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10 Question Recap

1. What is urbanisation?
2. What do the terms LIC/HIC/NEE mean?
3. What does Rural mean?
4. What does Urban mean?
5. Give 2 examples of Pull Factors
6. Give 2 examples of Push Factors
7. Name 2 environmental challenges caused by urbanisation
8. Where is Mumbai?
9. What is a city with a population of 10 million people or more called?
10. Why is Mumbai a globally important city?
Case Study – Challenges in Mumbai

Learning Objective: To understand what challenges Mumbai faces as a city

Starter: From this photo, write down why Mumbai is in a NEE country What is a slum/shanty town?
Wealthy high-rise Some smog evident, indicates
buildings in the maybe some industry activity

Slum definition is - a densely populated usually urban

area marked by crowding, run-down housing, poverty, and
social disorganization.

A slum/shanty town: a densely populated usually urban area

Large overcrowded slum indicates still marked by crowding, run-down/self-made housing, poverty,
some levels of poverty in the area and social disorganisation.
Dharavi is an area in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, considered to be one
of Asia's largest slums. Dharavi has an area of just over 2.1 square
kilometres and a population of about 1,000,000.
Skills question
Describe the population change in Mumbai from 1971 – 2011
2 marks
Skills question
Describe the population change in Mumbai from 1971 – 2011
2 marks

Overall, the
population in
Mumbai, India has
 It has increased
from around
7,0000,000 in 1971
to 21,000,000 in
Show as far as 2.18
8 – 17 minutes

Make notes on what issues Dharavi faces that can see throughout the documentary
Photo skills and exam practice – What issues can we see in these photo which
Dharavi faces?
Because of rural-urban migration traffic congestion
Dirty water and pollution because of the open sewages is a huge problem in Mumbai

Overcrowding and urbanisation

has led to the growth of shanty
Dirty water and pollution because of the open sewages which may
lead to diseases such as typhoid and cholera. Because Mumbai is a Because of rural-urban migration traffic congestion
NEE and therefore not much money in healthcare, doctors may have is a huge problem in Mumbai which leads to more
to deal with up to 4,000 cases of diseases from dirty water a day accidents on the roads as well as poorer air quality,
which in turn affects people's health

Overcrowding and urbanisation has led to the growth

of shanty town. People live in an unsafe environment
as most people build their homes themselves, crime
increases in Dharavi and diseases spread more easily.
Writing task – Raja/Sunita's story – To be
submitted to the VLE
I want you to pretend you are either Raja or Sunita.
You have moved from the countryside to Dharavi
because of some push/pull factors. You have been
living in Dharavi now for one month. Write a letter
to the Indian government informing them of all the
challenges you believe Dharavi faces.

Success Criteria:

 Explain why you moved from the countryside to

Dharavi (push/pull factors)
 Explain in detail three challenges and the issues
you face now living in Dharavi
 Explain to the government what you think they
should do to try resolve these challenges

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