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Rating performances

Vocab & Speaking

by Joanne
by the end of this class, you’ll be able to
• use different adjectives to rate performances of a
comedian or a comedy.

annoying distasteful
childish comical hilarious

pointless predictable tedious


thought-provoking witty
Gr ouping

annoying distasteful irritating

comical hilarious

predictable pointless tedious

childish ridiculous

thought-provoking witty
adj. /kɒmɪkl/
( old-fashioned ) funny or amusing because of being strange or unusual

The funny cartoon characters on TV were so comical that I couldn't stop

The comical puppet show at the fair was full of laughs and joy for the
offensive, unpleasant, or causing a feeling of disgust.

Making fun of others can be hurtful and is considered distasteful.

making sb feel slightly angry

This interruption is very annoying.

Her most annoying habit was eating with her mouth open.
/ ɪrɪteɪtɪŋ/
causing annoyance or provoking displeasure.

The constant tapping of the pen on the table became increasingly

irritating during the meeting.
The constant noise from construction outside can be irritating.
/ wɪti/
showing quick and inventive verbal humor; clever and amusing.
She always has a witty response to every question or comment.
extremely funny

a hilarious joke/story
Lynn found the whole situation hilarious.
Do you know Pete? He's hilarious.
connected with or typical of a child

She's just being childish and immature.

having no purpose; not worth doing

Without an audience the performance is pointless.

if sth is predictable , you know in advance that it will happen or what it
will be like

The ending of the book was entirely predictable.

In March and April, the weather is much less predictable
very silly or unreasonable

I look ridiculous in this hat.

Don't be ridiculous! You can't pay £ 50 for a T-shirt!
lasting or taking too long and not interesting

The journey soon became tedious.

We had to listen to the tedious details of his operation.
/ˈθɔːt prəvəʊkɪŋ/
making people think seriously about a particular subject or issue

This is an entertaining yet thought-provoking film.

Father's words are so thought-provoking that they still ring in my head.
1. “Annoying” is it best described as: 7. In what context would an activity or task be considered "pointless"?
A. Making you think a lot B. Causing bother or displeasure A. Lacking purpose or significance B. Able to be predicted or expected;
following a pattern
8. How would you describe a story or situation that is "predictable"?
2. What does "childish" mean?
A. Extremely funny, causing loud laughter B. Able to be expected; following a
A. Acting like a child; not grownup B. Making people laugh a lot pattern

3.If something is "comical" what does it mean? 9. When is it appropriate to use the term "ridiculous"?
A. Causing bother or displeasure B. Making you laugh; funny in an odd A. Deserving mockery; absurd B. Tiresome due to length; boring and
way monotonous

4. When a joke or comment is "distasteful" what does it mean? 10. Which definition best fits the term "tedious" when describing a task?
A. Acting like a child; not grownup B. Offensive, unpleasant, or causing A. Extremely funny, causing loud laughter B. Tiresome due to repetition;
disgust boring and dull

5.Which definition best fits the term "tedious" when describing a task? 11.What kind of content or material can be labeled as "thought-provoking"?
A. Extremely funny, causing loud laughter B. Tiresome due to repetition; A. Causing deep thought B. Causing loud laughter; extremely funny
boring and dull
6. Irritating:What does "irritating" imply when describing a sound or
behavior? 12. How would you describe someone who is "witty"?
A. Making you laugh a lot B. Causing annoyance or displeasure A. Making clever and amusing remarks B. Causing loud laughter; extremely
1. “Annoying” is it best described as: 7. In what context would an activity or task be considered "pointless"?
A. Making you think a lot B. Causing bother or displeasure A. Lacking purpose or significance B. Able to be predicted or expected;
following a pattern
8. How would you describe a story or situation that is "predictable"?
2. What does "childish" mean?
A. Extremely funny, causing loud laughter B. Able to be expected; following a
A. Acting like a child; not grownup B. Making people laugh a lot pattern

3.If something is "comical" what does it mean? 9. When is it appropriate to use the term "ridiculous"?
A. Causing bother or displeasure B. Making you laugh; funny in an odd A. Deserving mockery; absurd B. Tiresome due to length; boring and
way monotonous

4. When a joke or comment is "distasteful" what does it mean? 10. Which definition best fits the term "tedious" when describing a task?
A. Acting like a child; not grownup B. Offensive, unpleasant, or causing A. Extremely funny, causing loud laughter B. Tiresome due to repetition;
disgust boring and dull

5.Which definition best fits the term "tedious" when describing a task? 11.What kind of content or material can be labeled as "thought-provoking"?
A. Extremely funny, causing loud laughter B. Tiresome due to repetition; A. Causing deep thought B. Causing loud laughter; extremely funny
boring and dull
6. Irritating:What does "irritating" imply when describing a sound or
behavior? 12. How would you describe someone who is "witty"?
A. Making you laugh a lot B. Causing annoyance or displeasure A. Making clever and amusing remarks B. Causing loud laughter; extremely
Think about a comedian, comedy actor or comedy series.(like or dislike).
Prepare to tell your partner about him/her or the show.
I really enjoyed this comedian I recently saw. They were so comical,
making everyone burst into laughter throughout the show. The jokes
were absolutely hilarious, and the way they mixed humor with thought-
provoking insights was impressive.
Additionally, their witty jokes kept the atmosphere light and
entertaining. Overall, it was a fantastic and funny show that had
everyone laughing a lot.
I recently watched a comedy performance that left much to be desired. To
be honest, the entire experience was quite annoying. The humor seemed
excessively childish, with jokes that were more suited for kids. What
made it worse was the distasteful content; some of the jokes were in poor
taste and crossed the line of what I consider acceptable humor.
The performance was also incredibly irritating because of its pointless
nature. It felt like the comedian was trying too hard to be funny without
any meaningful content. The jokes were predictable, making the entire
routine feel ridiculous and tedious. I found myself rolling my eyes at the
lack of originality and the repetitiveness of the humor.
Overall, it’s an unpleasant experience for me.
Tell your partner about it.
Partner can comment on it too.

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