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Control and localization of (leader-followers) mobile robots

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For the testing and validation purpose an Arduino based system is being designed that will be used to demonstrate the ability of presented solution. For the
Localization and control of leader-follower mobile robots is an exciting area of robotics that is rapidly developing. It involves designing algorithms prototype, a four wheel drive is ordered from Initially, the four wheel drive is assembled and tested by manually controlling vehicle over the
and strategies that allow a group of robots to move together in a coordinated way, with some of the robots acting as leaders and others following them. Bluetooth connection. The four wheel robot car is able to move forward, back, left and right. The figure below shows the four wheel drive assembled car. The
There are a variety of applications for these robots, including search and rescue missions, automated warehouses, and manufacturing facilities. In order current system consist of Arduino UNO and LD293D motor drive shield. Four rechargeable cells are used to power robot car.
to perceive their environment, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their movements with one another, these robots require the use of various
technologies, such as sensors, communication protocols, and advanced algorithms. The field is not without challenges, as it involves dealing with
issues like collision avoidance, sensor noise, and communication delays. In spite of this, leader-follower mobile robot control and localization are
rapidly becoming a promising field with numerous applications due to the rapid advances in robotics and artificial intelligence. The project gives an
opportunity to learn and design practical systems in the field of robotics. The main objective is to design an effect and low cost control and localization
scheme for the robots. A leader and follower scheme is a hot research topic in swarm robotics, where a group of autonomous vehicles perform a
particular task.

The method that will be used to design the solution for Control and localization of (leader-followers) mobile robots is mainly based on Arduino Development
Board. C programming language is used to define GPIO pins and algorithms for Arduino Development Board. For the control scheme, the proposed hardware
design will use Wi-Fi technology. As soon as the leader robot moves in a direction, a character will be broadcasted using Wi-Fi module. For instance, if the The initial tests for control and localization are successfully completed. In the next phase of implementation,
leader robot is moving forward character “F” will be published. Similarly for the directions of left, right, back the characters “L”, “R”, “B” will be published
respectively. The figure below shows the flowchart for the proposed solution. For the follower robot, ultrasonic sensors will be equipped on leader robot to
ultrasonic and orientation sensors will be installed to estimate the exact distance and rotation angle of leader robot.
estimate the distance and angle of rotation.


1. T. -M. Nguyen, Z. Qiu, T. H. Nguyen, M. Cao and L. Xie, "Distance-Based Cooperative Relative Localization for Leader-Following Control of MAVs," in
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 3641-3648, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2019.2926671.
2. D. A. Patil, M. Y. Upadhye, F. S. Kazi and N. M. Singh, "Multi Robot Communication and Target Tracking system with controller design and
implementation of SWARM robot using Arduino," 2015 International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control (ICIC), Pune, India, 2015, pp.
412-416, doi: 10.1109/IIC.2015.7150777.

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