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: Ms. Cheah Ching Mun : H 177 :



1. Identify the strategies and methods of war from Sun Zis Art of War.
2. Analyze the applicability of Su Zis Art of War to modern business strategies and practices. 3. Apply the relevant principles and concepts of Sun Zis Art of War into modern business strategies and practices.

1. 13 Chapters. 2. This is a University Wide subject. 3. No Final Exam Assessment. 4. Quiz in Week 4, cover Chapter 1 to Chapter 7. 5. Group Assignment due date is in Week 5 (17 Nov 2011). 6. 1 credit hour 14 hours lecture 3.5 weeks.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

5 members per Group. Implication of Sun Zi Art of War in Business Strategy. Select an organization (Case Study). Information can be sourced from Academic Journals, Magazines, Internet and any Business Publications. Min 2,500 words. Register Topic & Organization in front of my office by end of this week. Limited to max. 3 groups for one organization. FIRST come FIRST served basis. Plagiarism no copy and paste work.




Sun Wu is a native of Qi State.

2. Sun Wu was born during The Spring and Autumn period (722-481 B.C.).

3. Sun Wu origin family name was not Sun (), but Tian (). 4. His Grandpa Tian Shu (), who had a lot of contribution to Qi State and military development especially he always won in the war and make Qi State become a strong and powerful state. 5. Consequently, Qi Emperor awarded Tian Su to change their family name to Sun. Basically, this was to upgrade their status in the country. 6. Since Sun Wu was young, he had a great and well study environment to let him know more about history and story about military and war.


When internal conflict among ministers become critical, Sun Wus family moved out and stayed in Wu State. In the Wu State, Su Wu had isolated in a village for many years.



Within that period , Sun Wu finished his 13 chapters of Sun Zis Art of War which contents around 7000 words only.

Is political expansion (resources, power, land & etc)

WAR Basically War declaration is caused by failure of politic control

Therefore, people start doing research and innovation on Wars, they try to use Wars to stop the battles and conflicts.

12. 13 Chapters are:

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Detailed Assessment and Planning () Waging War () Strategic Attack () Disposition of the Army () Forces () Weaknesses and Strength () Military Maneuvers () Variations and Adaptability () Movement and Deployment of Troops ()

Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13

Terrain ()
The Nine Battle Ground () Attacking with Fire () Intelligence and Espionage ()

Chapter 1 : Detailed Assessment and Planning () Chapter 2 : Waging War () Chapter 3 : Strategic Attack () Forces, Authority, Strategies Chapter 12: Attacking with Fire () Chapter 13: Intelligence and Espionage ()

Plan and Analyze our Strength and Weaknesses

Set the Strategies and Tactics

Go to Battle

Command, Conduct and Conquer other forces City

Chapter 4 : Disposition of the Army () Chapter 5 : Forces () Chapter 6 : Weaknesses and Strength ()

Strategies in the Battles, Art of the Wars

Main Purpose of the War is to Defeat People & Protect ourselves

Sometimes can use minority of armies to defeat the majority troops

How Sun Zi use 30,000 troops defeat 200,000 troops in the battle?

Therefore, Win in the Battle needs Strategies & Tactics; Analysis; Flexibility

Chapter 7 : Military Maneuvers () Chapter 8 : Variations and Adaptability () Chapter 9 : Movement and Deployment of Troops () Chapter 10: Terrain () Chapter 11: The Nine Battle Ground ()
Military Maneuvers How to Gain the Initiatives & How to Dominate?
How to Change Adverse Situation to Favorable Situation?

Basic Operational Principles, Basic Combat Rules

Variations and Adaptability

Difference Environment and Situation exist Changes

Movement and Deployment of Troops


The Nine Battle Ground

Relate to some territory analysis and general view to different international environment

13. With the recommendation by Sun Wus best friend Wu Zi Xu () who was Prime Minister of Wu State, Sun Wu was appointed by Emperor of Wu He-Lv () as Head of General for Wu military team.

14. Sun Wu is recognized as a Master of Military and we called him Sun Zi. Similar like Master of Confucius, we call him Kong Zi, Master of Taoism, we call him Lao Zi.

