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Expansion of the cheetah metapopulation into India

Vincent van der Merwe1,2 & Yadvendradev Jhala3

The Metapopulation Initiative, Cape Town, South Africa.
Institute for Communities and Wildlife in Africa, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, India
Global decline in wild cheetah populations

Extirpated 94% historical

distribution range


First reintroduction attempts
• First 10 cheetah reintroductions 1966 - 1996
• 279 wild cheetahs sourced Namibian farmland
• 9 reintroductions failed

• But important lessons learnt!

Transition to Democracy - Private ownership of wildlife

• South Africa’s transition to democracy

had substantial implications for wild
Cheetah conservation.

• The Game Theft Act (No. 105 of 1991) -

change in land use (Taylor et al. 2020).

• Private ownership of wildlife under

conditions of adequate fencing (Bond
et al. 2004; Child 2009).

• Post-Apartheid tourism boom

Environmental benefits
Social benefits
Economic benefits
Wildlife economy
Establishment of SA metapopulation
• Cheetah reintroduced 65 private & state-owned
game reserves
• Finite growth rate λ 1.088 (SE 0.0033) per annum.
Expansion into Malawi
Expansion into Zambia
Expansion into Mozambique
2011 2023
No. Cheetahs 217 504
No. reserves 41 72
No. countries 1 4
Request for cheetahs from India
• Controversial:

 Many consider African Cheetah exotic subspecies

 Village removals from protected areas in India

 ‘Vanity’ exercise

Asiatic West Africa Southern Africa Northeast African

Acinonyx jubatus venaticus Acinonyx jubatus hecki Acinonyx jubatus jubatus Acinonyx jubatus soemmeringii
Why India wants to reintroduce cheetahs

• Historically occurring species in India

• Occupied ecological niche now vacant

• Cursorial predator - natural selection

• Charismatic species - potential flagship role for restoration grasslands

• UN General Assembly ‘Decade of ecosystem restoration/rewilding’

• Indian protected areas - opportunity for range expansion

• Reintroductions - uplifting/sense of progress/step forward

Why from South Africa
Why from South Africa
Why from South Africa
Delivery 15th August 2022
Approvals from SA government
• 9-month quarantine
• Loss fitness, condition & breeding potential
• Chronic stress (Munson et al. 2005)
17th February 2023
Eastern religions:
custodianship of
Abrahamic religions:

Human dominion over nature

Cheetah reintroduction extremely complex! Many variable at play.

Mortality 1:
 Namibian captive female
 Chronic kidney failure
Cub mortalities 2, 3 & 4:
 Cubs born in boma to captive Namibian female
 Heat stroke
Mortality 5:
 South African adult male
 Suspected hypokalaemia & resulting acute heart failure
Mortality 5b:
 Prof Jhala
Mortality 6:
 South African adult female
Mortalities 7 & 8:
 Septicaemia
 ‘Winter coat’ problem
• Combination moisture on thicker coats & high parasite loads - localised skin infections (dermatitis)
• Followed by fly strike (myiasis) - integrity of skin compromised
• Infection spreads – blood poisoning from bacterial infection (Septicemia)
The way forward
• Revised media strategy - prevent loss of political will
• Establish more reserves - all eggs in one basket
• Further supplementation
 Alternatives are euthanasia & contraception.
• Some reintroduction sites must be fenced - safety net
• Inevitable growing pains associated with wild cheetah reintroduction
• Tougher times ahead - more mortality/first births 2024
• First cheetah born India that will survive to independence - 2025
• Will politicians have the will to persevere?
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to
continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to
continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

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