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 Characteristics of Construction Industry

 Project
 Project Life Cycle and its Phases
 Project Management
 Project Management Objectives
 Project Manager
 Project Life Cycle
What is Construction ?
 Construction is the process of building some facility
 Construction is the process of preparing and forming
buildings and building systems. Construction starts with
planning, design and financing and continues until the
structure is ready for occupancy
What is Construction ?
 Building
 Roads / Highway
 Airport
 Harbor
 Dam
 Tunnel
 Bridge
Distribution of Construction Sector

Construction Industry
 Nature of Construction Industry
 Fragmented
 3 D (Difficult , Dirty, Dangerous)
Scope of Civil Engineering Works
 The main scope of civil engineering or the task of civil engineering
 Planning
 Designing
 Estimating
 Supervising construction
 Managing construction
 Execution
 Maintenance of structures
Characteristics of the Construction
 “Any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the
achievement of the organization's objectives.” R. Edward Freeman
 Multiple Stakeholders
 Owner
 Architect
 Contractor
 Subcontractors
 Materials and equipment suppliers
 Regulatory agencies etc
Key Stakeholders
There are three principal contracting stakeholders / parties
involved in any construction projects

 Client (s)

 Consultant (s)

 Contractor (s) Client Contractor

 According to PMI ( Project Management Institute), Project is

“a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique

product or service.”
 Temporary means that every project has a definite end.
• The end is reached:
• When the project’s objectives have been achieved, or
• When it becomes clear that the project objectives will not or cannot be
met and the project is terminated.
• Temporary does not necessarily mean short in duration:
• Many projects last for several years.
 Unique means that the product or service is different in some
distinguishing way from all similar products or services.
 Major Characteristics of a Project
A Project has …

Established objectives

Specific budget

Defined life span

definite beginning and end
 Major Characteristics of a Project
A Project has …

Owner/ Sponsor Unique Specific time, cost and

 Major Characteristics of a Project
A Project has …

Involves a cross-the-organizational Produces specific deliverables

Phases of Project
 Business Planning
 Conceptual Design
 Detailed Design
 Procurement
 Construction
 Testing, Start-up & Implementation
 Operations & Utilization
 Decommissioning
Project Life Cycle
Project Management
The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project
activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations
from a project
The act of directing and coordinating human and material resources
throughout the life of a project to achieve predetermined objectives of
 Scope
 Quality
 Effort
 Time
Objectives of Project Management
• The objectives of Project Management are
– To foresee or predict as many dangers and problems as possible
– To plan, organize and control activities so that the project is
completed as successfully as possible in spite of all the risks.
– To ensure performance and Quality
– Remain within the allocated budget
– Ensure completion of project within stipulated time frame.
Project Management Triangle
 The Project Management Triangle (called also the Triple
Constraint, Iron Triangle and "Project Triangle") is a
model of the constraints of project management.
Be the change that you wish to
see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

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