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Secure Software Engineering

Rama Krishna Yellapragada

Department of CSA
CO 1 – Module 1
Why Is Security a Software
• Why security is increasingly a software problem.

• Defines the dimensions of software assurance and software security.

• Identifies threats that target most software and the shortcomings of the software
development process that can render software vulnerable to those threats.

• Closes by introducing some pragmatic solutions that are expanded in the

discussion to follow.
• This entire discussion is relevant for
executives (E), project managers (M), and technical leaders (L).
Software is everywhere.

• It runs your car.

• It controls your cell phone.
• It’s how you access your bank’s financial services;
• how you receive electricity, water, and natural gas; and how you fly from coast to coast.

we all rely on complex, interconnected, software-intensive information systems that use the Internet as
their means for communicating and transporting information.

Building, deploying, operating, and using software that has not been developed with security in mind
can be high risk—like walking a high wire without a net .

The degree of risk can be compared to the distance you can fall and the potential impact.
Developing software without security in mind
is like walking a high wire without a net
The Problem
• Organizations increasingly store, process, and transmit their most sensitive
information using software-intensive systems that are directly connected to
the Internet.

• Private citizens’ financial transactions are exposed via the Internet by

software used to shop, bank, pay taxes, buy insurance, invest, register
children for school, and join various organizations and social networks.

• The increased exposure that comes with global connectivity has made
sensitive information and the software systems that handle it more
vulnerable to unintentional and unauthorized use.
The Problem … … …
• Software defects with security ramifications—
• including coding bugs such as buffer overflows and design flaws such as inconsistent
error handling—are ubiquitous.

• Malicious intruders, and the malicious code and botnets they use to obtain unauthorized
access and launch attacks, can compromise systems by taking advantage of software

• Internet-enabled software applications are a commonly exploited target, with software’s

increasing complexity and extensibility making software security even more challenging.
Vulnerabilities reported to CERT
(A Computer Emergency Response Team)
System Complexity: The Context within
With the expanding scopeLives
and scale of systems, project managers need to reconsider a number of development
assumptions that are generally applied to software security.

• Instead of centralized control, which was the norm for large stand-alone systems, project managers have to
consider multiple and often independent control points for systems and systems of systems.

• Increased integration among systems has reduced the capability to make wide-scale changes quickly. In
addition, for independently managed systems, upgrades are not necessarily synchronized. Project managers
need to maintain operational capabilities with appropriate security as services are upgraded and new services
are added.

• With the integration among independently developed and operated systems, project managers have to
contend with a heterogeneous collection of components, multiple implementations of common interfaces,
and inconsistencies among security policies.

• With the mismatches and errors introduced by independently developed and managed systems, failure in
some form is more likely to be the norm than the exception and so further complicates meeting security
Software Assurance and Software Security
The growing extent of the resulting risk exposure is rarely understood, as
evidenced by these facts:

• Software is the weakest link in the successful execution of interdependent systems

and software applications.

• Software size and complexity of ambiguous intent and prevent exhaustive testing.

• Outsourcing and the use of unvetted software supply-chain components increase

risk exposure.

• The sophistication and increasingly more stealthy nature of attacks facilitates


• Reuse of legacy software with other applications introduces unintended

consequences, increasing the number of vulnerable targets.
Software Assurance and Software Security
• Software assurance includes the disciplines of software reliability (also
known as software fault tolerance), software safety, and software security.

• The focus of Software Security Engineering is on, software security, which is

the ability of software to resist, tolerate, and recover from events that
intentionally threaten its dependability.

• The main objective of software security is to build more-robust, higher-

quality, defect-free software that continues to function correctly under
malicious attack
The objective of software security is to field
software-based systems that satisfy the following criteria:
• The system is as vulnerability free and defect free as possible.

• The system limits the damage resulting from any failures caused by
attack-triggered faults, ensuring that the effects of any attack are not
propagated, and it recovers as quickly as possible from those failures.

