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5: How did External Events before WWII affect Singapore?

Industrial Revolution Suez Canal World War I Great Depression

5: How did External Events before WWII affect Singapore?

Industrial Revolution

Britain (1750-1830) Gradual shift from rural and agricultural based production to modern, town-based, factory manufacturing
Why the shift?

Not contained in Britain

Industrial Revolution

What happened?
New machines invented
e.g. spinning machine to make cloth (instead of by hand)

New power source to drive the machines invented

e.g. steam engine

As a result
Because of new machines invented
People started to find work in factories (instead of agricultural work) Mass migration from countryside to city More raw materials needed from Asia

Because of new power source invented

Traveling made more convenient

Impact on Singapore
Increase in trade 1880s: Main port-of-call in the region
Main link between East and West to collect and distribute goods

Communication improved

5: How did External Events before WWII affect Singapore?

Suez Canal

The Trading Route

Londo n

Straits of Melaka

Singapor e

Suez Canal Today

Fun Facts
Who built it:
Ferdinand de Lesseps

When was it built:


Who paid for it:

France, Ottoman Empire, Egypt

How much did it cost:

Twice as much as originally intended

Why was the Suez Canal built?

Dangers of existing trade route Traders were demanding a safer and shorter route to the East as a result of the Industrial Revolution

As a result
The Mediterranean Sea was linked with the Red Sea Reduced traveling time between East and West Became one of the most popular and busiest waterways in the world!

Impact on Singapore
More affordable trading Increase in trade Over crowding of the Old Harbour

The New Harbour

The New Harbour

Between Singapore Island, Pulau Brani and Pulau Blakang Mati (Sentosa) Ideal conditions for ships to dock Singapore Harbour Board (1912) Became one of the fastest and busiest ports in Asia

5: How did External Events before WWII affect Singapore?

World War I

How did War break out? Where was the War fought? Who fought in the War? Casualties of the War

Impact on Singapore (Domestically)

Rush to buy food Food supply falls

People worried

Food prices increase

Government stepped in to control import and exports

Impact on Singapore (The Emden)

Arrived in Sept 1914 Threatened Singapores trade and shipping Destroyed in Nov 1914 (by Australian warship, the Sydney)

Impact on Singapore (The Sepoy Mutiny)

Miscommunication between British orders and Sepoy Regiment Europeans were the main target Casualties Valuable lessons learnt

Execution of Sepoy Mutineers

Memorial Tablet

5: How did External Events before WWII affect Singapore?

The Great Depression

Where did it take place?

Crash of the New York Stock Exchange

People came out of the war (early 1920s) buying company shares on credit to make quick money. However, people didnt have the money to buy the goods made by the company. By 1929, companies could not sell off their goods and were losing money. People started to sell off their shares rapidly. As people sold their shares, share prices fell eventually leading to the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange

As a result
9,000 banks went out of business 9 million savings accounts wiped out 86,000 businesses failed 60% fall in wages 25% unemployment rate (15 million jobless)

Food Kitchens

The Unemployed

Impact on Singapore
Negatively affected trade Unemployment and hardship Government reaction
Quota imposed on number of immigrants allowed into Singapore Unemployed Indians and Chinese were deported back to home countries

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