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Qualitive characteristic of financial statement

The qualitative characteristics of financial statements are

important to ensure that users can rely on the financial
information provided to make sound economic decisions. The
three main qualitative characteristics are relevance,
comparability, understandability, and timeliness.
Relevance comparability

Comparability ensures that

Relevance refers to the ability financial information presented
of financial information to in financial statements can be
have an impact on the choices compared across different
made by users acting as periods and between different
capital providers. Financial companies. Financial statements
information is considered should be presented in a
relevant when it is both consistent manner to enable
confirming and predictive in users to make meaningful
nature. comparisons and evaluations.
understandability Timeliness

Timeliness is a qualitative
understandability refers to characteristic that ensures that
the ability of financial financial information is made
information to be easily available to users in a timely
comprehended by users who manner. Being timely implies
have reasonable knowledge that users should receive the
of business and economic financial data as soon as
activities. feasible following the
conclusion of the reporting

A wide range of users, including external stakeholders such as

investors, creditors, suppliers, customers, regulatory authorities,
and internal stakeholders such as top-level executives and
departmental managers, require financial information to assess
an organization's financial performance, profitability, and
potential for future growth and success. These users can be
broadly classified into two categories: internal users
and external users.
Internal users External user

External users are people or

organizations who are not
Internal users are people or affiliated with the organization but
groups who are actively who rely on a company's financial
involved in the management statements when making
and functioning of an decisions. Investors, creditors,
organization, such as regulatory agencies, clients,
employees, managers, suppliers, and other stakeholders
executives, directors, and are a few examples of these
shareholders. consumers.

A wide range of users, including external stakeholders such as

investors, creditors, suppliers, customers, regulatory authorities,
and internal stakeholders such as top-level executives and
departmental managers, require financial information to assess
an organization's financial performance, profitability, and
potential for future growth and success. These users can be
broadly classified into two categories: internal users
and external users.

balance sheet:
reports a company's cash flow statement:
Income statement: assets, liabilities, and reports cash sources
which are the pillars of equity at a specific and uses from
financial reporting and point in time, operating, investing,
provide valuable allowing investors, and financing
information for creditors, and other activities, enabling
stakeholders to assess a consumers to assess a investors, creditors,
company's financial status company's financial and other stakeholders
and performance. health by to evaluate how well a
understanding its firm generates and
solvency, leverage, manages cash flow.
and liquidity.
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