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Presented by Abir Igueder

and Rania Raihane
Table of contents

01. Mystery definition 03. The lost city of Atlantis

02. Bermuda triangle 04. Conclusion

01- Definition of a mystery
A mystery is something that is
difficult or impossible to understand
or explain. And today we’re gonna
talk about the Bermuda triangle and
the lost city of Atlantis
02-Bermuda triangle
The bermuda triangle is an area in There have been many theories
the westren part of the North about what causes these
Atlantic Ocean where several disappearances, like severe
aircraft and ships have weather conditions and
disappeared under mysterious underwater geological formations.
circumstances said to be located Despite the numerous stories
between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, surrounding it, the Bermuda
Miami, Florida triangle remains an unsolved
03- The lost city of Atlantis

Atlantis is a legendary lost city that has captured the

imagination of people for centuries.According to acient
Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis was a powerful and
advanced civilation that existed thousands of years ago. It
was said to be a magnificent city with grand architecture
and advanced technology. However, Atlantis supposedly
sank into the ocean in a single day and night,disappearing
without a trace
While the existence of Atlantis remains a topic of debate and
speculation among scholars and researches, many theories
suggest possible locations for this mythical city, ranging
from the Mediterranean Sea to the Caribbean and even the
Atlantic Ocean. Some believe that Atlantis was purely a
fictional creation, while others think there might be some
truth to the story
04 Conclusion
It’s fascinating to think about the
possibility of a lost city like Atlantis or
an unknown area where ships and
aircrafts disappear. So what topic is more
interesting for you, is it the Bermuda
triangle or the lost city of Atlantis
Thank you for your

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