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Lecture on

By: Habtemichael Wude

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Course outline

I. Introduction to Route Surveying

1.1. Definition
1.2. Mode of transportation
1.3. Requirements of Highway alignment
1.4. Stages in route surveying
II. Geometry of Highway Curves
2.1. Horizontal Curve
2.1.1. Simple Circular curve
2.1.2. Reverse Curve
2.1.3. Compound curve
2.1.4. Transition Curve
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• Route Surveying includes all surveying & mapping activities (the

field and office work) required to plan, design, and layout and
any "Long and narrow" transportation facility.
• This transportation facility could be high way, railways, and
pipeline and power transmission lines.
• The "shape" or geometry of any transportation route is called its

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• This includes both its horizontal alignment (i.e. a plan view)

and its vertical alignment (i.e. a profile view).
• The centerline of highway, railroad, or canal consists of series
of straight lines, (tangents) connected by curves for safe and
comfortable ride.

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1.2. Different Modes of Transportation

• There are different modes of transportation:

– High Way
– Rail way
– Water way
– Air way
– Pipe way

• Transportation by road is the only mode, which could give

maximum service to everyone.

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Basic Advantages of road

• Facilitate movement of men & materials from place to

• Promotes growth of trade and other economic activates

• Vital for national defense - both during war & peace time

• Educational & Medical facilities & cultural contacts can be


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Advantage Cont’d
• Help in enforcement of law & order
• Road serve as feeders for railways, air ways & water ways the
passengers and the goods materials have to be first
transported by road before reaching the reaching the rail
road station, air port or port.
• Natural resources are easily tapped & improved. E.g. mining
of minerals.
• Essential for economic prosperity & general development
• Road transport requires a relatively small investment

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1.3. Requirements of Highway alignment

• The basic requirements of an ideal alignment b/n two terminal

station are that it should be:
a) Short b) Easy c) Safe d) Economical
• Short: It is desirable to have short alignment b/n two terminal
stations. A straight alignment would be the shortest path.
• Easy: The alignment should be such that it is easy to construct
and maintain the road with minimum problems.

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Requirement Cont’d

• Safe: The alignment should be safe for construction and

maintenance from the point of view of stability of natural slope,
embankment & cut slope and also foundation drivers &
passengers. /free of accident/.
• Economical: The road alignment could be considerate economical
only if the total cost including initial cost, maintenance cost &
vehicle operation cost is lowest.

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1.4. Stages in Route Surveying

• The survey may be completed in four stages:

– Map Study

– Reconnaissance

– Preliminary Survey

– Final location and detail surveys

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Stages Cont’d
a) Map Study/Desk Study
• If the topographic map of the area is available, it is possible to
suggest the likely routes of the road.
• The main feature like rivers, hills, valleys etc are also shown in
these maps.
• By a careful study of such maps, it is possible to have an idea of
several possible alternatives routes so that further details of
these may be studied later at the site.

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Stages Cont’d

b) Reconnaissance or Site Visit

• After the preliminary office work, a site visit must be made to
the road.
• When potential route corridors have been identified from the
desk study Analysis, then a reconnaissance survey is usually
employed to verify interpretations, to help determine the
preferred corridor, and to identify factors that will influence the
feasibility design concept & cost companions.

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Stages Cont’d

• A team consisting of the following personnel makes a site

inspection visit:
– Highway Engineer
– Geotechnical Engineer (Soils & Materials Engineer)
– Surveying Engineer (Chief Surveyor)
– Hydrologist
– Environmentalist
– Sociologist
– Local administrative Personnel
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Stages Cont’d

• Reconnaissance survey data can either be recorded on to

topographical maps & aerial Photographs.
• During the reconnaissance survey, the following information
should be determined.
– Terrain classification
– Location of topographical constrains, such as cliffs, gorges,
ravines, any other features not identified by the desk
– Slope steepness
– Soil type
– Water sources, material sources & distribution
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Stages Cont’d

• During the site inspection, the team should examine all

• This information can be combined with the results of the desk
study to determine the most appropriate alignment alternative.

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Stages Cont’d
c) Preliminary survey
• The main objectives of the preliminary survey are:
– To survey the various alternatives alignments proposed
after reconnaissance and to collect all the necessary
physical information and details of topography, drainages
– To compare the different proposals in view of the
requirements of a good alignment.
– To estimate quantity of earthwork materials and other
construction aspect and to workout the cost of alternative
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Stages Cont’d

d) Final location and detail survey

• The alignment finalized at the design after the preliminary
survey is to be first located on the field by establishing the
• Survey teams can carry out the survey as follows:
– One team for the location of the control points
– One team to survey the center line & the longitudinal
– One team to survey the cross sections, and
– One team for the land acquisition survey

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Stages Cont’d

• All Physical features adjacent to the line whether natural or

artificial are to be recorded with in a range of 25M either side of
the centerline in open country and in small village (market
centers) & towns.
• A benchmark is to be established every 300-500 meters along the
line close to the right of way, and at all major structures
• Every benchmark is to be checked leveled by a forward run & 9
subsequent backward run forming a closed "Loop"

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Stages Cont’d

• The following standard of accuracy is to be maintained

C k
• Where, C= Maximum permissible error of closure in
• K= distance b/n benchmarks in kilometers.

K (Km) 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0

C (Cm) +0.7 +1.0 +1.4 +2.2 +3.2

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