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• granules, storage bodies

• Spores, cysts
• Nutrition in bacteria
Granules and storage bodies
Bacteria lives in competitive environment with short supply of
 Stores extra nutrients in form of
o Glycogen
o Sulphur
o Fat and phosphates
 Cell also contain waste material in form of
o Alchol
o Lactic acid
o Acetic acid
o These are subsequently excreted

 Certain species of bacteria produce spore

 External spores (exospores)
 Internal spores (endospores)
• Metabolically dormant
• Produced at late stage of growth
• Resistant to adverse environmental conditions such as light,
high temperature, desiccation, pH and chemical agents.
• Germinate Under favorable conditions
• Produce vegetative cells
 Dormant
 Thick walled
 Desiccation resistant form
 Develop during differentiation of vegetative cells
 Germinate at suitable condition
 They are not heat resistant
Nutrition in bacteria
Bacteria need energy for
• Growth
• Maintenance
• Reproduction

Type of nutrition
Heterotrophic bacteria
• Can not synthesize their
organic food from simple
inorganic substances.
Autotrophic bacteria
Can synthesize their own
organic food
Heterotrophic bacteria
Saprophytic bacteria Parasitic bacteria
 get their food from dead  Fully dependent on their
organic matter host for their nutrition.
soil is full of dead organic matter in form of humus
soil bacteria have extensive enzyme system to break complex substances of humus.
Bacteria absorb and utilize these substance as source of energy
Autotrophic bacteria
Photosynthetic bacteria Chemosynthetic bacteria
 They oxidize inorganic
 They use light to produce their compounds like
ammonia,nitrates, nitrites,
 They have chlorophyll different sulphur or ferrous iron
from plants 

trap the energy released for
Chlorophyll is dispersed in
their synthetic reactions
 Examples
 Use hydrogen sulphide instead
 Nitrifying bacteria
of water as hydrogen source
 Liberate sulphur intead oxygen
 Examples
• Purple sulphur bacteria
• Green sulphur bacteria
• Purple non-sulphur bacteria
Equation of photosynthesis in
Green non-sulphur
A photosynthetic bacteria
Green sulphur
A photosynthetic bacteria
Purple sulphur
A photosynthetic bacteria
Purple non sulphur
A photosynthetic bacteria
Nitrifying bacteria
A chemosynthetic bacteria
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