• The system continues operating correctly in the presence of most

attacks by either resisting the exploitation of weaknesses in the
software by the attacker or tolerating the failures that result from
such exploits.
Software that has been developed with security in mind generally
reflects the following properties throughout its development life cycle:

• Predictable execution. There is justifiable confidence that the software, when

executed, functions as intended. The ability of malicious input to alter the
execution or outcome in a way favorable to the attacker is significantly reduced or

• Trustworthiness. The number of exploitable vulnerabilities is intentionally

minimized to the greatest extent possible. The goal is no exploitable

• Conformance. Planned, systematic, and multidisciplinary activities ensure that

software components, products, and systems conform to requirements and
applicable standards and procedures for specified uses.
The Role of Processes and Practices in Software
A number of factors influence how likely software is to be secure. For
instance, software vulnerabilities can originate in the processes and
practices used in its creation. These sources include -
• The decisions made by software engineers
• The flaws they introduce in specification and design
• The faults and other defects they include in –
• Developed code
• Inadvertently or intentionally
• Other factors may include –
• The choice of programming languages
• Development tools used to develop the software and
• The configuration and behavior of software components in their development and
operational environments.
The most critical difference between secure software and insecure software lies in the nature of the processes
and practices used to specify, design, and develop the software
Threats to Software Security
In information security, the threat—the source of danger—is often a person intending to do
harm, using one or more malicious software agents. Software is subject to two general
categories of threats:

• Threats during development

• Threats during operation

Today, most project and IT managers responsible for system operation respond to the
increasing number of Internet-based attacks by relying on operational controls at the
operating system, network, and database or Web server levels while failing to directly address
the insecurity of the application-level software that is being compromised.

This approach has two critical shortcomings:

• 1. The security of the application depends completely on the robustness of operational protections that
surround it.
• 2. Many of the software-based protection mechanisms (controls) can easily be misconfigured or
misapplied. Also, they are as likely to contain exploitable vulnerabilities as the application software
they are (supposedly) protecting.
Sources of Software Insecurity
Software—especially networked, application-level software—is most often compromised by exploiting
weaknesses that result from the following sources:

• Complexities, inadequacies, and/or changes in the software’s processing model (e.g., a Web- or service-
oriented architecture model).

• Incorrect assumptions by the engineer,

• including assumptions about the capabilities, outputs, and behavioral states of the software’s execution environment or
about expected inputs from external entities (users, software processes).

• Flawed specification or design, or defective implementation of – The software’s interfaces with external
• Development mistakes of this type include inadequate (or nonexistent) input validation, error handling, and exception

• The components of the software’s execution environment (from middleware-level and operating-system-
level to firmware- and hardware-level components).

• Unintended interactions between software components, including those provided by a third party.
The Benefits of Detecting Software Security Defects
Managing Secure Software Development
• Which Security Strategy Questions Should I Ask?

• What is the value we must protect?

• To sustain this value, which assets must be protected? Why must they be
protected? What happens if they’re not protected?

• What potential adverse conditions and consequences must be prevented and

managed? At what cost? How much disruption can we stand before we take

• How do we determine and effectively manage residual risk (the risk remaining after
mitigation actions are taken)?

• How do we integrate our answers to these questions into an effective,

implementable, enforceable security strategy and plan?
A software security risk management framework
Software development life cycle with defined
security touchpoints
Thus, the goals of using secure software practices are as follows:

• Exploitable faults and other weaknesses are eliminated to the greatest extent
possible by well-intentioned engineers.

• The likelihood is greatly reduced or eliminated that malicious engineers can

intentionally implant exploitable faults and weaknesses, malicious logic, or
backdoors into the software.

• The software is attack resistant, attack tolerant, and attack resilient to the
extent possible and practical in support of fulfilling the organization’s mission.
What is Buffer Overflow
Buffers are memory storage regions that temporarily hold data while it is being transferred from one location to
A buffer overflow (or buffer overrun) occurs when the volume of data exceeds the storage capacity of the memory
buffer. As a result, the program attempting to write the data to the buffer overwrites adjacent memory locations.

For example, a buffer for log-in credentials may be designed to expect username and password inputs of 8 bytes, so
if a transaction involves an input of 10 bytes (that is, 2 bytes more than expected), the program may write the excess
data past the buffer boundary.

Buffer overflows can affect all types of software.

They typically result from malformed inputs or failure to allocate enough space for the buffer. If the transaction
overwrites executable code, it can cause the program to behave unpredictably and generate incorrect results, memory
access errors, or crashes.

