Multi Agent System JACAMO

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Bouzellifa Nora - Ghrab Hadjer
Table of contents
Multi-Agent Systems Overview
02 Global View on JaCaMo

03 The Dimensions of JaCaMo

04 Integrating Agents, Environment, and Organization

05 Conclusion
Multi-Agent Systems Overview
● An organisation of autonomous agents interacting with each other within
a shared environment.
● Multi-agent systems (MAS) are characterized by four fundamental
dimensions: agents, Environment , Interaction and organizations.

 Agents: abstractions for the definition of the decision .

 Environment: abstractions for structuring resources .
 Interaction: abstractions for structuring interactions among entities .
 Organisation: abstractions for structuring and ruling the sets of
entities within the MAS .
Multi-Agent Systems Overview
● In the process of integrating the dimensions into one programming platform,
some dimensions may lose their control and visibility.

● JaCaMo, as a multi-agent system framework, offers tools and abstractions to

effectively manage and coordinate these dimensions, providing developers
with a comprehensive environment for building and controlling complex
multi-agent systems.
Global View on JaCaMo
JaCaMo, standing for Jason, Cartago, and Moise, is a multi-agent system (MAS) development framework.
It combines three well-established programming languages for building and managing multi-agent systems

JaCaMo Platform
The Dimensions of JaCaMo
In order to support the design and programming of JaCaMo MAS, we propose three sets of
(programming) abstractions.
Each of these sets of abstractions, to which we refer as dimensions, take part in the creation of a
multi-agent oriented program: the agent, environment, and organization dimensions

01 Agent

dimensions 02 Environment

The Dimensions of JaCaMo
1. Agent Dimensions

Key Structural Elements 1 Structure

 Goals: represent states of

affairs the agent wants to bring
about .
 Beliefs: represent the
information available to an
 Plans: are recipes for action,
representing the agent’s know-
 Events: happen as
consequence to changes in the
agent’s beliefs or goals .
Based on Jason meta-models
The Dimensions of JaCaMo
2. Environment Dimensions

Key Structural Elements 2 Structure

 Artifact: are abstractions used to model
resources or tools that are available in the
 observable Property: It could be a
feature, state, condition, or any other
attribute of the environment that is
accessible to agents or sensors within the
 Workspace: is the space or context in
which agents exist and interact. This
environment can be complex and dynamic.

Based on A&A meta-model

The Dimensions of JaCaMo
3. Organisation Dimensions

Key Structural Elements 3 Structure

 Group: provide a social structure with

roles that agents can adopt. When part of
an organization, an agent takes on at least
one role within a specific group.
 Norm: are used by MAS designers to
specify expected behavior for agents in
particular roles within a group..

Simplified Moise meta-model

Integrating Agents, Environment, and Organization

 Agent & Interaction:

Agents often communicate by

sending and receiving messages

Based on Cartago Jason Moise meta-models

Integrating Agents, Environment, and Organization
 Agent & Environment:

• Agents pursue their goals

by perceiving and acting
upon artifacts.
• Agents can perceive the
observable state of an
artefact, react to state
changes, and perform
actions through the
artefact's usage interface.

Based on Cartago Jason Moise meta-models

Integrating Agents, Environment, and Organization
 Agent & Organisation:

 Mapping of the organisational

state onto
artifacts computational state.
 Agents can reason on the
 to achieve organisational goals
 by developing organisational

 Agents may be aware of the

Organisation by the way of:
 organisational events
 organisational actions

Based on Cartago Jason Moise meta-models

Outcomes of A & E & O Integration

possibility to define possibility to define proper

mechanisms for agents to possibility to define proper mechanisms for
evolve within an mechanisms for deliberating on diagnosing/evaluating/refining/
the defining organisations
Internalisation of norms
JaCaMo offers a powerful multi-agent system framework with dimensions focusing on
Agents, Artifacts, and Organizations. Agents, equipped with autonomy and goal-driven
behaviors, dynamically interact with the environment, perceiving and acting upon
observable properties. The Environment dimension introduces essential structural elements
like artifacts and workspaces. The Organization dimension enables coordinated activities
among agents, fostering effective collaboration. In synthesis, JaCaMo's integrated approach
provides a versatile foundation for developing and orchestrating complex multi-agent

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