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“ When You Always Do What You
Have Always Done- You Always
Get What You Have Always
Evaluation Phase
• Evaluation Phase:
- The purpose of the Evaluation phase is to
refine and select the best ideas for further
development into specific value improvement
- This phase is not the last chance to defer
ideas, detailed cost-benefit analysis
conducted in the development phase lead to
the final set of choices presented to the
decision maker.
Evaluation Phase
- Activities of the Evaluation Phase :
1 - Eliminate low potential ideas.
2 - Group similar ideas.
3 - Establish idea champions.
4 – List the advantages and disadvantages of
each idea.
5 – Rank the ideas.
6 – Select ideas for further development.

Evaluation Phase
1 – Eliminate Low Potential Ideas:
-Eliminate ideas that : deemed impractical, do not meet
requirements, beyond the capability of our present
technology, or not feasible.
-A useful approach is to classify ideas onto three
- Yes: Ideas appear to be feasible and have a
relatively high probability of success.
- Maybe: Ideas have potential but appear to need
refinement or work before they can become proposals.

Evaluation Phase
1 – Eliminate Low Potential Ideas:

- Not Now: Ideas have little or no potential at this

- At this point, eliminate only the “not now” ideas.

Evaluation Phase
2 – Group Similar Ideas:
-Group the remaining ideas into several subject
related categories.
-Ideas can be combined and consolidated wherever
-The strong parts of two different ideas can be
developed into a winning ideas.
- Combining two ideas may help to discover new,
innovative alternative.

Evaluation Phase
3 – Establish Idea Champions:

-An idea champion is a study team member who will

serve as a proponent throughout the prioritization
-If an idea has no champion, it should be eliminated
at this point.

Evaluation Phase
4- List the Advantages and Disadvantages of
Each Idea:
-Identify advantages and disadvantages of each
-At minimum include relative, ease of change, cost ,
potential saving, time to implement, degree to
which all requirements are met, and likelihood of
- How to overcome disadvantages. Disadvantages
that cannot be overcome may lead to its rejection.
Evaluation Phase
5- Rank the Ideas:
-Develop a set of evaluation criteria (cost, technical
feasibility, likelihood of approval , time to
implement, and potential benefit).
-Rank the ideas according to the developed criteria.
No idea should be discarded.
-Rank can be done through: people judgment,
evaluation by comparison , or numerical evaluation.
- Finally, a short list of alternatives is developed,
each of which has met the evaluation standards.

Evaluation Phase
6 – Select Ideas for Further Development:
-A cutoff point can be established in case of quantitative
evaluation score.
-If only qualitative evaluation scores are used or quantitative
scores are very close, a more refined ranking scheme may
be used.
-If several alternatives are not decisively different, they
should all be developed further.
-Make sure that ideas with the greatest value potential will be
among those selected.
- It is also useful to select at least one idea from each of the
subject related categories.

Development Phase
• Development Phase:
- The purpose of the development phase is
to determine the best alternative(s) for
presentation to the decision –maker. This
will be through detailed technical analysis
for the remaining alternatives.

Development Phase
- Activities of the Development Phase :
1 – Conduct life cycle cost analysis.
2 – Determine the most beneficial
3 - Development implementation

Development Phase
1 – Life Cycle Cost
-Life cycle cost is the total cost from acquisition of
an item to the final disposal after the life of the item.
-The elements of Life Cycle Cost are:
1- Acquisition cost
2- Operating cost
3- Maintenance cost
4- Repair cost
5- Salvage value

Development Phase
1 – Limitation of the Life Cycle Cost
-Life of the item : Determine the life of an item is
difficult .
- Interest rate: The interest rate may not be the same
every year.
-Annual expenses: Annual operating and
maintenance costs are assumed to occur at the end
of the year.
- Quality/Reliability : Quality and reliability of the
item are not considered.

Development Phase
1 – Limitation of the Life Cycle Cost
-Aesthetic: Different Esteem values of the element
are not considered.
- Safety: Different alternatives may not provide the
same level of safety.

Development Phase
2 – Determine the Most Beneficial Alternatives
-Certain key questions should be answered:
- What are the life cycle savings?
- Do the benefits outweigh the cost?
- What are the major risks?
- How can the risks be mitigated?
- Are there outstanding technical issues?
-More than one alternatives can be recommended
-If they have a significant saving potential.

Development Phase
3 – Develop Implementation plan
-The implementation plan of each alternative include:
- Implementation steps.
- Who is to do?
- Resources requirements.
- The timing requirements.
- The coordination requirements.
- The documents needed.
- The anticipated problems.

‫ماقيمة الناس اال فى مبادئهم‬
‫ال المال يبقى وال االلقاب‬



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