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What Are Punctuation Mark And Why They

Are Important?
• Punctuation marks are symbols that are used to structure
and organize writing to help emphasize a certain tone of
voice or meaning.

• Without punctuation marks, it would be difficult to

understand what one person is trying to say. The meaning
would be misinterpreted.
Punctuation Marks Include

• Apostrophes • Dashes and Hyphens

• Colon and semi colons • Parentheses and
• Commas brackets
• Exclamation points • Question marks

Let’s examine these one by one


Apostrophes are used mainly to show

possession, whether singular or plural, and to
fill in omitted letters in contractions.
Special Rules When Using Apostrophes To
Show Possession
• Add ’s to the singular form of the word ( even if it
ends in-s)
-Ex: James’s hat

• Add ’s to the plural forms that do not end in-s

-Ex: the mice’s tails

• Add ’ to the end of plural nouns that end in –s

-Ex: her parents’ house

• Add ’s to the last noun to show joint possession of

an object
-Ex: Ben and Jerry’s ice cream parlor

Colons are used to mark a major division in a

sentence, to indicate that what follows is an
elaboration, summation, implication, etc., of
what precedes.
When should you use a colon ?
• Use a colon to signal the reader that a series of
words, phrases, or clauses follows a complete
• Use a colon to signal the reader that a second
complete sentence explains a closely related
preceding sentence.
• Use a colon to signal the reader that a name or
description follows a complete sentence when
you want to put a lot of emphasis on that item
• Use a colon to introduce a long quotation after a
complete sentence.
Examples of Colons

“There are three choices in this: be good,

get good, or give up.”

“The four most beautiful words in our

common language: I told you so.”

Semicolons help you connect closely

related ideas when a mark stronger than
a comma is needed.
When should you use a semi colon ?

• A semicolons is most commonly used to link (in a single

sentence) two independent clauses that are closely
related in thought.
• Use a semicolon between two independent clauses that
are connected by conjunctive adverbs or transitional
• Use a semicolon between independent clauses joined by
a coordinating conjunction if the clauses are already
punctuated with commas or if the clauses are lengthy.
• Use a semicolon between items in a list or series if any
of the items contain commas.
Examples of Semicolons

“Happiness isn’t something you experience; it’s something

you remember.”
(Oscar Levant)
“With educated people, I suppose, punctuation is a matter of
rule; with me it is a matter of feeling. But I must say I have a
great respect for the semi-colon; it’s a useful little chap.”
(Abraham Lincoln)

Comma are used to insert a pause into a

sentence. The purpose of the pause can be for
different reason, such as to separate ideas,
phrases, or even alter the structure of a
Using the Comma
• Use the comma before a coordinate (and, yet, or, for,
so)that link two main clauses.
-Ex: He went to the library, and then he went out for lunch.

• Use a comma to separate items in a series.

-Ex: Clothing, book, pen, calculator, and paper were piled on the table.

• Comma are used for a direct address, such as:

-Ex: Joe, it was nice to see you again.
There are two types of dashes that vary in size
and use.
En dash: Typically shorter in length, the en dash
is used to denote a range, such as between
numbers or dates.
Em dash: this dash is longer, and is sometimes
used instead of other punctuation marks, like
commas, colons, or parentheses.
Using the dash

Example of en dash:
• The company was operational from 1990-2000.
• He took the Chicago-New York train last night.

Example of em dash:
• Her answer was clear — Yes!
• “Wait! I forgot to tell you—” The door slammed shut between us and I
missed whatever she was trying to say.

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