1-Branches of Statistics, Types of Variables

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MATH - 361



No of Quizzes : 09
No of Assignments : 06
No of OHTs : 03
Text Book : Probability and Statistics by Walpole
No. of Slides: 18

MATH – 361
Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Desired Learning Objectives

Students will be able to

 Understand some elementary statistical techniques

 Apply these techniques in the fields of engineering

particularly while conducting technical investigations

 Apply the principles and methods of designing the

experiments and statistically analyzing the results of
such experiments

MATH – 361
Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Desired Learning Objectives

Students will be able to

 Study the advanced subjects requiring knowledge of

probability like quality control and communication

MATH – 361
Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Text Book:
Probability and Statistics by Walpole

Reference Books
 Basic statistical methods for scientists and Engineers by
Adams & Nevile
 Introduction to Theory of Statistics by Uspensky
 Probability and its engineering uses by T C. Fry
 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics by P.G. Hoel

MATH – 361
Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Lecture No. 01
 Introduction to Statistics
 Importance
 Definition and collection of data

Probability and Statistics

Statistics is a discipline that includes techniques or group
of methods used to collect, analyze, present and interpret
data to make decisions
That science which enables us to draw conclusions about
various phenomena on the basis of real data collected on


Branches of Statistics
Descriptive Statistics consists of methods for organizing,
displaying, and describing data by using tables, graphs,
and summary measures so as to yield meaningful

Inferential Statistics consists of methods that use sample

results to help make decisions or predictions about a
population. Its applying probability theory on descriptive
statistics and drawing conclusions
Branches of Statistics

A cricket player wants to find his score average for the last
20 games (Descriptive). A cricket player wants to estimate
his chance of scoring based on his current season average


Population vs Sample
1. Population consists of all elements – individuals, items,
or objects – whose characteristics are being studied. The
population that is being studied is also called the
target population

2. Sample portion of the population selected for study

Population and Sample

Population vs Sample

(N) (n)


1. Variable characteristic of the individuals of a population

or of a sample which varies from individual to individual
i.e. height, age, weight etc

2. Data observations are the recorded values of a

characteristic of every individual of a population or of a

3. Data Set collection of observations on one or more


Variable and its Types

Types of Variables
1. Quantitative Variables
(a) Discrete Variables
(b) Continuous Variables

2. Qualitative or Categorical Variables

Variables and its Types

Types of Variables
Quantitative Variable when a characteristic can be
expressed numerically such as age, weight, income or
number of children. The data collected on a quantitative
variable is called quantitative data

Variables and its Types

Types of Quantitative Variable

Discrete Variable A variable whose values are
countable is called a discrete variable. In other words, a
discrete variable can assume only certain values with no
intermediate values. i. e. A concrete no (no of chairs in

 Continuous Variable A variable that can assume any

numerical value over a certain interval or intervals is
called a. i.e.in fraction form (height of students)

Variable and its Types

Types of Variables
Qualitative Variable If the characteristic is non-
numerical such as education, eye-colour, quality,
intelligence, poverty, satisfaction, etc. the variable is
referred to as a qualitative variable. A qualitative
characteristic is also called an attribute

Variable and its Types


Quantitative Qualitative or
categorical (e.g.,
make of a computer,
hair color, gender)
Discrete (e.g., Continuous
number of (e.g., length,
houses, cars, age, height,
accidents) weight, time)

Importance of Statistics
in Various Fields
 As stated earlier, Statistics is a discipline that has
application in the most diverse fields of activity. It is
perhaps a subject that should be used by everybody.
Statistical techniques being powerful tools for analyzing
numerical data, are used in almost every branch of

A modern administrator whether in public or private

sector leans on statistical data to provide a factual basis for
Importance of Statistics
in Various Fields cont’d

 A businessman, an industrialist and a research worker all

employ statistical methods in their work. Banks, Insurance
companies and Governments all have their statistics

 A social scientist uses statistical methods in various

areas of socio-economic field. It is sometimes said that “a
social scientist without an adequate understanding of
statistics, is often like the blind man groping in a dark room
for a black cat that is not there”

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