Zi = Master or Great Teacher

15. Three of them were born in Spring and Autumn Period. 16. 2 interesting cases always being discussed in history.

1. How Sun Wu train the concubines/women in place to prove he Sun Tzu Art of War can apply in any persons and situation which people willing to follow the instructions. 2. How Sun Wu use 30,000 army of Wu State to destroy 200,000 army of Chu State.
700 miles/1200 km 30,000 troops defeat 200,000 troops 5 Battles 5 Wins

11 Days - Defeat Chu State

Chapter 1 Detailed Assessment and Planning

Sun Zi said: The conduct of war is a matter of vital importance to the nation. It determines the survival or death of the country. It is a matter of life and death (of the people and their ruler). It must be studied and examined thoroughly.

Thus, analyze and study the five factors carefully. Compare them against (those of the enemy) so as to understand the changing conditions and circumstances (of war) and to assess the chances of victory. These five factors are moral influence, the weather, terrain, generalship, and doctrine and law.

Measures and policies that align the people with the sovereign so as to be in complete agreement and harmony with each other.

Business Application

1. Moral Influence is a fundamental values for an organization. Once Organization can appreciate the rights of employees and their benefits, service to people and contribute to society, it can form up the cohesion. 2. Relationship among leader and follower. i.e. Loyalty of employees.

Refers to the contrasting changes of night and day, the coldness of winter and the heat of summer, and seasonal changes.

Business Application
1. Before making a decision, one must think or plan cautiously as constraints or problems may arise. 2. Do the right decision or solution in the right way, right time and for the right person. 3. Timing. i.e. New Product introduction.

Refers to whether the route to be taken is long or short, whether the ground is treacherous or safe, wide or narrow with regard to ease of movement, and whether the ground will determine the death or survival (of an army).

Business Application Land/Ground (): Raw Material Destination () : Market / Target Market Situation () : Position Environment Place () : Place & Market under control

Refers to his qualities of wisdom, trustworthiness, benevolence, courage and discipline.

Business Application A leader who can lead the team to achieve their goals and objectives. IQ, EQ & etc Trust. Business is always built on trust. As a leader, one must know how to reward your followers contribution and take care of them. High Risk High Return after deep analysis of planning. Willing to change.

Refer to organization and control, management systems and procedures, and the command and control structure for the deployment of resources. Business Application Organization have their own policies and rules which apply to their culture. Be flexible and tailor it according to situation or environment. Organization System (Compensation Scheme) and Organization Chart. Use the system in Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling the organization. So, Organization will become more efficient, high cohesive and creative.

1. Which ruler has greater moral influence? () 2. Which general is more able and has greater abilities and skills? () 3. Which side (army) is able to better exploit the weather and terrain? () 4. Which side (army)is able to execute and implement law and order more effectively? ()

5. Which side (army) has more and stronger troops? () 6. Which side (army) has better trained officers and men? ()

7. Which side (army) is more enlightened in the administration of rewards and punishments? ()

1. All warfare is based on the principle of deception. Thus, when you are capable, feign that you are incapable. () 2. When you are able to deploy your forces, feign that you are unable to do so. () 3. When you are near the objective, feign that you are far away. () 4. When you are far away from the objective, feign that you are near. ()

5. When the enemy is greedy for small advantages, offer baits to lure him. () 6. When the enemy is in a state of chaos and disorder, launch an attack and capture him. () 7. When the enemy is strong and effective, be wellprepared and ready to confront him. () 8. When the enemy is far superior and highly ferocious, it is best to avoid him. ()

9. When the enemy is easily angered, seek ways to provoke and irritate him. () 10.When the enemy has a low opinion of you, encourage his arrogance even more. () 11.When the enemy is well rested, use methods to tire him.

12.When the enemy is in harmony and united, use schemes to divide him (and his troops).

ATTACK the Enemy when he is not PREPARED

With thorough and detailed planning, you can win.

With less thorough or detailed planning, you cannot win.

How much more certain is defeat when you does not plan at all!
By observing how planning is done, I can predict victory and defeat.

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