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Putri Ayu Meinanda
NPM: 5021084

Menemukan Ide Pokok dan Ide Pendukung
pada Bacaan


Menentukan Ide Pokok dan Ide


Names: Jenna Doe, Laura Smith & Selena James

Subject: Literature Main theme: American poetry

Course: 9th grade Year: 2021 / 22

About the authors:

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only one that harbors life
in the Solar System. It is the beautiful planet where we all live, and it is
also known as the Blue Planet, due to the fact that over 70% of its
surface is covered with water. It is the densest planet of them all and the
Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite.
Table of contents

01 You can describe the topic of
the section here

02 You can describe the topic of
the section here

Features of this topic

03 You can describe the topic of
the section here

Activities & notes

04 You can describe the topic of
the section here
“This is a quote. Words
full of wisdom that
someone important said
and can make the reader
get inspired.”

—Someone Famous
Ide Pokok dan
Ide Pendukung

Ide pokok adalah hal utama yang ingin disampaikan.

Karena itu, ide pokok juga disebut gagasan utama atau
pikiran utama. Ada ide pokok paragraf dan ada ide pokok
tulisan.Ide pokok suatu paragraf biasanya dapat kita baca
di dalam salah satu kalimat di paragraf tersebut.
Sementara, ide pokok suatu teks utuh biasanya tidak
tertulis begitu saja. Karena itu, untuk memahami ide
pokok teks utuh, kita harus membaca semua paragraf.
Dengan melihat hubungan ide pokok satu paragraf
dengan paragraf lainnya dalam suatu tulisan, kita bisa
mengetahui ide pokok tulisan tersebut.Ide pendukung
atau gagasan pendukung adalah informasi tambahan yang
menjelaskan ide pokok. Karena itu, ide pendukung sering
pula disebut sebagai ide penjelas
Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun. It’s
terribly hot, but trust us, terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury, and its
atmosphere is extremely poisonous. It’s also the second-brightest natural
object in the night sky, after the Moon, and it was named after the
Roman goddess of love and beauty.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar
System. This planet's name has nothing to do with the liquid metal, since
Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god. Its surface is
similar to the Moon’s, as it appears cratered, and it has no natural
What is this topic about?

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only one that harbors
life in the Solar System. It is the beautiful planet where we all live,
and it is also known as the Blue Planet, due to the fact that over 70%
of its surface is covered with water. It is the densest planet of them all
and the Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite.
Despite being red, Mars is actually a very cold place. It is full of iron
oxide dust, which gives the planet its reddish cast. It is also the fourth
planet from the Sun and the second smallest one, being only a bit
larger than Mercury. Mars was named after the Roman god of war,
and is also known as the Red Planet.
You can enter a subtitle here if you
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Jupiter is one of the four gas giants
and the biggest planet in the Solar
System. It is the fourth-brightest
object in the night sky.
It was named after the Roman god
of the skies and lightning. Plus, it
is the fifth planet from the Sun,
and it is mostly composed of
hydrogen. It is covered with
clouds and has around a hundred
known moons.

Saturn is a gas giant and the sixth
planet from the Sun. It is
composed mostly of hydrogen and
helium, and has several rings
around it.
It is the second-largest planet in
the entire Solar System, after
Jupiter. Its radius is about nine and
a half times bigger compared to
Earth’s, and it was named after the
Roman god of wealth and

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