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He was born in coro coro, department of la paz, on October 5, 1861.

His parents were general clodomiro montes and dona tomasa
gamboa. He married dona bethsabe montes.

Montes was taller than short, of airy and pleasant continent, pale
color, black hair, with a populated and beautiful moustache,
trembling in a clear and calm voice, penetrating and imposing look,
and distinguished manners. At first sight he seemed to have a cold
temperament and a hard heart; But a close examination of him
revealed in him a gentle genius, a great heart, a severe conscience,
and for the performance of duty a character of steel. Maria Robinson
Wright dedicated to the then President ismael montes the book
"Bolivia" the central road of South America (printed text in
Studies and positions held

He enlisted as a soldier during the war of the Pacific, where he participated in the battle of alto
DE la alianza in which he was wounded, for which reason he was promoted directly to the rank
of sub-lieutenant without having entered the military college of the army, but when he already
held the rank of captain, he retired from the army.
He began his studies of law, receiving the title of lawyer from the universidad mayor DE SAN
ANDRES, having stood out and obtained great prestige, considered as the most important man
of liberalism, montes was also one of the founders of the Bolivian liberal party. He won the
chair of civil law in the faculty of law of the universidad mayor DE SAN ANDRES (umsa).
After his presidency he was ambassador and delegate to
the league of nations. As a lawyer, montes worked on
several important cases during the era of the Pacific war
between Bolivia and Chile. In particular, he stood out for
his participation in the "feats del mutun" case, where he
defended a group of Bolivian soldiers who had been
accused of desertion.
He spoke mainly Spanish and aymara, also said to have
basic knowledge of French and English.
His gifts as a military, lawyer and politician led him to
occupy the high office of constitutional President of Bolivia
on two occasions.
His figure also stands out at the national level for having
been the only President of Bolivia who came to
participate in three international military conflicts that
involved Bolivia and at different times.
He participated in the war of the Pacific, being 18 years
old, where he achieved his rank of sub-lieutenant, thus
beginning his military career, at 40 years old was present
in the war of acre with Brazil and finally at 71 years old in
the war of chaco with Paraguay.

Administrative ACTS

 Ismael montes, the President of Bolivia on several occasions during the early
20th century, was known for his commitment to community and social activities.
Here are some of the things he did:
 He founded the national teachers' school in sucre, hiring georges
rouma's Belgian mission to train teachers and apply new methods and
procedures for teaching.

 Education received preferential attention with the determined

participation of don Daniel sanchez bustamante and Juan misael
 In an effort to improve education in remote rural areas, montes
ordered the construction of several primary schools throughout the
 Montes also began construction of the workers hospital in la paz to
provide free medical care to the workers.

 He also promoted sports activities and founded several sports clubs

to encourage the practice of sports among young bolivians.
The treaty of October 20, by which Bolivia ceded the coast to Chile, is the most serious charge,
with baldon category, that weighs on the person and the government of montes. Because of it
we have so far "officially" lost our coastline.
During the government of gutierrez guerra, in December 1917 the opposition filed a trial of
responsibility against former President montes. On the 5th he presented himself in parliament
and for four hours he presented his political achievements in a fiery speech. I end with the
famous phrase taken from baptista "step and floor" and leave the chamber without giving the
republicans time to open their mouths
He died on 18 November 1933, aged 72, in the city of la paz, after his return from the Bolivian
chaco where he was military advisor to the Bolivian army.

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