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Objectives of the program

Explore what to expect when transitioning into a leadership role and how
your role as a manger can make a difference.

Discuss Adient's expectations for leadership.

Increase knowledge of basic leadership skills, abilities and tools focusing on

building relationships and developing your team to drive performance and
business results.

Review leadership models and learn how to use your personal leadership style in
building relationships with your team.

Explore team and leadership dynamics including enhancing trust, credibility and
communication and how to effectively move your team through change.

Your personal objectives





Welcome to Adient’s New Leader
Development Training!

People are our greatest asset and we need

leaders who can develop and foster our Adient
culture - a culture of winning, customer
satisfaction and operational excellence. You
play a pivotal role.
I encourage all of you to fully participate in
the program with an open mind, gain as much
knowledge as you can and most importantly,
use your learnings in your daily work.

As you embark on your leadership journey, let

the LEM behaviors and Adient values guide
and direct you. By demonstrating these
behaviors, you shape the culture that will
improve the experience of a world in motion.


Neil E. Marchuk, CHRO

Leadership tasks & role

Communicator Results achiever

Thinker Team-builder

Decision-maker Image-builder

Transitioning into a leadership role

Collect main differences and challenges in successfully transitioning to a

leadership role.






Management Tasks






Leadership vs management
Adient Leader Expectations Model (LEM)






Adient Leader Expectations Model (LEM)






Your leadership style

Introduction of the 4 DiSC® types:






The DiSC® model

Constructive behaviours of the types 4 DISC types:

 High ego strength  Emotional

 Strong-willed  Optimistic
 Decisive  Animated
 Efficient  People oriented
 Desires change  Enthusiastic
 Competitive  Persuasive
 Independent
 Practical D i  Talkative
 Stimulating

 Perfectionistic  Dependable
 Accurate
 Serious
 Orderly
C S  Supportive
 Contented
 Amiable
 Sensitive  Agreeable
 Persistent  Accepts change slowly
 Needs much information  Calm
 Cautious  Reserved

Defensiive behaviours of the types 4 DISC types:

Pushy Disorganized
Impatient Undisciplined
Domineering Manipulative
Attacks first Excitable
Tough Reactive
D i Vain

Stuffy Unsure
Slow to make decisions
C S Wishy-washy
Fears criticism Conforming
Critical Insecure

The DiSC® Model


Primary motive Characteristics

Control Self-confident/egoistic
Fears Willing to take risks
Losing control, being taken advantage of Decisive
Desires Result-oriented
Strength and authority Straightforward / demanding
Challenges Unambiguous
Straight answers
Freedom from direct control and rules Limitations
New and varied activities Lack of consideration towards others
Possibility of individual achievement Impatience
Insufficient focus on quality


Primary motive Characteristics

Social recognition/ attention Optimistic
Fears Easily trusted
Social rejection Emotional
Wants Involved with people
Being popular Outgoing
Being the centre of things Enthusiastic /charming
Praise (you are OK) Open
Group activities Limitations
Positive relationships Impulsive / disorganised
Freedom from control and details Promises too much
Inadequate follow-through

The DiSC® Model


Primary motive Characteristics

Keeping the status quo Deliberate
Fears Consistent
Change / the unpredictable Cooperates well
Wants Patient / attentive
Sincere appreciation Loyal
Co-operation Considerate of group interests
To work with familiar methods, etc. Accepting
Security Limitations
Time to adjust to new methods Too willing
Puts own needs last
Clings to what is familiar
and passively resists change


Primary motive Characteristics

Quality/precision Analytical and factual
Fears Attentive to standards and detail
Mistakes, carelessness, criticism from Conscientious
colleagues, emotionally charged situations Diplomatic / cautious
Wants Businesslike / reserved
To be right Hungry for knowledge
Overview Reliable
Security Limitations
Praise for tasks Over-critical towards self and others
Limited risks Indecisive
The support of authority, including printed Lacks creativity
matter, reference works etc.

Situational leadership







Situational leadership

How to choose the most appropriate leadership style?


Directing leadership style

Steps of directing
Responsibility of the manager:

1. Describe the expected outcome and the importance of the task

2. Break up the task down into parts and explain it step-by-step
3. Ask frequent questions to make sure you have been understood
4. Agree on checkpoints and be consistent in checking
5. Remain available for clarifications and further explanations









Delegating leadership style

Rules of delegating
Responsibility of both the manager and team member:

• Define the task and the objective precisely.

• Double-check that the competence is available by asking questions
• Monitor progress, provide milestones and deadline.
• Do not take the job and the responsibility back









Supporting leadership style

Rules of giving support

Responsibility of the manager:

• Raise self-confidence
• Be empathetic, show genuine interest
• Don’t judge, accept what your co-worker has to say
• Explore what lies behind the motivational problem
• Include the co-worker in working out a solution
• Do not give advice on personal problems
• Set a deadline together

The 4 Ws of supporting
Coaching leadership style

Rules of coching
Responsibility of both the manager and team member:

• Track the team member’s performance continuously

• Give regular feedback on the employee’s performance
• Try to raise the employee’s level of motivation (focusing not only on the professional
• Always give concrete and precise opinions
• Follow up on the execution
• Agree on a deadline

Coaching situations

I. Planned
 Establishing a long-term coaching plan
(e.g. performance evaluation)
 Analyzing an observed situation for the purposes of development behaviour

II. Ad hoc
 Concise, spontaneous feedbacks to a concrete action, paired
with suggestions for improvement.
Case study

Read the situation, consider all the information you have on the team members.
Decide upon the right leadership style to use with the employees.
Discuss within your group how you are going to assign the task to them.










Leadership credibility

As a group, identify a leader who you consider credible.

