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Bule Hora University

College of Informatics
Computer science & engineering Department
Chapter 1
Characteristics of an Algorithm

Advantage and disadvantages of Algorithms:
Algorithm design paradigms
Brute force paradigm
Divide and conquer paradigm
Backtracking paradigm

Greedy paradigm
Example …
Dynamic programming paradigm

Discussion time (5 min)
Paradigm choice
Writing an algorithm

Algorithm Analysis Concepts
Reasons to perform analyze algorithms
How to Measure Efficiency/performance?
Drawbacks of empirical methods
Machine independent analysis

Examples: Count of Basic Operations T(n)
Formal Approach to Analysis

Types of Algorithm complexity analysis
Best, Worst and Average Cases
Order of Growth and Asymptotic Analysis
Growth rates
Rate of Growth
Visualizing Orders of Growth
Asymptotic analysis

Big-Oh Notation

Order of common functions
Implication of Big-Oh notation
Big-Omega Notation
Theta Notation
More notations

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