.
2.Microsoft Project:
1. Utilization: Employed Microsoft Project for monitoring and managing the
program of works, ensuring project timelines were adhered to.
3.Leveling Instruments:
1. Utilization: Operated leveling instruments for precise measurements during
construction activities.
Challenges and Solutions
Challenges and Solutions
1.Placement Challenges:
1. Challenge: Initially faced difficulty securing a placement for the program.
2. Solution: With the assistance of a lecturer from the department, successfully
secured a placement.
2.Financial Challenges:
1. Challenge: Experienced financial difficulties, particularly during nationwide
cash scarcity.
2. Solution: Overcame financial challenges with financial incentives provided
by the company, enabling successful completion of the program.
Lessons Learned
Valuable Lessons
1. Learned to adapt to new challenges, such as adjusting to imperial measurements, demonstrating
flexibility in various work scenarios.
2.Professional Networking:
1. Recognized the importance of building professional networks, connecting with colleagues,
mentors, and industry professionals for knowledge exchange.
3.Financial Management:
1. Gained insights into effective financial management, overcoming challenges during periods of
nationwide cash scarcity with resourcefulness and strategic planning.
4.Project Collaboration:
1. Discovered the significance of effective collaboration in construction projects, emphasizing
teamwork and open communication for successful project outcomes.
Overall Experience and Impact
• Reflecting on my industrial training experience, it has been a
transformative journey that significantly impacted both my personal and
professional development. The hands-on exposure to diverse tasks,
challenges, and collaborations provided invaluable insights into the
construction industry. This experience fostered adaptability, resilience,
and enhanced my technical and soft skills. It served as a foundation for
my future endeavors, equipping me with practical knowledge and a
deeper understanding of the construction and quantity surveying field.
As I conclude this chapter, I am grateful for the opportunities, lessons
learned, and the positive influence it has had on shaping my career path.

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