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01 02 03 04

Ayu Annisa Sartika Dewi Nur Halisa Cinta



Definition of Procedure
Characteristics of
02 Procedure Text

03 Types of Procedure Text

Procedural Text
04 Structure

Language Rules of
05 Procedure Text
Definition of Procedure
The definition of procedural text or procedural paragraph is a type of
text that describes a method, steps, and has the goal of making
something according to a predetermined sequence. So that the text will
achieve a certain goal or make something good and right.
So, the notion of procedural text is a type of text in which there are
stages or steps that are explained coherently and sequentially with a
short and clear language style. In order for the readers to easily
understand the intent of the text they read and then execute it, the
readers must immediately practice the steps.
Characteristics of Arranged Systematically But
ps of an Activity in Detail
Contains Regarding the Ste Procedure Text Procedure text is also writte
procedural text is that it n
The first characteristic of it's systematically but still detai
ticular activity. Whether led. It aims to
contains the steps of a par clo the s, ma kin g help readers practice the ste
the steps in making a dish, mo re. ps and
ing, and ma ny procedures that are prese
handicrafts, making someth nted properly
and correctly.

Presenting Objective Informati

Written in bullet points A thing described in a proce
is written in the
Usually, procedural text usually have an objective
dure text will
numbering. So that
form of bullet points or nature. Because the thing
in explaining the
it makes the text clearer s presented in
the text do not originate fro
ginning to end to
steps or stages from be imagination or creation of
m the
the reader. the author.

Using Suggestions and Pro Contains Numbers or Sequen
ral text are usually
The contents of procedu As we have discussed abov
e, that
ns and
in the form of suggestio procedural text contains a
ug gestion sentences step or stage
prohibitions. For self-s that is made and written in
writer to help the the form of
are usually given to the points. Therefore, the text
steps and stages in usually has
reader go through the numbers or sequences.
making something right.
Types of Procedure Text
Complex Procedure Text
Understanding Complex procedure text is a text
that contains many steps or stages that are
Simple Procedure Text
of procedural text is a text complicated and quite complex. It is even
This type of understanding
ps and the process is not possible that one step and the other are
that contains only a few ste
o practice. Examples carried out in parallel and also in
too difficult to follow and als
how to make chicken serial. However, there are mandatory things
of procedure texts include
d kale, and so on. that need to be considered by readers,
soup, how to make stir-frie namely the problem of accuracy.

Protocol Procedure Text

Understanding this one procedure text is a procedure that
can be carried out alternately and is not fixated on a
fixed sequence. So that you can do it from where
first, the most important thing is that the end goal of
the steps that have been taken are the same.
Procedural Text Structure

Introduction or Opene The next part is the author explains
e of procedural
Generally, the structur and mentions what materials are
, followed by an
text begins with a title used. For example, in making a food
y sentence. In the
opening or introductor dish, it will mention some of the
or will explain a little
introduction, the auth ingredients used complete with their
about the topic to be measurements.

Conclusion y the
The next part of the procedure text en d of th e pr oc edure text, namel
At the lled the
is the stages or steps of the topics t is usually also ca
conclusion or wha is section the
discussed. So the author will try to in g. As the na me implies, in th
clos of the
or s w ill ex plain the conclusions
explain the stages so that it is easier auth d
d in the stages an
activities discusse e
to understand and practice directly ell as adding som
procedures, as w
by the reader. the authors.
suggestions from
Language Rules of Procedure Text
Using Imperative Verbs Using Temporal Conjunctions
The first linguistic rule used in the procedure The third linguistic rule in procedural text is
text is to use imperative verbs. So, imperative conjunctions or temporal
verbs are types of verbs that usually end in - conjunctions. Conjunctions are a type of
an, -i, and -lah. Examples are words: put in, conjunction that serves to describe a
pay attention to, avoid, prepare, put in, chill, sequence and are explained chronologically.
and so on.

Using Technical Words Explain in detail about the materials and tools used
The procedure text will also describe the tools and
The second linguistic rule is to use materials used. Not only does it mention the tools and
technical words related to the topic materials, as well as the steps and stages of processing
being discussed in the text. the material, but it also includes measurements,
quantities, sizes, and colors.

Using Persuasive Sentences Using Material and Behavioral Verbs

The fourth language rule is to use persuasive Verbs or verbs used in procedural texts
sentences, namely sentences that aim to usually use material verbs and behavioral
persuade or invite the reader to take a certain verbs. Material verbs are verbs that are
action. So most of the procedural text will use carried out by means of physical action.
persuasive sentences.
How to make fried rice
Fried rice is one of the simple and easy
menus to make but can be guaranteed
Example of Procedure Text
delicious. This menu is very suitable to be
made when yesterday's rice is still left and it
would be a shame if you just throw it away. Ways of making:
Materials used: 1. Prepare a mortar or you can also use a blender
1 plate of white rice. or chopper. Add the chilies, shallots and garlic
1 chili, thinly sliced then grind it. If you use a mortar, then grind it.
1 clove of garlic, finely chopped 2. Heat a frying pan and add margarine, wait until
1 red onion finely chopped. it melts completely.
salt to taste. 3. Add the ground spices, stir-fry briefly until you
2 tablespoons of margarine, smell a fragrant aroma.
2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce. 4. Add salt, and stir again.
1 chicken egg (optional). 5. Add sausage pieces, sauté briefly.
1 piece of beef sausage (optional). 6. Then add the chicken eggs that have been
shaken off before, stir briefly.
7. After the chicken eggs are cooked, then add the
white rice and stir again until smooth.
8. Add sweet soy sauce, and stir again until
smooth and the color of white rice becomes
9. Correct the taste, if it's not salty enough, you
can add salt.
10. Remove from the pan and serve.

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