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Exploring Diversity of Matter

by Its Chemical Composition

Chemical Composition
Aluminium Magnesium


Chemical Composition is the chemical components that make up a substance

Element is a chemical substance that cannot be broken down into other substances
Elements that are arranged in the
same vertical coloumn have similar
chemical properties
Elements that are arranged in the same horizontal
row belong to the same period
Hays-Mcdaniel Line

This line separates the metal

elements on the left side and non-
metal elements on the right side
Compounds is a substance that is made up of two or more different elements chemically combined
The Example of Elements in the Compound

Elements in the Compound:
Sodium dan Chlorine
Elements in the Compound:
Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

Elements in the Compound:
Calcium, Carbon and Oxygen
Properties of Compounds
1. The properties of compounds are usually different from the elements it is made up of.
Sodium Chloride Sodium Chlorine

2. The elements that make up a compound are always combined in a fixed proportion by mass.
Sodium Chloride Sodium Chlorine

1 : 1
3. A compound can’t be broken down by physical methods.

Sodium Chloride

Sodium Chlorine
1. What is chemical composition?
2. What is the differences between pure gold and gold jewellery?
3. What is element?
4. Mention the two main categories of elements in the Periodic Table!
5. Mention 3 examples of elements!
6. What is compound?
7. What are the properties of compounds?
8. State whether the products are elements or compound:
H2CO3 = Dihydrogen monoxide + Carbon dioxide
9. Sodium is highly reactive solid and Chlorine is poisonous. These elements can be combined into a
compound. What is the compound and can we consume it?
10. Break down this compound into its elements:
a. NaOH
b. CH2O

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