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- MK
Here is where yo
presentation beg
n g e r c a rries the
p h y n o w n o lo p r o gress of
i l o s o T h e
ry s h o w s that ph t did in the past. s s h a k e n th e
b i g s u b j ec t a s i ra l s c ie nces, ha h y b e g an
o f a
​ n a t u lo s o p
i d ea
e s p e c i a lly th e a l t h o u ght. Phi t h e parent
sc i en c e , p h ic b e in g
t i o n s o f philoso function, from n d re-gluing
fou n d a e i ts c h a
e l o p a n d chang k i n d o f approa r a p i d l y an d
to dev
e to b e c oming a t h a t d eveloped hilosophy
e old p
of scienc kinds of scienc y o f
v a r i o u s th e r. T h e hi s to r
t h e c a t egory of
d f ro m one ano o f th e stories in
separa t e e
o p l e t o know on alism.
brings pe of ancient spiritu
p h i l o so p
Ti m ur Ja uh
01 eastern region
a re C h in a , India, and
Include d in th e far
h ilo s o p h y o f spiritualism
. In In d ia , d e veloped the p J a pan growing
Japan h il e in
d u is m a n d Buddhism. W m a n d Confucianism
Hin , Ta o is
in to is m . L ik e wise in China
a The thought of Hindu spiritualism is the concept of karma
which means that every individual has been reborn repeatedly
in the form of a human or animal so that he becomes pure and
perfect as part of the universal soul (reincarnation). This
karma will ultimately determine one's status as a member of a
caste. The ancient polytheistic religion of Hinduism has
developed over thousands of years. In Hinduism many gods
are worshiped, but there are only three main gods, namely
Brahmin, Shiva and Vishnu.

b The thought of Hindu spiritualism is the concept of karma
which means that every individual has been reborn
repeatedly in the form of a human or animal so that he
becomes pure and perfect as part of the universal soul
(reincarnation). This karma will ultimately determine one's
status as a member of a caste. The ancient polytheistic
religion of Hinduism has developed over thousands of
years. In Hinduism many gods are worshiped, but there are
only three main gods, namely Brahmin, Shiva and Vishnu.
c The founder of Taoism was Lao Tse, born in 604 BC. His writings
which contain philosophical meaning are the way of God or the word
of God. Tao is everywhere, but it is neither formed nor touched, it
cannot be seen and heard. Tao means a path through which natural
occurrences occur naturally and are supplemented by regular
interludes, such as day and night. Taoists are taught to accept and
conform with certainty to the punishments and workings of nature.
Taoism regards the universe as a perfect and ideal system running
according to divine power

d Shinto is the main religion in Japan that focuses on nature worship
and ancestor worship. Shinto religion has many simple religious
ceremonies, offerings of solemn sacrifices and ceremonies in sacred
places that are offered to the god of the sun, rivers, rivers, villages,
trees, heroes and the like, in order to gain good harvests, protection
against injury or theft and generosity.
Ti m ur Te nga h
a YAHUDI dais m is also called the re
ligion of the
that Ju phical
is tia nity an d Is lam, because of P ro ph et . M id dle Eastern philoso
Chr ly book from th
e n of
m is in pr inciple the same as n th at ha s a ho ph ic al thou ght are the descriptio
Juda is ns a religio tence of philoso
awi), which mea signs of the exis
scriptures (sam B C. Th e visi ble value.
ound 1000-150 ion, truth and high
ideas emerged ar monot he is m , circ ulat
al oppression of
the forms of mor

b KRISTE yang berv ar iasi da n mempunyai ba

nyak aliran
m em punyai identitas be rtind ak . Perkembangan
Para filsu N
f Kriste n pada masa zaman
dalam hal-hal te
P at
er ek a m em pu nyai persamaan
dan ketekunan
para pe
ng ik ut ny a. A ga ma Kristen ini
onoteisme murni
. Dasar
un lam arti m
pemikiran. Nam at keberanian,
ketabahn konsep Tuhan da kan oleh
ini sangatla h pe sat berk
anny a ad alah m engajarkan
ris te n in i ke m udian dikembang
an-ajaran. Pokok
ajar jaran agama K
mempunyai ajar ng dija dika n sumber ajaran-a sia Kecil
agamaan ya jemaat asing di A
kepercayaan ke un ga n je m aat-
arkan dalam lingk
Paulus yang diaj
c The founder of Taoism was Lao Tse, born in 604 BC. His writings
which contain philosophical meaning are the way of God or the word
of God. Tao is everywhere, but it is neither formed nor touched, it
cannot be seen and heard. Tao means a path through which natural
occurrences occur naturally and are supplemented by regular
interludes, such as day and night. Taoists are taught to accept and
conform with certainty to the punishments and workings of nature.
Taoism regards the universe as a perfect and ideal system running
according to divine power

d Shinto is the main religion in Japan that focuses on nature worship
and ancestor worship. Shinto religion has many simple religious
ceremonies, offerings of solemn sacrifices and ceremonies in sacred
places that are offered to the god of the sun, rivers, rivers, villages,
trees, heroes and the like, in order to gain good harvests, protection
against injury or theft and generosity.
Reaksi terhad nani
r i t ua l i s m e di Yu
sc h o o l th a t e m phasizes spiritua
philosophical iritualism underl
Spiritualism is a T h e re fo re , sp
f materialism. irit, the soul, the
the opposite o o f th e m in i sp
xists in the realm ace. The soul
everything that e s n o t o cc u p y sp
formed and doe physical realm w
soul that is not ro u g h th e m e ta
thing real th is material. How
determines some o f ra tio a n d
nd the reach d with the flow o
existence is beyo o a re d is sa tis fie
philosophers wh with scientific
there are some d in co m p a tib le
h is considere and rationalism
spiritualism whic w o f m a te ri a lis m
was born the flo f spiritualism.
knowledge. Thus hers to th e flo w o
h ic h is the re a ction of philosop in G reece, but also in
w n ly ro lli n g
ction is not o
Actually this rea
d Europe.
Western world an

The background of the emergence of philosophy of education is the many changes and problems that arise
1 in the field of education, which cannot be answered by science alone by philosophy and the many new
ideas in the world of education.
The philosophy of ancient spiritualism began to develop in the Far East with the development of Hinduism,
2 Buddhism, Toism and Cytoism. Meanwhile, in the Middle East region, Judaism, Christianity and
anthropomorphism are developing.

3 The reaction to Greek spiritualism was the flow of idealism, materialism and rationalism.
Before going too deep into the philosophy of
education, first learn about the history of the
development of the ancient philosophy of
spiritualism. With this paper, it is hoped that we
will be able to know about this history. Apart from
that, you must also look for other references
because the material in this paper is still limited.

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