Buffer overflow example

What is a Buffer Overflow Attack
Attackers exploit buffer overflow issues by overwriting the memory of an application.

This changes the execution path of the program, triggering a response that damages files or exposes private

For example, an attacker may introduce extra code, sending new instructions to the application to gain access to
IT systems.

If attackers know the memory layout of a program, they can intentionally feed input that the buffer cannot store,
and overwrite areas that hold executable code, replacing it with their own code.

For example, an attacker can overwrite a pointer (an object that points to another area in memory) and point it to
an exploit payload, to gain control over the program.
Types of Buffer Overflow Attacks

Stack-based buffer overflows are more common, and leverage stack memory that only exists
during the execution time of a function.

Heap-based attacks are harder to carry out and involve flooding the memory space allocated for a
program beyond memory used for current runtime operations.

What Programming Languages are More Vulnerable?

C and C++ are two languages that are highly susceptible to buffer overflow attacks, as they don’t
have built-in safeguards against overwriting or accessing data in their memory. Mac OSX,
Windows, and Linux all use code written in C and C++.

Languages such as PERL, Java, JavaScript, and C# use built-in safety mechanisms that minimize
the likelihood of buffer overflow.
How to Prevent Buffer Overflows

Developers can protect against buffer overflow vulnerabilities via security measures in their code, or by using
languages that offer built-in protection.

In addition, modern operating systems have runtime protection. Three common protections are:

 Address space randomization (ASLR)—randomly moves around the address space locations of data regions.
Typically, buffer overflow attacks need to know the locality of executable code, and randomizing address spaces
makes this virtually impossible.
 Data execution prevention—flags certain areas of memory as non-executable or executable, which stops an
attack from running code in a non-executable region.
 Structured exception handler overwrite protection (SEHOP)—helps stop malicious code from attacking
Structured Exception Handling (SEH), a built-in system for managing hardware and software exceptions. It thus
prevents an attacker from being able to make use of the SEH overwrite exploitation technique. At a functional
level, an SEH overwrite is achieved using a stack-based buffer overflow to overwrite an exception registration
record, stored on a thread’s stack.
Security measures in code and operating system protection are not enough. When an organization discovers a buffer
overflow vulnerability, it must react quickly to patch the affected software and make sure that users of the software
can access the patch.
List of Software Security Vulnerabilities and Weaknesses
If you want to protect your customers and your brand, it’s important to identify and prevent software security
vulnerabilities before shipping software.

In order to do so, you first need to be aware of the different types of security weaknesses and ways to avoid

This session aims at showing you common types of software security weaknesses and it also includes tips on
preventing these vulnerabilities.
• Bugs
• Exposure of sensitive data
• Flaws in Injection
• Buffer overflow
• Security misconfiguration
• Broken access control
• Insecure deserialization
• Broken/Missing Authentication
How to Prevent Software Vulnerabilities
1. Test Your Software
It’s a good practice to test your software often as this will help you find and get rid of vulnerabilities quickly. You can test your
software using code analysis tools, white box testing, black box testing, and other techniques.

2. Update the Software Regularly

It is important to regularly update software as outdated software is prone to vulnerabilities. By making sure your software uses up
to date components and dependencies, you can prevent security issues and software vulnerabilities.
3. Set Up Software Design Requirements
Define a set of principles that need to be followed while developing each software release. These principles will show the developers
how to write, inspect, and demonstrate their code to ensure security best practices are followed. Following the latest information
from organizations such as CWE, OWASP, and CERT will also help you detect and prevent vulnerabilities.
4. Use a Code Signing Certificate
Digitally signing your code using a code signing certificate will make your code tamper-proof, making it impossible for third parties
to tamper with your code. A code signing certificate will make sure your files remain secure and it will also prevent hackers from
adding security vulnerabilities to your code.
Effects of Software Security Vulnerabilities
Hackers make use of security vulnerabilities in software to attack and damage a system. Defects in
software allow these attacks to succeed.

Software security vulnerabilities don’t just result in hackers attacking a system but can also result
in financial losses.

Hackers often ruin the reputation of the companies they attack.

Attackers use security weaknesses to steal and access an individual’s personal details including
bank accounts to steal money.

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