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Presented by
Florence Odhiambo
 The aim of the study was to find out sources,
course and effects of pornography among
secondary adolescents’ in Nyeri Municipality
 The survey design was employed to collect data.
21 schools were targeted, 6 schools were
randomly selected, 40 respondents were selected
through the stratified random sampling.
 Data obtained was analyzed quantitatively and
presented by using descriptive statistic
 Adolescence is a period of life between
childhood and adult maturity and they need
adequate information on sexuality.
 Parents give inadequate information on
sexuality because of time spent with the
children. Teachers are expected to give more
information but schools have limitation on what
should be handled.
Aims of the studies

 Sources of pornography for adolescences in

secondary schools in Nyeri Municipality.
 The factors that influence secondary school
students to watch pornography.
 The effects of watching pornography among
secondary school students.
 The differences in the frequencies of watching
pornography between boys and girls.
Access to phonograph
 The youth have access to cheap phonographic
material from the media, literature and visual
gargets on the streets and bookshops. The
traders are not keen on who the sell their wares
 Other sources were from friends and peer.
Effects of pornography
 Pornography has negative effect such as sexual
addiction and deviations, which contribute to
exhibitionism, voyeurism, obscene phone calls,
masturbation and occasional soliciting for
prostitution, child molestation and forced sex.
 There are negative effects of pornography on the
youth such as modeling and imitation of
inappropriate behaviours, unhealthy interference
with normal sexual development, emotional side
effects, stimulation of premature sexual activity and
development of misleading and harmful attitude
towards sex.

 A descriptive survey design was adopted to

collect information using the stratified random
sampling of 6 out of 21 schools that were
targeted. 40 students were selected from each
school form one to four. Questionnaire was
used as the collection tool.
Result and analysis

 There were 240 respondents’

 The results were analyzed using frequencies,

percentages, means and tables
Table 1:
Total respondents
Total Boys % Girls %
240 123 51.3 117 48.8

The study found that exposure to pornography was

high and increased with age.
Table 2
levels of exposure

Frequently Sometime Never Total

29.2% 52.1% 18.8% 100%
Table 3
Various source of pornography
Magazine Videos Mobile Television Internet Friend Family
81.2% 51.7% 47.5% 39.2% 32.5% 17.9% 7.2%

Parental negligence and lack of control were major

reasons for high pornography exposure.
Table 4
Other sources

Parental negligence Curiosity Peer pressure

59.2% 35% 30.8%
Effects on academics
Poor Academic Sexual Craving Poor Fantasizing
performance Concentration about sex
17.5% 27.5% 17.5% 6.7%

Phonograph affects relationships and marriages,

wastes time and resources and can lead to
prostitution and immorality.

Major sources of phonograph were magazines,

videos, and mobiles, television and internet.
 The study was able to show the extend of the
exposure of pornography among the youth a
population representative being Nyeri
Thank You

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