Road and Its Effect On Traffic

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Road and its effect on

Factors that cause accidents
 The Road
 The Vehicle
 The Driver
 The road user other than the motorist
 Environmental factors
Road Factors
 Vertical Alignment
 Sight Distance – Safe stopping and overtaking
 Super elevation-Adequate superelevation
 Carriageway width
 Width and conditions of Shoulders
 Deficiency in road signs and Road markings- Centre line markings, stop line marking and
pedestrian crossing
 Junction Design- Turning Radius, Exit and entry points, Channelizing islands
 Pavement Surface Characteristics- Negotiating a curve, when applying brakes, anti-skid
 Narrow bridges and Culverts
 Median Width
 Street Lighting
Vehicle Characteristics
 Mechanical Deficiencies of vehicles- leads to 5% of accidents
 Reduction in accident numbers
 Accidents less severe to road user
 Accidents less severe to Vehicle occupants
Factors influencing Vehicle Characteristics

 Braking System- Interaction between the tyre and road surface

 Load distribution among the different wheels and brake distribution in front and rear
 Prevention of wheel lock
 Anti Skid Brakes
 Vehicle Lighting System- headlights (Driving main beam and Dipper beam)
 Side lamps, parking lights, rear lights, direction indicators and stop lamps.
 Dipper beam- avoids glare to the opposing traffic
 Polarised headlights
 Rear lamps
 Direction Indicators
Vehicle body and its features
 Shape and dimensions of the driver’s seat
 Arrangement of dials on the dash board
 Positioning of controls in relation to the driver’s seat
 Visibility of the driver from the seat
 Noise levels in the vehicle
 Concentration of carbon monoxide inside the vehicle
 High horsepower vehicles
 Puncture
 Blowouts
 Vulnerability to damage by sharp objects
 Braking and road surface characteristics
 Skidding- Interaction of tyres, brakes, road surface, speed and the wetness of the road
Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance
 Frequent inspection and testing of vehicles
 Periodic inspection of brakes, lighting systems and steering mechanism
 Suspension systems and windscreen
The Driver
 Driver judgement, skill and emotional make-up
 Age of driver
 Marital status
 Training of Drivers
 Alcohol and drugs and the driver
 Fatigue
 Use of crash helmets
 Use of safety belts and air bags
Phenomenon of Skidding
 Tyre-pavement interface – governs the stability of vehicles
 If the friction that is mobilised > Decelerating force, the vehicles comes to a safe halt within a
certain distance
 If the friction < decelerating force, the vehicle cannot be controlled by the driver and the wheels
of the vehicle gets locked
Factors affecting skid resistance

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