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Scada Control –

Wind Farm

Done by:
Rohit Kumar Singh-
Srinjay Chaudhary A-
What is A Wind Farm

• Overview of wind energy as a renewable

Wind Energy Conversion
Process Using Turbines
• Wind Turbines: These structures have blades that capture the
kinetic energy of the wind
• Rotation of Blades: As the wind blows, it causes the turbine
blades to rotate
• Generator Activation: The spinning blades are connected to a
generator through a shaft
• Electricity Generation: Inside the generator, the mechanical
energy is transformed into electrical energy through the
principles of electromagnetic induction
• Grid Connection: The electricity generated is then fed into
the electrical grid, where it becomes part of the overall
energy supply
2. Environmental Benefits of
Wind Energy
• Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Wind power
is a low-emission source of energy
• Air Quality Improvement: Since wind power
doesn't rely on combustion processes, it doesn't
release pollutants like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
oxides, or particulate matter
• Water Conservation: Unlike conventional power
plants that often require significant water resources
for cooling, wind turbines do not consume water
during operation
3. Sustainability of Wind Power
Compared to Conventional
Energy Sources
• Renewable Resource: Wind is a naturally occurring and
renewable resource
• Low Environmental Impact: The environmental impact of
wind power is generally lower compared to traditional
energy sources
• Reduced Resource Depletion: Wind power doesn't rely on
the extraction and consumption of finite resources like
coal, oil, or natural gas
• Mitigation of Climate Change: By displacing electricity
generation from fossil fuels, wind power plays a crucial
role in mitigating climate change
1. Main
Components of a
Wind Farm
a. Turbines
• Function: Turbines are the primary components
that capture the kinetic energy of the wind and
convert it into mechanical energy
• Components: Each turbine typically consists of
rotor blades, a hub, and a generator
• Design: Modern wind turbines are often
designed with three blades mounted on a rotor
b. Nacelles
• Function: Nacelles house critical components,
including the gearbox, generator, and control
• Location: Nacelles are positioned atop the
tower, and they rotate to face the wind for
optimal energy capture
• Maintenance Access: They often include
platforms and service stairs for maintenance
and inspection purposes
c. Towers
• Function: Towers provide height to the turbine,
allowing the rotor blades to access stronger and
more consistent winds at higher altitudes
• Materials: Commonly made of steel or concrete,
and their height can vary depending on the wind
conditions at the site
• Foundation Attachment: The tower is anchored to
the foundation, which is crucial for stability
d. Foundations
• Function: Foundations provide structural
support and stability to the entire wind turbine
• Types: Common types include shallow
foundations and deep foundations
• Materials: Foundations are typically made of
concrete and may include additional
components like anchor bolts
SCADA Overview
What is SCADA?
• SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition
• SCADA serves as a centralized system
that supervises and manages various
processes within an industrial setting
• Its primary functions involve acquiring
data from sensors and other devices,
displaying this information to operators
through a graphical interface, and allowing
operators to control the processes remotely
3. Key Components of
a. Remote Terminal Units
• Function: RTUs are electronic devices located
in the field or at remote sites
• Communication: RTUs communicate with the
central SCADA system, providing real-time
information on the status of industrial processes
b. Human-Machine
• Function: HMI serves as the graphical interface
through which operators interact with the
SCADA system
• User-Friendly Design: HMIs are designed to be
user-friendly, allowing operators to monitor
processes and control systems with ease
c. Sensors
• Function: Sensors are devices that gather data
from the physical world, measuring parameters
such as temperature, pressure, flow, or electrical
• Role in SCADA: Sensors provide the input data
necessary for SCADA systems to monitor and
control industrial processes
d. Communication
• Function: The communication infrastructure
connects different components of the SCADA
system, facilitating the exchange of data
between RTUs, sensors, and the central control
• Types: Communication can be wired or wireless
Block Diagram
4. General Functions of
a. Data Acquisition
• Real-Time Data Collection: SCADA systems
continuously collect real-time data from various
sources, including sensors and RTUs
• Historical Data Logging: Store historical data
for analysis, reporting, and decision-making
b. Monitoring
• Real-Time Monitoring: Monitor industrial
processes, equipment, and conditions in real-
• Alarm Handling: Detect and handle alarms or
deviations from normal operating conditions
c. Control
• Remote Control: Allow operators to remotely
control industrial processes
• Automated Control: Implement automated
control strategies based on preset parameters or
A Brief accident Case Study of Wind Farms
• In March 2020, an accident happened in a wind farm in
Jilin Province, which caused huge economic losses. Based
on the investigation of the operation process at the scene
of the accident, the burning condition of the equipment
and the historical data of the relevant faults, it is found that
the cause of this accident was the insulation aging between
the low-voltage side turns of the transformer in the power
converter cabinet.In the process of opening the main
circuit of the equipment, the over-voltage phenomenon of
the transformer occurs, which leads to the phenomenon of
electric spark explosion.
How process control and
instrumentation can stop
this type of accident
1. Continuous monitoring
and alarming system
• Implementing a comprehensive process control
system with continuous monitoring of critical
parameters, including voltage levels, insulation
resistance, and temperature within the power
converter cabinet. Set up an alarm system that
triggers alerts when parameters deviate from the
normal operating range, allowing operators to
take immediate action before a potential issue
2. Remote sensing and
data analytics
• Utilize remote sensing technologies and data
analytics to assess the health and performance
of key components, such as transformers.
Implement predictive maintenance strategies
based on historical data and real-time
monitoring to identify early signs of insulation
aging or other potential failures. This proactive
approach can help address issues before they
lead to accidents.
3. Fault diagnosis and
automatic circuit
• Integrate advanced instrumentation for fault diagnosis to
quickly identify the root cause of issues like over-voltage
in the transformer. Implement automatic circuit
interruption systems that can rapidly disconnect the
equipment from the power source upon detecting abnormal
conditions, preventing further escalation and minimizing
the risk of electric spark explosions.

• These measures collectively enhance the reliability and

safety of wind turbine operations, mitigating the risk of
accidents related to insulation aging or other critical
failures in the power converter cabinet
SCADA in Wind Farms
• Securing wind farm control systems,
particularly SCADA systems, presents unique
challenges due to the remote and expansive
nature of these installations
• Addressing these challenges is crucial to
ensuring the reliability, integrity, and resilience
of wind energy infrastructure
• Here are some specific challenges related to
securing SCADA systems in wind farms
1. Remote Location and
• Many wind farms are located in remote areas
with limited network connectivity. Establishing
reliable communication links between turbines
and the central SCADA system can be
challenging in such environments.
2. Scalability
• Wind farms often expand over time with the
addition of more turbines. Ensuring that the
SCADA system is scalable to accommodate the
growing number of devices while maintaining
performance is a consideration during
3. Data Volume and
• Wind turbines generate a significant amount of
data, and efficiently handling and processing
this data in real-time can be challenging.
SCADA systems must have the capability to
manage large volumes of data for effective
monitoring and decision-making.
4. Costs and ROI
• Initial implementation costs and the return on
investment (ROI) over time are critical
considerations. While SCADA systems offer
long-term benefits, the upfront costs may pose
challenges, especially for smaller wind farm
5. Training and Skill Sets
• Operating and maintaining a SCADA system
requires specific skills. Training personnel to
effectively use and manage the SCADA system
is crucial for successful implementation and
ongoing operations.
• In conclusion, SCADA control systems play a pivotal role in optimizing wind farm operations by
providing real-time monitoring, data analysis, and remote management. Their integration enhances
efficiency, reliability, and overall performance, contributing to the sustainable and effective harnessing
of wind energy.

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