Pid Xure

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Reporter: Borja, Mary Karen Rose T.

Definition Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is severe inflammation that results when vaginal and cervical infections spread into the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and surrounding tissues. PID can cause serious damage to a woman's reproductive tract, causing infertility, chronic pain, and tubal pregnancy. PID is one of the most common and serious complications of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in women. Up to 40% of untreated lower genital tract infections progress to PID. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the two most common causes.

PID can be acute (short, sudden flare-up) or chronic (persistent inflammation and infection).

Because PID primarily involves the fallopian tubes, health care practitioners sometimes use the term "salpingitis" when referring to PID. Salpingitis is inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The terms "endometritis" and "oophoritis" are also sometimes used. Endometritis is inflammation of the uterus, and oophoritis is inflammation of the ovaries.

Risk Factors

PID is caused by bacteria entering the reproductive organs through the cervix. When the cervix is infected, bacteria from the vagina can more easily get into and infect the uterus and fallopian tubes. You may be more likely to get PID if you: Have a sexually transmitted disease (STD). The most common causes of PID are Gonorrhea and chlamydia. The two most common culprits are the bacterium that causes g Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhea) and the bacterium responsible for vaginal chlamydial infections (Chlamydia trachomatis).

You are at higher risk for STDs if you are young and you don't use condoms when you have sex. Having more than one sex partner also increases your risk for STDs. Have bacterial vaginosis, which is not an STD. Douche. Have recently had an IUD inserted or had an abortion. Childbirth Endometrial biopsy Insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD) Miscarriage Therapeutic or elective abortion

S/S: The most common symptoms of PID include: Fever (not always present; may come and go) Pain in the abdomen or pelvis Vaginal Discharge with abnormal color, texture, or smell

Other symptoms that may occur with PID: Bleeding after intercourse Chills Fatigue Frequent Urination Increased menstrual Increased pain during ovulation Irregular menstrual bleeding or spotting Lack of appetite Low back pain Nausea, with or without vomiting No menstruation Painful Sexual Intercourse Pain with Urination Tenderness

Possible Complications: Chronic pelvic pain Ectopic pregnancy Infertility




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