Choose one leader as a group. Can be anyone.
Make a list of the characteristics/ attributes that make him/ her









Leadership Credibility

Credibility is how leaders earn the trust and confidence of their employees.

• Credibility is the foundation of leadership

• The ability to earn and sustain credibility depends on how well you know yourself &
your confidence base
• Your behaviors and actions have a direct effect on how others perceive your credibility
as a leader

Leaders build trust by being:



Confidence base

It is the competency you have worked hard to develop and the one skill that makes
you stand out as a leader.

Building and sustaining your credibility

begins with how well you know yourself
and your confidence base.

Create your own claim.

My Confidence base is:



Your thoughts and notes:



Managing your credibility

It's not only what you do, but how you do it:

• How you communicate with people

• How you present yourself
• How you treat people
• The decisions you make
Managing change



is a conscious or spontaneous process to get from one state to the other.

Change management

• is the combination of procedures, means and techniques applied

• to make change sustainable
• through people who are committed to work in the changed environment.

How do people respond to change?

• Change can cause stress from the uncertainty that may affect people’s
performance, self-worth, and coping abilities

• High levels of stress can impact emotional and physical well-being

• Stress can impact the cost, quality, performance, or delivery of products or

services produced









Emotional curve of change

1. Phase of Insistence


What should you do as a leader?

Emotional curve of change

2. Phase of Letting go


What should you do as a leader?

3. Phase of Commitment


What should you do as a leader?

Dealing with resistance

Sources of resistance

How to approach and manage resistance as a leader:





Components of performance

What can you influence it s a leader?






Performance management


Performance Management is a continuous process of setting goals, assessing progress and

providing ongoing coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives,
development goals and overall contribution to the company’s plan.

The performance review cycle

Why is performance management important?

Why is it good for the ORGANIZATION?

Why is it good for the MANAGER?

Why is it good for the EMPLOYEE?

Challenges in performance management

What problems and difficulties did you encounter regarding Performance Reviews at your

From the perspective of the supervisors:

From the perspective of the direct reports:

Performance review

What will be evaluated during a performance review?

What? How? Context

LEM assessment

Assess yourself by using the LEM assessment tool which is part of the Adient Performance

Discuss your strengths and development areas with your partner.










Goal setting

• What is its role in Performance Review?

• How does it impact the team’s success?






1. Good goal statements begin with verbs. Start by thinking about the action that you’re going
to take.
2. Identify the outcome that will be achieved as a result of the action.
3. Consider whether there are any constraints or restrictions that must be met in meeting the

How to write goals?

• Start with an action verb
• Identify a single key result for each objective
• Identify costs—euro, time, materials, equipment
• State verifiable criteria that will demonstrate that the goal has been achieved
• Ensure that the goal is controllable by the individual
• Determine the relative goal priorities
• Determine how progress will be measured and how feedback will be provided and

Create your development goal

Think of a negative or developmental feedback you’ve recently received.

Create a SMART development goal for yourself.








The course of a goal-setting discussion
1. Preparation
 Date, location
 Preliminary email
2. Introduction and objectives of goal-setting
 Overview
3. Definition of goals
4. Appraisal of resources
5. Necessary competences required for objectives
6. Definition of individual development goals
7. Agreement, recording


1. What is the effect on the team member?

2. What is the effect on the team’s performance?

3. What is the effect on how the manager is valued?

Characteristics of helpful feedback

Characteristics Description

Immediate Do not wait so you can remember the details

Descriptive Explain what you observed -- “just the facts”

Non-judgmental Does not criticize or judge the person

Private Give corrective feedback in private

Non-emotional Give corrective feedback without emotion

A dialog Make it a two-way interaction

Consistent across your

Be consistent and fair among fellow employees
Tailored to the employee’s
Consider the employee’s style and personality








Feedback process

Use „I” language

Describe the results

Open a dialogue

Next Discuss what needs to be done differently in the

Steps future and then follow-up.

Situational exercise







Performance review conversation

Objectives of a performance review

• Clear, understandable expectations

• Two-way communication
• Uniformly-based, equitable system
• Involve staff members, increase in commitment
• Personal development
• Career development and support
• Improving individual and organizational performance
• Representation of organizational values

Evaluate the activity, never the person!

„There is only one way you can help another

person develop; it is
(Andras Feldmar)

Performance review conversation


The discussion

Rules of the discussion

Situational Exercise






Development planning process

Step 1: prepare

Step 2: collaborate

Step 3: create

Step 4: implement

Culture of development at Adient







Self-development by the 70-20-10 method

Brainstorm in 3 groups how to develop your skills consciously by:

Group 1: Learning by Doing (70%)

Group 2: Learning by Others (20%)

Group 3: Learning by Training (10%)

Your own development plan

Work on your previously set SMART development goal.

First work individually on your plan based on 70-20-10 model.

Explain it to your partner who is to give feedback and help

finetuning/completing it.

Employee engagement

Employee Engagement is:

a heightened and measurable emotional commitment that employees and managers feel for
their organization, that influences them to exert greater discretionary effort in their work to
achieve organizational goals and success.

Benefits of nurturing work environment

Satisfaction versus engagement

Satisfaction – engagement matrix

Leadership approach & activities to the segments

Satisfied opportunists Committed high performers

Satisfaction level

Transitory compromisers Disappointed promoters

Engagement level
Engagement Drivers

Being Heard and Valued


Carreer Opportunities
My job is important
Company has Outstanding Safety
Future Development Opportunities

Best Friend at Work

Co-worker Leader Cares About Me


Making a Difference Open Communication

Learning Opportunities
Clear Expectations
Resources and Information
to Do my Job







Key learnings and personal notes





















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