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What are Themes?
- A group of files (graphics,
style sheets, and code)
- that describes the overall
appearance of your blog or
- control the look, feel
- and sometime functionality
of a WordPress site and are
separated from content.
Themes Files
What to look for:

 Structure (not color or slideshow)

 Compatibility
 Documentation and support
 Multiple template pages(layouts) available
 Responsive, widgets ready, menus, customization(colors, backgrounds, logo, etc.
Modify a Theme
 good knowledge of CSS. HTML. PHP)

 You don’t want to overwrite the original, but you would like to write your own CSS or create new
template pages:

 Create a new folder in Themes directory

 Copy theme into the new folder
 Rename the theme in the style.css file

 Now you can make all the changes you want

 Advantage: Only 1 style.css and functions.php file

Core Themes Files
Index.php — the Blog home page. Many posts in a list, or latest post or
excerpts depending on the code.

Style.css — The heart of the theme

Single.php — Single blog post.
Page.php — Static pages
Different template page files can be made.

Sidebar, Footer & Header — just what they should be

Archive, Comments, Search — don’t generally need to edit
Functions — may need to add code for specific needs
Theme Structure

All of these files connect to the MySQL

That's where the content lives.

Widgets are containers that mostly live in the

sidebar, but can be in the content area, footer or
header too.
New widgets can be created in the functions file.

Style.css controls the look of everything.

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